Model 2 emulator 0.7 - 模擬器

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-06-04T09:02

Table of Contents

More accurate emulation of some TGP by using the data tables from the
mainboard. You'll need these table roms in or inside the game zip.
Thanks to Peabo for the donation of a Daytona board that helped to understand
how they worked. This has fixed most of the bugs in daytona usa (reverse and
most invisble wall hits) and sega rally (automatic transmission).
Improved color table decoding that gives more bright colors for some games.
Improved SCSP timing. It should be more accurate and musics should not sound
out of sync anymore. As a bonus feature I've left in a debug sound player that
allows you to load a SSF (Saturn Sound Format) file for playing. To use it,
load a game using SCSP (model 2a,b or c) and enter test mode (so it doesn't
send sound commands) then press LeftControl+F5 and choose the ssf file to play.
Improved clipping. By moving to vertex/pixel shaders I've got rid of all the
clipping issues that happened with ATI video cards and recent NVIDIA ones.
Remember to remove set SoftwareVertexProcessing to 0. You'll need
a pixel shader 1.1 and vertex shader 1.1 capable card. It's the lowest shader
version so any video should work. As a side effect of this change, there is
only a geometrizer now, so the Geometrizer opion in the ini file is not used.
Fixed problems with textures ending in the lowest line of the texture sheet
not being uploaded to direct3d (sega rally black background in 2nd stage and
topskater missing floors).
Added Wave Runner (Model 2C)
Added support for direct3d automimpap generation (see emulator.ini AutoMip
Added network emulation (see NETWORK section below)


All Comments


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-06-03T19:49
最近去下載了PCX2 為了玩實況野球14 下載了很多版本 結果常常都一載入CD程式就當掉 最後去載了PCSX2 2.7Z 才可以成功執行實況野球14 結果開啟遊戲的時候 就發生畫面LAG跟聲音都斷斷續續的 FTP約20~30之間 在這裡我PO出我的電腦硬體給大家評鑑一下 是因為硬體不足所以跑不動 ...

Sega Model 2 電腦戰機

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-06-03T18:44
雖然可以成功模擬 可是.......它的按鍵設定只有四個按鍵阿(ABCD) Q口Q 很多功能都無法設定 我的戰機只能走跑丟炸彈........ 請問該如何調整config 才能讓全部的按鍵都能設定呢? 謝謝各位,不然看的到玩不到真慘...感激!! - ...

Xebra/Arbex 2008-06-02

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-06-03T17:09 -------------------------------------- ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2008-06-03T16:38
※ 引述《andrewyen (螢惑的閃耀)》之銘言: : 少女幻海方式比較麻煩 先要提升靈氣一次 之後要開始等對方出大招(飛行氣功類最強招) : 然後用光鏡裁(會自動變成靈光鏡反衝)反彈成功後 就會變身少女幻海 這裡有點錯誤 幻海只要提升一次靈氣就會變年輕了 而老幻海下+D就是靈光鏡反衝 對手使 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2008-06-03T16:01
◎.求檔前請先參閱版規,並請儘量依照格式撰寫,謝謝您(本文可自行手動消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:GB 內容陳述: 是一個忍者破關的遊戲... 遊戲是動作類 ...