MSX.emu for Android v1.4.1 - 模擬器

John avatar
By John
at 2011-08-11T22:54

Table of Contents

Play all your favorite MSX games
Advanced MSX emulator based on BlueMSX with support for the original hardware
up to the TurboR. Future updates will also add support for ColecoVision and
Sega SG-1000. Please verify your games/programs run on the PC version before
purchasing, and feel free to email me with any questions. The majority of
BlueMSX features required to run most games are already supported with even
more coming soon (tape support, improved on-screen keyboard, etc).
Note: Various MSX system files are required to use this app, see the website
for setup instructions.
Features include:
* Supports ROM (.rom, .mx1, .mx2) and Disk (.dsk) programs, optionally in zip
* SCC and FM sound support
* Internal SRAM and save state support, auto-save and ten manual slots for
save states.
* Configurable on-screen multi-touch controls & keyboard support (needs
Android 2.1+ for multi-touch)
* Multiplayer-capable Wiimote + Classic Controller and iControlPad support
(works with 2-player games like Salamander)
* Portrait/Landscape auto-orientation support
No ROMs are included with this app and must be supplied by the user. Transfer
games anywhere to your SD card and browse to them from within the app
(default SD card directory is /mnt/sdcard). Enable the Direct Texture option
if supported by your device to increase performance.
Visit the homepage at for more info, ports for other
platforms, and my other apps. Please report any crashes or device-specific
problems via email (include your device name and OS version) so future
updates continue to run on as many devices as possible.


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By Rae
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By Agnes
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at 2011-08-11T10:01
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By Eden
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Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-08-10T13:10
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