(MSX for XBox) BlueMSXBox v5 - 模擬器

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-08-12T11:50

Table of Contents


BlueMSXBox v5 is released. BlueMSXBox is a BlueMSX Emulator port for
XBox. The BlueMSX MSX emulator is approaching its third anniversary
and in this short time it has established itself as the most advanced
and feature rich MSX emulator. It supports most common machines and a
wide variety of extension hardware. A feature rich debugger is also
included in the emulator.During the last two years, the MSX emulation
has been extended and support for other systems have been added. blueMSX
is now also an SVI emulator, and supports the ColecoVision and Sega
SG-1000, SC-3000, SF-7000 consoles.


What's New:

Check the Latest-Bluemsx.txt file for the latest update info. From now
on it will have the latest info and this file will contain the
changelog/older update information.

New SAMBA code from XBMC

* Old SAMBA code replaced with code from XBMC. You should now have more
luck connecting to your SAMBA shares (including a NAS). Especially
shares with passwords which NEVER worked under the old code.

* Renamed "Enter Samba Share Name" to "Enter Root Samba Share Name" since
it acts more as a shortcut now that you can "Browse" SMB shares.

* "Samba Server Name" doesn't really serve any purpose at the moment but
I left it in there just in case.

+ SMB shares can now be browsed. As a result how you use Samba shares
has changed slightly... Try these steps..

1) Clear out your "Samba Share Name"
2) Use either the ROM browser or the "Change default directories" to
browse to your share (Press "Y" until you see the drive list and
select "SMB:\\").
3) If it doesn't work, try it again a couple times. For some silly reason
sometimes it times out.
4) If the emu thinks your share needs a password a window will pop-up
asking you if you want to enter in a username and password. Enter
it as "username:password".
5) As a result of this change you can set all your definable directories
to any share with any password.
6) If for some reason browsing doesn't work try entering your Samba
server name in the "Enter Root Samba Share Name" under
"Network/Netplay Options" format is "smb://servername_or_ip/sharename"
or "smb://username:password@servername_or_ip/sharename" if the share
is password protected. Browsing once within a share is much more
7) If you enter anything into the "Root Samba Share Name" then you are
stuck with that and cant use other servers unless they are on Relax.
8) If steps 1-5 don't work for you but step 6 works you might wanna
consider deleting your emu_name.ini file in the SAVES directory.
I was told by one user that this cleared up his problem.

+ Some suggestions if you decide to "stream" stuff over the network.

1) Try splitting the workload. Setup a Relax and Samba share (or even
seperate servers) and divy up the workload. They both have seperate
cache's so it's more efficient.
2) Roms, Screenshots, Box/Cart art, Manuals, Commercials, and the like
are great candidates for streaming.
3) If you do stream Screenshots and Box/Cart art set the timers a little
higher and not the same. For example 5 seconds on screenshots, 10 on
Box/Cart art. Or just set them to 0 (manual advance).
4) Streaming movies really depends on how good of a network you have For
example streaming movies over a wireless network aint gonna be so hot.
To me relax seems faster but that may have changed with the new SMB
code. You might also wanna consider bumping up the movie delay a
couple seconds.

An example of how I have mine set up. Screenshots and Box/Cart art on
the xbox 5/10 sec delay respectivaly (or 0). GameFaqs, VGMaps, etc on
xbox. Movies on Relax share to computer connected to my Xbox (1-2 sec
delay). ROMs on a Samba share to my NAS, as well as all of the
commercials and manuals.

The possibilities are endless. Experimentation is worthwhile. Or you
could just slap a super big hard drive in your Xbox and forget all
this silliness. :P





All Comments

(SNES) bsnes v081

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2011-08-12T11:43
2011.08.12 This release polishes up the GUI, adds some more features, and fixes a few minor issues. Changelog: - rewrote S-DD1 modul ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-08-12T11:21
※ 引述《MaiLu (MyLu)》之銘言: : 5.小弟最後推薦一個我覺得最佳替代方案,就是買一台wii, : 然後想辦法讓wii能執行SFC模擬器(詳情請洽隔壁modchip版XD) : 接著,弄一台畫質好的21吋傳統平面電視 : (因為再大的電視可能解析度就過高了,遊戲畫面顆粒會變粗) : ...

ゲームセンターCX 有野の挑戦 第15季 第9回

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-08-12T11:02
http://ginfo377.blog26.fc2.com/blog-entry-433.html http://video.fc2.com/content/20110812zsWmMTVf/ 第9回 - #125 クイズで育てろ!「子育てクイズ マイエンジェル」(2011年8月11日) 有野の挑戦…『 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-08-12T06:12
小弟對SFC也情有獨鍾,很懷念十幾年前磁碟機百家爭鳴的時代.. 所以約一年前想辦法去弄了幾台磁碟機來用 當時我測試的結果如下 (因為磁碟機與檔案格式種類繁多,我也記不清楚XD,所以就簡單敘述,請見諒): 1.如果這台磁碟機不能用,可能是裡面的軟碟損壞, 去電腦商場買一台來換即可,但如果是機板損壞,可 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-08-12T02:43
雖然說用電腦模擬器很方便 不過用主機玩的好處是可以用大電視 不過現在麻煩是1.44的磁碟機很多擺久了會自動故障 磁片更難保存得重新買 更不用說面對多家各廠商的獨特格式 要分割轉檔了 所以想問問還有人現在還是用磁碟機打嗎? 另外好像有印象 有人改造磁碟機直接讀電腦檔案 還是讀隨身碟忘記了 有人知道嗎? ...