(MD for DC) Official Megadrive Emulator For Dreamcast Discovered - 模擬器

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-01-12T13:15

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"Official Megadrive Emulator For Dreamcast Discovered"

Megadrive/Genesis emulation is nothing new on the Dreamcast, and Sega even
went as far as releasing an official emulator (of sorts) with the Sega Smash
Pack compilation that was only launched in the US. Since the death of the
Dreamcast, various emulators have sprung up, some of which were based on the
very code found on the Smash Pack GD. It's a really cool story and well worth
checking out if you have the time.

It appears that there was an alternative Megadrive emulator being worked on
as a joint venture between Sega Japan and Sega Europe, and - like most
stories about vapourware - this has never been substantiated with hard facts.
Mentions of PAL versions of Sega Smash Pack with a better and more varied
library, twinned with superior emulation can be found in Dreamcast magazines
of the era but nothing concrete has ever been seen. Until now, that is.


This is all thanks to a Dreamcast fan called Comby Laurent, who recently
found a mysterious GD-Rom in a bunch of discs he acquired. He posted a short
video and a few images on the Dreamcast Junkyard Facebook group and I
recognised the Megadrive emulator as the same one I had played when I visited
an ex-Sega employee some time ago to record footage of the unreleased Take
the Bullet and Colin McRae Rally 2.0. I did record some video of the emulator
back then, but my MacBook went into meltdown about a week later and the
footage was lost.


As I said, I instantly recognised the interface and the list of games as
being the same emulator that I had played all those months ago (the two
different versions of the disc known to exist are shown below), and I've
since had it confirmed to me that the project was an internal thing and
wasn't (at the time) intended for public consumption.

Whether the emulator was destined to be turned into something along the lines
of a commercial 'Megadrive Collection' like the ones found on more
contemporary systems is hard to tell, but one thing is for sure - the
presentation and front end is far, far more professional than anything you've
probably seen in any home-brew emulators. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of
myself. Comby and I confirmed that this thing is the real deal, and since
then he has done far more digging and even spoken to some of the people who
worked on it to confirm authenticity.


So, here it is. A Dreamcast Megadrive emulator made by Sega Europe and Sega
Japan, which has a super-slick front end, a ton of options (50/60hz, the
ability to change console regions, controller configurations, VMU support)
and a huge list of 175 roms that spans multiple genres. The emulation is hit
and miss in places, and some games will completely lock up the emulator (the
infamous Virtua Fighter vs Taken 2 being one of them) and there's a load of
odd tech demos on there too. The roms appear to be baked in to the emulator
so I'm not totally sure how (or even if) the rom list could be removed or
changed completely, but that's not really my area of expertise. Indeed, Comby
has expressed that the sole reason for releasing this emulator to the wider
community is to give amateur developers the opportunity to tinker with it.

"I wanted to release this to preserve the build. I release all of the games I
find in order to preserve them. If some amateur developer can take this
software and create an even better Megadrive emulator for the Dreamcast, then
that's great."


Thanks again to Comby Laurent for releasing this to the internet. The files
can be found at the link below and there's a video below too showing the
emulator in action.


It's probably worth noting that the Megadrive Emulator was ripped from the
original GD-Rom using the 'ISO ripper' function found in Dreamshell, and as
such works perfectly with an SD reader. That's how I was able to record this
footage and if you need assistance with burning to a disc it's probably worth
joining our Facebook group and asking the fine, knowledgeable folk there. You
can also find some further info on this emulator by checking out the
Assembler games thread on it. You can download the Megadrive emulator ISO via
this link (https://goo.gl/3qbdee). The file has now also been archived over at
Hidden Palace so you can get it there too.


