MisfitMAME 0.127.H - 模擬器

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-02-10T11:25

Table of Contents


It′s been a long time coming... the new file is attached to this post. It
includes an command-line exe, and a GUI-based one. As usual, it also includes
the source.


Released on February 8, 2010
Based on MAME 0.127

- Added the MAME documents into the docs folder.
- Moved the MisfitMAME documents into the docs folder.
- Added the change history that has survived, into the misnew.txt file.

- Fixed MT bugs 2087 and 2153 - Qbert will now say "Hello I′m turned on"

- Added an extra option in Neogeo video options menu, you can
choose to stretch screen to 272 pixels. This removes the black
border in Puzzled and the cartoon intros.

Games Added

Chip n Dale Intro [Raregame]
Ghostbusters Intro [iq_132, Raregame]
Ironclad [iq_132, JacKc]
Mortal Kombat (LA4 hacked) [Patrick McCarron]
Mortal Kombat Turbo (unprotected) [Patrick McCarron]
Robobcop Intro [Raregame]
Spiderman Intro [Raregame]
Steraranger (bootleg of Moon Cresta) [Softwarethis]
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Zeus hack edition) [Patrick McCarron]

Games Removed

Phoenix Part 2 (moved into MAME)


All Comments


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-02-10T01:07
因為版上有相關資料而且也有熱心的人在搞 所以就放上來給大家看看若真的不符板規就請版主自己動手不用浪費時間通知 【MUGEN】無限旗争奪選抜団体対抗トーナメント【Cグループ最終戦】 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9650038 這段其實比較惡搞而且還玩老馬無限段的垃 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-02-09T20:48
http://no-intro.dlgsoftware.net/main.php?modulo=juegosandamp;sistema=24andamp;lang=1 有哪些管理工具可以辦到秀出rom的遊戲圖片 (RC有這功能嗎..) 我這麼問好了 有沒有什麼辦法可以把rc或cmp的dat 轉成給ol ...

超時空之鑰 ~ 2D最後最強RPG

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-02-09T19:31
請問一下 L+R+A 開鎖那裡 nds模擬器沒有辦法靠三個按鍵設在一起來過嗎 謝謝 -- 推 warewolf:我覺得他是想賣給你04/23 01:50 → kanebo998:印度也有精子銀行喔?04/23 01:51 → TKWdEmoN:5樓最愛喝04/23 01:51 → kanebo998:蓋04 ...

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2010.02.08 A NEW ZX Spectrum emulator from Seleuco. -- I have been working in a iPhone port from the gp2xpectrum in which i were wor ...

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William avatar
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