(Multi Arcade) Mame4All v2.5 - 模擬器

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-03-20T10:50

Table of Contents


- Added volume control to the frontend. Also the default volume is
lowered down.
- Fixed memory bug with games containing multiple FM sound systems.
This stops some games crashing on exit.
- New option to enable DRZ80 only for the sound CPUs. Improves the
compatibility of DRZ80. It is automatically enabled to gain speed
in several games (e.g. several Capcom, Sega and Midway games).
- Several other fixes taken from Slaanesh code (GP32 and Dingoo ports).
- Added new skins from GP32 and Dingoo ports (by Antiriad and Slaanesh).
- Added script to use 64 MB of additional virtual memory (swap file
on the SD card). It will reduce the life of the SD card. Use at
your own risk!.
- GP2X: Upper memory is used as primary memory for all memory
allocations to avoid lock-ups due to memory management bugs. Not
used for the Neo·Geo executable (to be able to run the heaviest games).
- WIZ: Added support for hardware timer. Not enabled yet (it seems
to slow down the emulator a bit).
- Source code clean-up to avoid port definitions in the common part.
Also improved makefiles are created.
- Preliminary integration of the ARMNEC core (created by Oopsware).
Some games start to run but nothing playable yet. Disabled for now.

下載;for WIZ

for GP32


谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 田 中 將 林 昌 勇


All Comments

(PSP) PSP: JPCSP v0.5 (rev1413)

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-03-20T10:36
2010.03.19 - r1413 Fix in sceAtracSetDataAndGetID: bufferSize is not an address. - r1412 Added GEtest application for testing some GE function ...

Mupen64Plus 20100319

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2010-03-19T22:58
http://www.emucr.com/2010/03/mupen64plus-20100319.html Mupen64Plus 20100319 is released. Mupen64Plus is a N64 emulator and plugins for Linux, Mac OSX, and ...

GoodChaF 3.1415

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-03-19T14:58
http://xfs.jp/HcgM9 Cowering updated his rom renaming tool for Fairchild/Luxor/Zircon/SABA Channel F. Changes: - Lots of new PD added. - ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-03-19T10:52
http://ideasemu.biz/ Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance emulator has been updated recently. Changes: - Fixed bugs in HALTCNT register and biosand#39;s routin ...

最近破的AC GAME--一.二.功夫

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-03-19T00:04
說到AC版的功夫 讓我想到另一個也很像的遊戲 但不是對打的 少林踢館 對岸好像翻譯叫少林之道 (在mame裡面的中文名字是後面那個) http://boneash.oldgame.tw/MAME/mame-1-75.html 借用一下骨灰的資料 有不妥請來信告知 第一次玩的時候覺得怎麼主角長的和功夫的主角 ...