MESS 0.119 - 模擬器

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-09-20T22:44

Table of Contents

New System Drivers Supported (in no particular order):

- Atari STe (not working) [Curt Coder]
- Atari Mega STe (not working) [Curt Coder]
- Matra & Hachette Alice [Dirk Best]

System Driver Changes:

- [3DO] Protection fixes. [Ernesto Corvi]
- [AMIGA] Added CD-ROM and cartridge support, marked as working but with
imperfect graphics, added CDDA audio. Bug fix to FDC. [Ernesto Corvi]
- [AMIGA] Made battery backed-up RTC support configurable. [Dirk Best]
- [AMSTRAD] Palette fix. [Barry Rodewald]
- [APPLE2GS] Fixed raster interrupts and scanline counter registers to
fire at the proper times. Mouse pointer is no longer flickery in GUI
apps and some border effects work in the FTA XMAS DEMO. [R. Belmont]
- [A2600] Added automatic input device selection. [Cowering & Wilbert Pol]
- [C64] Added partial T64 tape image loading support. [Pugsy]
- [CPCPLUS] Fixed palette regression from 0.106. [Barry Rodewald]
- [MC10] Added driver for the Matra & Hachette Alice, fixed keyboard
inputs, removed some dead code and ran srcclean.exe on the driver files.
[Dirk Best]
- [MK1] Fixed interrupt issues and re-enabled driver. [Wilbert Pol]
- [NES] Improved mapper 82, added support for mapper 140. [Heretical_One]
- [PC1251, PC1350, PC1401, PC1403] Fixed background regression introduced
in 0.107. (bug #1338) [Nate Woods]
- [PCE] Fixed endian issues and regression from 0.106. (bug #1143)
- [PCE] Fixed several graphics issues. Added support for Street Fighter II
mapper. [Wilbert Pol]
- [PC88] Fixed regression from 0.112. [R. Belmont]
- [X68000] Supported more BIOSes, sprite fixes, DIM image fixes, made SRAM
executable and added an hsync timer. Implemented writing to the MFP
interrupt pending registers. [Barry Rodewald]

User Interface Changes:

- [Windows] Created a maximum speed feature, allowing manual control of the
emulation speed. [Nate Woods]

Source Changes:

- The core is based on MAME 0.119. This incorporates all features of the
update to this core. [MAME team]




All Comments


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2007-09-19T04:14
當時年紀很小 記得第一關王好像是直升機上 路途是在高速公路的車子上來跳去跳去的, 忍者有很多種顏色,每種顏色的能力都不同 要吃到and#34;忍and#34;字符號才有辦法使用特殊攻擊。 從小到現在一直不知道這款遊戲叫什麼名字。 囧 - ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-09-18T22:51
首先,相信大家都破完鬼畜王這個不會太難的版本了。 我破完鬼畜王的時候,心中充滿了空虛感 總覺得少了點鬼畜的感覺,相信大家也是吧?! 所以,我去找了hate22595的版本 此版本非常難 簡直是比鬼畜王還要鬼畜 載點在此: 解壓縮密碼:啾啾的部落格 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-09-18T22:09
第一關: □╳│1.B+→,↓(最好進去點,在■正下方) ■□╳│2.↓+轉跳 鑽入→1 □╳│ □□□□□─╯ □ ↓ □ 2 □  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2007-09-18T18:14
想求一款很久以前的大型電玩的動作遊戲 主角好像有三個還四個人物可以選 我只記得有一個是女的 有一個帶著帽子穿黃衣服瘦瘦的黑人 還有一個應該是穿藍衣的男子吧 遊戲過程主角是用拳腳打敵人 就是那種普通的打鬥過關的遊戲 遊戲背景好像跟恐龍有關 可能遊戲名稱就是and#34;恐龍什麼的and#34;吧 我記得當中有一 ...

SD英雄挑戰? SD英雄大戰?

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-09-18T17:09
印象中 遊戲內容是橫向破關型(類似吞食天地) 腳色是SD鋼彈 假面超人 等等... 在版上爬了文 之前的載點似乎已掛 不知有無神人 可否提供這系列遊戲(似乎有4款) - ...