MisfitMAME 0.127.C - 模擬器

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-10-31T13:24

Table of Contents


Released on Oct 30, 2008
Based on MAME 0.127

This release has the much requested Donkey Kong II (d2k). It′s mostly
except that due to what seems to be some sort of protection, the game reboots
after you complete the first level. We are hoping that some smart person may
be able to work out what needs to be done to fix it.

Source changes

- all - fixed messed-up display in cocktail mode
- all - widened screen a little, so that barrels don′t get cut off on the
- dkongex - fixed freeplay dipswitch
- dkonghs, dkjrhs - replaced custom eeprom handler with mame standard;
removed rom patches

Games Added
vhangly3 (Vector Hangly 3, hack by Gatinho)
d2k11 (Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (v1.1), hack by Jeff Kulczycki)
[Unemulated Protection]
d2k (Donkey Kong II: Jumpman Returns (v1.2), hack by Jeff Kulczycki)
[Unemulated Protection]

Games Removed
cosmica, cosmica2 (They have sound in MAME, since 0.128u1)
matrimbl (in MAME, since 0.127u8)


All Comments

關於Super Card的存檔記錄問題...

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-10-31T00:54
在下我買了Super Card後 玩馬莉歐大賽車跟RPG要存檔時都說沒辦法記錄~!! 請問這是什麼問題呢? 這樣的話就沒辦法繼續遊玩了啊~!! 還有遊戲王和逆轉系列等都是這樣... 請問各位大大有什麼解決的辦法!? 我在轉遊戲都有把那些設定都打開了~ 還有SC的支援度是不是不太高? 有好 ...

MAME XML Cheats Collection for MAME …

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-10-30T12:21
更新至0.127u3(v9)之後了,需要的人請從下方連結處下載。 ※ 引述《conpo (小小岩男要回家)》之銘言: : The cheat engine in MAME 0.127 requires individual xml : files for each game du ...

Dolphin Rev 1007 / DolphinWX Linux Rev 1005

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-10-30T11:54
2008.10.30 - r1012 sorry, forgot this too.. - r1011 fix idle skipping in wario shake dimension - r1010 oops forgot this one - r1 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-10-30T02:09
請問一下各位, 我找到silent scope的rom檔, MAME plus的版本為0.127 u2, 執行MAME的時候就狀態就寫了這個ROM還沒辦法模擬, 不過我還是點了試試看, 載入之後就跳出一個訊息說缺少m48t58y-70pc1這個檔案。 想請問一下各位, 缺這個檔案是因為什麼因素呢?? 另 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-10-30T00:54
太久遠的遊戲 印象很模糊 機種SEGA 當初完到一半卡關後 被我爸賣出去 orz 描述: and#34;跟恐龍有關 好像有蛋之類的東西and#34; 印象中是橫軸過關類型andlt;==過關確定 橫軸有點模糊 恐龍也是迷你恐龍 就是不是像酷斯拉那種凶惡型的 蛋好像可以孵化andlt;===不確定 ...