(Multi-system) BizHawk v1.5.2 - 模擬器

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2013-10-21T20:46

Table of Contents


BizHawk is a A multi-system emulator written in C#. BizHawk provides
nice features for casual gamers such as full screen, and joypad
support in addition to full rerecording and debugging tools for all
system cores.


BizHawk Supported Systems:

- Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
- Sega Master System
- SG-1000
- Game Gear
- PC-Engine (TurboGrafx-16) / CD-ROM
- SuperGrafx
- TI-83 Calculator

BizHawk Experimental:

- Sega Genesis (low compatibility list)
- Gameboy (Debugger only)

BizHawk v1.5.2 Changelog:

Rewrite of Cheats, Ram Watch and Ram search
adds support for float, and fixed point types
more performance and less ram consumption
multi-byte cheat support


Import fix from gambatte: lfsr reg init value --


Add ability to set initial register states from movies
Currently supported by mapper 228 (Action52)
Support more FDS bios files


New memory domains


Added the ability to load programs into a TI-83 calculator. Also
reworked the TI-83 link interface to more accurately represent hardware
Added support for TI83 group files


Movies -fix multitrack recording
N64 Virtual Pad – add reset and power buttons
refactor to not repaint more than necessary (helps idling cpu power,
and performance)
fix turbo hotkey behavior
add a "Close and Clear SRAM" context menu option that is visible when
the game has an existing sram file
tighten up RomGame file loading and in particular for n64 to avoid some
buffer copies and re-dearchiving operations
Path Config – fix folder browse behavior
Default controls – XBox defaults – nintendo A = xbox B, and vice versa
Fix saveram to have the .SaveRAM extension
solve an apparent threading datastructure conflict bug in input binding
vs input poll thread, fixes non-working gamepads on some computers
fix pthe --dump-close commandline option

Hex Editor

fix increment/decrement logic with frozen addresses.
support increment/decrement on all highlighted addresses at once
support poking of multiple addresses


New functions
memory.readfloat(), mainmemory.readfloat()
memory.writefloat(), mainmemory.writefloat()






All Comments

win7 PS7gui MFU application無法運作

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2013-10-21T15:07
我已經研究一整天 如何使用PS模擬器 下載了好多版本 只為了玩一玩 夢幻模擬戰1 ~ 2 我目前使用的模擬器是 PSXeven0.19cn 在對面夢幻模擬戰的論壇下載的 裡面有有附1 2合集漢化版 想說終於可以了解劇情了 我都有買正版 包含SS版 跟電腦版 只是人在國外 只能用電腦玩 剛好看到 有此資訊 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-10-21T08:09
※ [本文轉錄自 Old-Games 看板 #1IMeHfh3 ] 作者: vincentpp (文森) 看板: Old-Games 標題: [供檔] 水滸傳:天命之誓 andamp; 天導108星 (CD) 時間: Sun Oct 13 19:30:46 2013 成功的將 Win95 安裝在 Qemu ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-10-20T23:18
疑似是1980年代後期看到的 那時還是小鬼的我在鬧區常看到這種街機 捲動方式近似第一人稱朝向螢幕內移動(當時極罕見) 有個背對玩家的主角在畫面裡 這個疑似穿紅衣的主角會飛來飛去 手上好像拿了個火砲 主要的Boss是一隻火龍 身體是一球一球的火構成的(現在想起來真驢) 總之當時這種機台超多的 應該很受歡迎 有 ...

(PC) 失落的古文明 (Konami)

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-10-20T22:30
中文名稱:汪達爾之心 - 失落的古文明 日文名稱:ヴァンダルハーツ ~失われた古代文明~ 英文名稱:Vandal Hearts 製作發行:Konami 遊戲類型:策略 / 戰棋 / 回合 發行時間:1996(PS) / 1997(SS) /1998(PC) Konami 難得有移植 PC 的遊戲,而且台灣有 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2013-10-20T21:50
本篇有人氣極高的「女帝珍珠」登場。 レディパール/Lady Pearl非常難翻得好聽,想了很久還是用這個詞吧,唉。 因為「Lady」原本就是「對女性敬稱/貴婦女性稱呼」之類的含意, 從女神、夫人、小姐、貴婦、女孩啥的稱呼都有,乾脆自暴自棄用「雷帝」算了XDD ═════════════════════════ ...