(MicroBee) uBee512 v5.2.0 - 模擬器

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2011-03-31T10:58

Table of Contents


New for this release:

* Added sn76489an Digital Complex Sound Generator (DCSG) Programmable
Sound Generator IC emulation.
* Added the EA Compumuse board emulation as a parallel port peripheral
device, this project was described in the August, 1983 issue and is
based on the TI 76489 sound synthesiser IC.
* Added arguments 'sn76489' and 'sn76489init' to the --hardware option
to enable SN76489 sound IC emulation for the Premium model.
* Added the Compumuse parallel port device argument of 'compumuse' to
the --parallel-port option to select the new device emulation.
* Added options --compumuse-init and --compumuse-clock for configuring
the Compumuse peripheral device.
* Added --disk-create option for the creation of disk images.


* The dynamic creation of '.temp' disk images now attempts to use LibDsk
if compiled in, if not available or it fails the built in disk image
creation is attempted. LibDsk allows other disk formats and types to
be created.


* Fixed creation of '.temp' file images by writing out the full size as
determined by the raw format extension as the files were not growing
as expected.
* Fixed --db-dump* options to output all ASCII characters if in the
range of 32-126.
* Fixed call to dsk_xwrite() by passing '0' instead of '(int)NULL' for
the last parameter.




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(COMX-35) Emma 02 v1.16

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-03-31T10:53
2011.03.30 Emma 02 v1.16 is released. Emma 02 is an emulator for the relatively unknown COMX-35 computers from the early 80s. Emma 02 runs on Wi ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-03-31T02:32
請問各位大大 小弟最近迷上一款ios的遊戲叫做 tiny wing 但礙於我的電腦是win XP系統,不能夠完ios的遊戲 是否有模擬器可以玩mac系統的遊戲呢? 不知道在這個版PO洽不恰當? 若不適合希望版主能體諒並且小弟會自D 謝謝! - ...

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Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-03-30T23:17
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Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-03-30T21:03
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By Lydia
at 2011-03-30T20:39
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