MESS v0.128 - 模擬器

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-10-20T21:48

Table of Contents


New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):
- Amstrad CPC6128 (Sweden/Finland) [Iggy Drougge, Curt Coder]
- Atari 7800 Prototype [Incog]
- Consul 2717 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- HT-1080Z / HT-1080Z/64 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Primo B32/ Primo B48/ Primo C64 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Homelab 2/3/4 (not working) [Miodrag Milanovic]
- SAPI-1 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Vector-06c (not working) [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Irisha (not working) [Miodrag Milanovic]
- PP-01 (not working) [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Ondra (not working) [Miodrag Milanovic]
- PK-8020 Korvet (not working) [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Kramer MC [Miodrag Milanovic]
- RCA Cosmac VIP (VP-111) [Curt Coder]
- Spectrum clones [Miodrag Milanovic]
- HC85/HC90/HC91/HC128/HC2000/CIP-03/Jet
- Didaktik Gama 87/88/89
- Didaktik Skalica 90,M 91/93,Kompakt
- Mistrum
- Blitz/Byte/Orizon/Kvorum 48/Magic 6/Kompanion
- MSX machines [Wilbert Pol, Miodrag Milanovic]
- Al Alamiah AX-170/AX-350/AX-370
- Canon V-10/V-20
- Daewoo CPC-300E
- Gradiente 1.1/1.3/2.0
- JVC HC-7GB/Pioneer PX-07/Sanyo MPC-100/Goldstar FC-200
- Mitsubishi ML-F80/ML-FX1
- Philips VG-8235F/VG-8240
- Sharp HB-8000 Hotbit 1.3b/HB-8000 Hotbit 1.3p
- Sony HB-201/HB-55D/HB-55P
- Spectravideo SVI-728/SVI-738 Swedish
- Talent DPC-200/DPC-200A/TPC-310
- Toshiba HX-10S/HX-20/HX-23/HX-23F
- Yamaha CX5M/CX5M-128/CX5MII/YIS303/YIS503/YIS503II/YIS503M/CX7M/CX7M-128
- Yashica YC-64

System Driver Changes:

- [ABC80] Made keyboard a little less hacky. [Curt Coder]

- [ABC800M] Added keyboard hack to enable system use. [Curt Coder]

- [ARCADIA] Cleanups, and fixed colors. (bug #1399) [Manfred Schneider]

- [C16] Added support for tape emulation using MESS core functions (only
loading, both .wav and .tap formats) [Fabio Priuli, Roberto Zandona′]

- [C16] Refactored cartridge code to rely on MESS core functions. As
a result carts are now working. Also removed -cart2 device, since
C16 / C116 / Plus4 had only a single cartridge port. [Fabio Priuli]

- [C16] Fixed behavior of Joystick Ports Swapping: if you press F1 in
partial keyboard emulation, Joy1 keys will go to Joy2 port (as if you
had plugged your joystick in port 2). This helps with games which expect
joystick inputs from port 2 of the C16 [Fabio Priuli]

- [C128] Added support for tape emulation using MESS core functions
(loading and saving, both .wav and .tap formats) [Fabio Priuli]

- [C128] Refactored cartridge code to rely on MESS core functions.
Currently, .crt emulation uses unmodified C64 cart code and therefore
support has not improved (yet) [Fabio Priuli]

- [C64] Added support for tape emulation using MESS core functions
(loading and saving, both .wav and .tap formats) [Fabio Priuli, Roberto

- [C64] Fixed border color during tape loading [Roberto Zandona′]

- [C64] Partial cleanup of memory bankswitch, based on docs [Fabio Priuli]

- [C64] Modified VIC II implementation: for every raster interrupt
the chip draws only one line. [Roberto Zandona′]

- [C64] Modified VIC II implementation: modified resolutions for NTSC and
PAL modes [Roberto Zandona′]

- [C64] Refactored cartridge code to rely on MESS core functions and
generally cleaned up cart code. Support is still limited to Type 0 Carts
(8k and 16k images) [Fabio Priuli]

- [C64] Fixed behavior of Joystick Ports Swapping: if you press F1 in
partial keyboard emulation, Joy1 keys will go to Joy2 port (as if you
had plugged your joystick in port 2). This helps with games which expect
joystick inputs from port 2 of the C64 [Fabio Priuli]

