MisfitMAME 0.127.B - 模擬器

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-10-09T20:59

Table of Contents



Released on Oct 9, 2008
Based on MAME 0.127

Source changes

Removed non-working games.

- Adjusted the red area of the layout precisely

Invader′s Revenge
- Added watchdog
- Added Documentation
- Identified all inputs and outputs
- Identified all sound codes

- fixed crash with fr2cd and fr2ch (broken since 0.127)

- mspacii - fixed (broken since 0.127)
- pm4n1 - fixed
- pacman25 - fixed colours
- pacmulti - fixed bug where if you died on level 1, you couldn′t advance to
level 2
- multipac games that have a menu - the sound is now muted when F3 is pressed
- multi10/11/13/14/15 - F3 works properly now

pgmdemo, pgmfrog
- fixed empty rom region warnings

Games Added
invrvng2 (Invader′s Revenge (set 2), by Zenitone-Microsec)
jpmmunch (Muncher, bootleg of Puckman, by JPM)
pgemeni (P-Gemeni, homebrew, by Blastar)
pacgent (Pac Gentleman, hack of MsPacman, by Scott Lawrence)
phoenix2 (Phoenix2, bootleg, very similar to Batman2)
searthie (Super Earth Invasion (set 3), clone by Electrocoin Ltd)
starfgh2 (Starfighter II, bootleg of Pisces)
tst_wow2 (Wizard of Wor test rom ver 0.2b, by David Turner)
ultrainv (Ultra Invaders, bootleg of sicv)

Games Removed
wmg, f3demo, neopong, npong10, spacwarp, beast (not working)

Existing phoenix2 was renamed to phoenixd.
tst_wow was renamed to tst_wow3.


All Comments


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-10-09T17:47
※ 引述《xSAUCEx (小絢)》之銘言: : 進入遊戲後 : 無法使用記憶卡存檔 : 我玩的是SRW Z : 我有嘗試設定記憶卡 : 不過還是沒用 : 煩請各位解答 感謝 我玩的也是SRW Z 玩到30關..都沒問題.. 某一天開啟..存的檔案卻讀不到了.. 重玩也不能存檔了. ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2008-10-09T09:27
日前用PCSX2把FFX的漢化版劇情玩完了~我家閃光深受感動~ 感動到跑去訂購了貴貴的原聲帶和鋼琴演奏原聲帶~ 還打算敗下一款FFX巴哈姆特的大盒玩(顫抖..) 不過她說想玩FFX-2~雖然目前還沒有漢化版~但還是配合著弄給他玩~ 不過不管怎麼弄~好像都沒有FFX這麼順~動畫部分有點停頓停頓的~ 畫面破圖雖 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-10-09T00:46
請教一下超任 南國少年(ANGOKUSYONEN PAP)的經驗值修改方式 血條我已經成功鎖定了,利用snes9x的內建金手指搜尋,有成功找出來,現在的問題是 右邊的藍色經驗值。 http://tinyurl.com/4k7fqt 先說明一下,他的規定是打怪可以獲得經驗值,然後採用「倒扣」的方式,也就是 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-10-08T20:25
※ 引述《Yggdra ()》之銘言: : 以前大型機台有一種發絕招會講中文的 : 我有電腦的模擬器跟ROM : 但不知道PSP用哪一個 : 因為我發現有些CPS1,2跟neogeo的電腦ROM : 丟進PSP不是全部都能讀 : 另外也不知道用哪一套模擬器 : 有研究的人麻煩透漏一下3Q 一代的話可以 ...

Wiiengine 1.5B

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-10-08T20:07
04 Sep 2008 13:42 這是一個可在Wii主機上運行的PC-E模擬器。 - Support added to load/save program configuration. - Support added for usb mass storage: You can u ...