MESS 0.129 - 模擬器

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2009-01-07T17:56

Table of Contents


New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):
- Ivel Ultra [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Pecom 64 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Sharp MZ80K [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Sony HB-10P/HB-20P [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Yamaha YIS503IIR Russian/Estonian [Miodrag Milanovic]

System Driver Changes:
- [ABC800M] Added HR graphics. [Curt Coder, Erik Isaksson]

- [ABC802] Added keyboard simulation. [Curt Coder]

- [ABC806] Added keyboard simulation and HR graphics. [Curt Coder, Erik

- [ADVISION] Fixed cartridge ROM banking. (bug #1690) [Curt Coder]

- [B2M] bug #1661 fixed [Miodrag Milanovic]

- [BBC] Changed memory handling for the 0xfc00 to 0xfeff memory region on the
Master driver, to allow correct debugging of code in this area when ROM is
paged in for read. [Phill Harvey-Smith]

- [BBC] Added version 3.20 of the Master MOS, selectable as a bios, as this
is the more common version of the bios. [Phill Harvey-Smith]

- [BBC] Fixed up loading of 8K roms as cartriges so that they mirror
correctly and don′t cause an error on loading, 16K was already working
correctly. [Phill Harvey-Smith]

- [BBC] Changed to use MAME′s 6850 implemenation. Deleted MESS′s private
6850 implementation. [Nathan Woods]

- [COCO] Fixed Dragon Alpha, via MAME update, the NMI enable/disable allowing
disks to boot again. [Phill Harvey-Smith]

- [COCO] Minor cartridge loading code cleanups. [Nathan Woods]

- [COMX35] Added support for the 80 column card. [Curt Coder, Marcel van

- [GAMECOM] Fixed aspect ratio. [Justin Kerk]

- [GENEVE] Adds dip switch to select boot eprom version (0.9 or 1.0). Default
is 1.0, making it behave as before. To use the old eprom, must
contain a file genbt090.bin. Release dates of Geneve and GenMod adjusted.
[Michael Zapf]

- [NES] Fixed bug #1672. [Wilbert Pol]

- [MSX] Update of Panasonic MSX disk ROMs [Miodrag Milanovic]

- [MSX] Update of Toshiba HX-20, HX-23 memory map [Miodrag Milanovic]

- [ONDRA] Both computers now work, cassette supported [Miodrag Milanovic]

- [TS2068] Fixed CPU and AY clocks based on crystal values from schematics
[Justin Kerk, Lord Nightmare]

Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.129. This incorporates all features of the
update to this core. [MAME team]

- Changed the 8251 UART implementation to be a device. [Nathan Woods]

- Changed the 6551 ACIA implementation to be a device. [Nathan Woods]

- Changed the 8521 RTC implementation to be a device. [Nathan Woods]

- Changed the 8593 RTC implementation to be a device. [Nathan Woods]

- Changed the TMS5501 implementation to be a device. [Nathan Woods]

- Changed the MM58274C implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the TTL74145 implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the UPD7002 implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the TMS9901 implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the TMS9902 implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the I8271 implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the WD17XX implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the NEC765 implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the SAM6883 implementation to be a device. [Miodrag Milanovic]

- Changed the RP5C15 RTC implementation to be a device. [Barry Rodewald]

- Changed the 6525 TPI implementation to be a device and added save state
support. [Dirk Best]

- Various code cleanups. [Atari Ace]

- Fixed regression that could cause hanging when creating an image from the
command line or the MESSUI. (bug #1744) [Nathan Woods]

- Changed cartridges to be MAME devices. [Miodrag Milanovic, Nathan Woods]


All Comments

任天堂公司的War Advance(GB Advance)

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2009-01-07T14:16
大家好 網友介紹我來這邊逛逛 我想聊的是GB Advance上面的 War Advance 不知道這邊是否接受舊遊戲討論呢? 因為2的模擬最完整, 這邊的討論主要會以2為主 \^^/ -- 根據祕密的核磁共振造影術分析 累死的北極熊想和我們說: 游了六十浬連塊冰都沒有是怎樣 (=‵′=) - ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-01-07T14:16
本作等於有追加塔羅牌算命功能,先不管準不準,有興趣的人不妨玩看看。 不過我自己這次玩測出的結果倒是有準,果然人走衰運就是衰到徹底(汗) 下述的中文名稱是參考MAME的中文版本翻譯。 日文名:麻雀大予言 ~このギャル占い師につき~ 英文名:Mahjong Daiyogen 中文名:麻雀大預言 http://al ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-01-07T09:52
話說這款大型電玩已經是我國小時候的遊戲吧 腦海裡好像是唐老鴨的一款橫向的動作遊戲 請問各位魔人有人知道這款遊戲叫啥名字嗎? 很想知道...他讓我有很不好的回憶= =and#34; - ...

(SMS/GG) Cogwheel

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-01-07T09:28
2009.01.05 A software emulator primarily for 8-bit Sega hardware, such as the Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear and SG-1000. The ColecoVis ...

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Harry avatar
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06/01/2009 Happy belated new year everybody... New drivers: - Giga Wing (Brazil 990222) - Armored Warriors (US 940920) - C ...