- [C64] Fixed memory leaks with floppies [Oliver Stöneberg]

- [C64] Fixed floppy unmounting [Oliver Stöneberg]

- [C65] Added preliminary cartridge support through MESS core functions.
Currently, .crt emulation uses unmodified C64 cart code and therefore
is not working [Fabio Priuli]

- [CBMB] Refactored cartridge code to rely on MESS core functions. Disabled
.crt support (.10, .20, .40 and .60 files working as before) since I
doubt these CBM-II computers used the same format as C64. More work
when/if more documents will be available [Fabio Priuli]

- [CGENIE] Properly implemented the cassette loading. [Wilbert Pol]

- [COMMODORE] Properly fixed asserts / freezes / crashes in systems with
VC1540 / VC1541 floppy support which had been promoted from TESTDRIVER
status. However, they are flagged as NOT_WORKING because the floppy
emulation is not implemented yet. [Fabio Priuli]

- [COMMODORE] Cleaned up documentation and comments in c16.c, c64.c, c65.c,
c128.c, cbmb.c, pet.c and vc20.c. Added missing BASIC revisions, new
sets and new clones. Removed models and configurations which were never
sold. In particular, I′ve tagged as BAD_DUMPS most of the C128/C128D PAL
BIOSes and started to use split kernal & character ROMs to make clear
their origin and possible incompleteness. When dumps will be confirmed,
we will start to use the correct ones. If you own a C128 PAL, please
dump its BIOS to verify its content. [Fabio Priuli]

- [EXIDY] Added support for cassette images. [Robbbert, Wilbert Pol]

- [EXIDY] Fixed Centronics printing. [Robbbert]

- [FAMICOM] Fixed small Disk loading bug which caused "Disk Trouble Err.
22" with all disk images (remaining part of bug #1479). Famicom Disk
System is back to working status [Fabio Priuli]

- [GENESIS / MD] Added possibility to choose between a 3 buttons and a 6
buttons Joypad. [Fabio Priuli]

- [GENESIS / MD] Fixed SRAM saving & loading in many games [Fabio Priuli]

- [GENEVE] Fixed RTC to start on Sunday. [Michael Zapf]

- [INTV] Added partial support for images in .int/.itv/.bin format. Images
in .rom format are still preferred. [Fabio Priuli]

- [LYNX] Added support for images in .lyx format [Fabio Priuli]

- [OSCNANO] Implemented RUN/MONITOR keys properly, changed video to
black and white, and fixed quickloading. System is now fully
working, including the "Säkkijärven polkka" program. [Curt Coder]

- [JUPITER] Fixed regression; driver works again. [Wilbert Pol]

- [MAX] Fixed cart loading (both bug #1618 and a problem with the loading
address). Commodore Ultimax / Max Machine / VIC-10 is now working. [Fabio

- [MK1/MK2] Added clickable artwork [Hobie Troxell]

- [Mephisto 8/16/32 Bit] Added clickable artwork [Dirk Verwiebe]

- [MSX] Added some Brazilian clones [Miodrag Milanovic]

- [MSX] Updated some MSX machines ROMs (bug #1425, #1474) [Miodrag Milanovic]

- [MSX/MSX2] Updated several rom sets to match their original hardware
configurations. [Wilbert Pol]

- [PET] Refactored cartridge code to rely on MESS core functions. Disabled
.crt support (.a0 and .b0 files working as before) since I doubt these
computers used the same format as C64. More work when/if more documents
will be available [Fabio Priuli]

- [SG1000] Lightgun crosshair is now shown only if TV Draw cartridge is
loaded. [Curt Coder]

- [SNES] Improved special chips detection (if you run MESS with -log you will
be warned of the presence of unemulated chips in error.log), memory
handling, cart and SRAM mirroring [Fabio Priuli]

- [SNES] Fixed inputs in Super Street Fighter 2 (bug #437) [Fabio Priuli]

- [SNES] Added support for the emulation of the DSP-2 and OBC-1 add-on chips.
Code based on byuu′s implementation in BSNES (thanks byuu) [Fabio Priuli]

