MiSFiTMAME 0.127.E Released - 模擬器

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-12-07T14:50

Table of Contents


Released on Dec 6, 2008
Based on MAME 0.127

Source changes
Added patches as suggested by Don Hodges, to fix "kill screens" in pacman,
mspacman, galaga and donkey kong. These are not new roms; the patches are
applied at run-time.

Williams Multigame (wmg) re-added, and working. Read faq.txt before running

shockt2w - Fixed crash, broken since 0.127

jumpbugx - Fixed multi-session bug, MT 2689 [Atari Ace]

Games Added
dkongp - Donkey Kong with a patch to fix level 22, by Don Hodges
galagap - Galaga with a patch to fix level 256, by Don Hodges
mspacmap - MsPacman with patches to fix levels 134-256, by Don Hodges
pacmanp - Pacman with a patch to fix level 256, by Don Hodges
monstrz - Monster Zero, by Nihon Game Co. (no sound)
starw1 - Star Wars (with Colour Proms added), clone/bootleg of starw/galxwars
supmspac - Super Ms Pac-Man, bootleg, by Spedic Vending
wmg - Williams Multigame (6-game version), by Clayton Cowgill

Games Removed
CPS-2 Phoenix sets (and parents), they are in MAME as of 0.128u4
Dynwar, Galaxian, sf2 (accidently left in from development phase)


All Comments

[新聞] MAME Plus! 0.128u5

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-12-07T09:01
下載連結 http://mamedev.org/release.html MAME 0.128u5 06 Dec 2008 Time for MAME 0.128u5, over at the Source Updates page. This build fixes a number of probl ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-12-06T23:27
有爬文 但沒找到想要的資料 就是吞食天地2的加強版 只記得趙雲可以一直發劍氣 有人知道rom在哪篇文章嗎 ? 還是說有什麼網址可以參考的 感謝 ... - ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-12-06T22:43
你說阿法本傳一代嗎 這個是老問題:就是在遊戲過場畫面都會莫名卡住 除非換模擬器,不然你只能用ePSXe的即時存檔讀檔功能 只要一卡住就重讀再來一次 因為這樣,阿法玩了一次就沒玩了 ※ 引述《ym205 (00000)》之銘言: : 最近很偶然的翻出當年弄不見的機戰阿法iso : 上網找了ePSXe ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-12-06T22:04
請問賣謎卡算不算侵權呢? 他沒有包含任何版權的東西,只有插有版權的主機上面 請問製作架構在謎卡上的自製遊戲,有沒有違法呢? 或者自製軟體。 先謝謝回答的大大囉,若有違反版規還請大家提醒 - ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2008-12-06T21:54
最近很偶然的翻出當年弄不見的機戰阿法iso 上網找了ePSXe來使用 但是我用ePSXe去執行都在第一關對話前就停住了 甲兒跟主角跟乾瞪眼,怎麼按按鍵都沒反應ˊˋ 以前都不會這樣子 在網路上也翻不到什麼心得 麻煩版友幫個忙解決依下..... - ...