- [SPECTRUM] Added lot of Spectrum clones and custom ROM′s [Miodrag

- [TI99] Changed ESC key to map to F12. [Michael Zapf]

- [TMC2000] Fixed quickloading. [Curt Coder]

- [TRS80] Added proper cassette emulation support (both .wav and .cas.
formats) [Wilbert Pol]

- [VIC20] Added support for tape emulation using MESS core functions
(loading and saving, both .wav and .tap formats) [Fabio Priuli]

- [VIC20] Refactored cartridge code to rely on MESS core functions. As
a result carts are now working (fixed remaining half of bug #1603). Also
added proper banking for cart2, making defender, submarin and other
multifile carts work [Fabio Priuli]

- [VIP] Fixed memory banking, added discrete sound, added tape support,
and improved quickloading so that the CHIP-8(X) interpreter is automatically
loaded alongside .c8 files. [Curt Coder]

- [VIP] Added VP-590 color board, VP-595 Simple Sound Board, and a
single VP-580 Auxiliary Keyboard emulation. The VIP Blockout game can
now be played in color with sound using 2 keypads. [Curt Coder]

- [X68000] Fixed SASI harddisk device info [Oliver Stöneberg]

User Interface Changes:
- Fixed a file manager bug that could cause the working directory to be lost
when inside ZIP files. [Nate Woods]

- Fixed a tape control bug that caused the counter to fail to update. [Nate

- Added "Keyboard Mode" menu to switch between emulated and natural keyboard
during emulation. [Oliver Stöneberg]

- Fixed toggling through multiple cassettes in Tape Control menu [Oliver

- MESSUI now shows the actual values of the system configuration
settings instead of the defaults. (bug #1679) [Curt Coder]

- BIOS selection from MESSUI is now possible. (bug #1681) [Curt Coder]

- [Windows GUI] Fixed internal debugger. (bug #1712) [Nate Woods]

Imgtool Changes:

Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.128. This incorporates all features of the
update to this core. [MAME team]

- Refactored ZIP path code out of src/mess/image.c, made more testable. [Nate

- Removed MESS_DEBUG and the TESTDRIVER define and enabled a lot of
non-working drivers [Oliver Stöneberg]

- Changed the cassette implementation into a regular mame device. [Wilbert


All Comments


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-10-20T21:23
※ [本文轉錄自 ask 看板] 作者: loneangle (孤光天使) 看板: ask 標題: [請問] 一款sega的遊戲 時間: Sun Oct 19 10:09:59 2008 最近看到SEGA又想起以前小時候 買了卡匣 然後到 中星 XD (在草屯) 然後去交換 再換遊戲回來玩 記得有玩 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-10-20T14:36
其實小弟現在的心情可以說是五味雜陳 不過呢... 落落長的前言就先不寫了 只是想單純提供老玩家 一個回味往日 BGM 的機會 小弟大概睽違了六年 這才盼到完整的資料... → 不知道大家是否對 XEXEX 前輩還有印象?? 小弟是從友站 巴哈姆特 GAMEMUSIC 看板開始注意到的 (當然他也常在 ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-10-20T11:40
以前在朋友家玩的,只知道一開始 一開始好像是控制一個壞人,路上有警察,按A?是開槍把警察殺死 不過當時玩時手把有一個鍵壞掉,功能不明(應該是跳) 路上有障礙物(施工時擺在路上的紅色三角椎?) 因為無法跳,所以一開始就卡了 有時間限制,不過不是以數字表示,而是以太陽來表示 有人知道這遊戲的名字嗎? ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-10-20T10:54
有一個遊戲一直想問: NES中有一款遊戲,以車子為主, 玩家必須要跳上跳下每一個平台,將所有平台走過之後就能夠過關。 然後玩家可以隨時撿平台上會有的類似桶子的物品, 隨時攻擊平台上隨時出現的警車.. 請問這是哪一個遊戲呢?先謝謝各位的回答.. - ...

MAME 的光線槍

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-10-20T01:23
※ 引述《lcp (沒有暱稱)》之銘言: : 最近好不容易找到小時候玩過的遊戲:警匪雙槍 : : 不過在用 mame 玩的時候發現光線槍不會動atat : 遊戲開始的時候有兩個準心,我動滑鼠的時候藍色準心也會動。 ...