After Burner II (UE) [!]
Alien Soldier (J) [b1+1C]
Alien Storm (W) [h1C]
Alisia Dragoon (U) [!]
Altered Beast (W) (REV02) [!]
Animaniacs (E) [f1+1C]
Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika - Genchou Hishi (J) [!]
Arcade Classics (U) [!]
Bare Knuckle III (J) [!]
Batman (J) [!]
Bubba N Stix (Beta) [t1+2C]
California Games (UE) [!]
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (UE) [!]
Castlevania - Bloodlines (U) [!]
Columns (W) (REV01) [!]
Comix Zone (J) [!]
Dai Makaimura (J) [!]
Decap Attack (UE) [!]
Demolition Man (UE) [!]
Devil's Course 3-D Golf (J) [!]
Disney's Aladdin (U) [!]
Donald in Maui Mallard (E) [!]
Double Dragon (U) [!]
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge (J) [!]
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (UE) [!]
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (U) [!]
Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes (J) [!]
Dragon Slayer II - The Legend of Heroes (J) [!]
Dyna Brothers 2 (J) [!]
Dynamite Headdy (UE) [c][!]
ECCO - The Tides of Time (J) [f1+C]
ECCO The Dolphin (UE) [!]
Elemental Master (J) [!]
ESWAT Cyber Police - City Under Siege (U) [!]
Eternal Champions (J) [c][!]
F-22 Interceptor (U) (Sep 1991) [c][!]
Fatal Fury (U) [!]
Fatal Rewind (UE) [!]
FIFA International Soccer (UE) (M4) [f2]
Fire Shark (U) [!]
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (U) [a1][p1][!]
Forgotten Worlds (W) (REV00) [!]
Game no Kanzume Otokuyou (J) [!]
Gauntlet (J) [!]
Ghostbusters (W) (REV01) [!]
Ghouls 'N Ghosts (UE) (REV02) [h1C]
Golden Axe (W) (REV01) [!]
Golden Axe (W) (REV01) [h1C]
Golden Axe II (W) [!]
Gunstar Heroes (U) [!]
Hard Drivin' (W) [!] (two copies)
Hybrid Front, The (J) (Prototype) [!]
Ichidant~R - Puzzle & Action (J) [!]
Immortal, The (UE) [!]
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (U) [c][!]
J. League Pro Striker Final Stage (J) [c][!]
James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (UE) [!]
Journey From Darkness - Strider Returns (U) [c][!]
Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World (U) [!]
Kid Chameleon (UE) [!]
Landstalker - Koutei no Zaihou (J) [!]
Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (Beta)
Langrisser II (J) (REV02) [!]
Legend of Galahad, The (UE) [!]
Light Crusader (J) [!] (two copies)
Lion King, The (W) [b1+2C]
Lord Monarch (J) [!]
Madou Monogatari I (J) [!]
Magical Taruruuto-Kun (J) [!]
Man Overboard! - S.S. Lucifer (E) [c][!]
Marble Madness (UE) [!]
Marvel Land (U) [!]
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (W) (REV00) [!]
Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (U) [b1]
Midnight Resistance (U) [!]
Monster World IV (J) [!]
Mortal Kombat (W) (REV00) [b1+C]
Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (U) [c][!]
New Zealand Story, The (J) [!]
NHL 94 (UE) [!]
Nobunaga no Yabou Haouden - Lord of Darkness (J) [!]
OutRun (J) [!]
OutRun (W) [!]
Paperboy II (E) [b1+C]
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [!]
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV02) [!]
Power Instinct (J) [!]
Pulseman (J) [c][!]
Puyo Puyo Tsu (J) (REV01) [!]
Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck (W) (REV00) [!]
Race Drivin' (U) [!]
Ragnacenty (J) [!]
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (J) [c][!] (two copies)
Ren and Stimpy Show, The - Stimpy's Invention (U) [!]
Revenge of Shinobi, The (W) (REV00) [!]
Revenge of Shinobi, The (W) (REV03) [!]
Ristar (UE) (Sep 1994) [!]
Ristar - The Shooting Star (J) [!]
Rockman Megaworld (J) [a1][!]
Rolling Thunder 2 (J) [p1+1C]
Samurai Spirits (J) [!]
Sangokushi III (J) [!]
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (W) [c][!]
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (W) [h3C]
Shining Force (U) [!]
Shining Force - The Legacy of Great Intention (J) [!]
Shining Force II - Inishie no Fuuin (J) [!]
Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (U) [!]
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (J) [c][!]
Sonic 3D Blast (UE) [!]
Sonic Classics (UE) (REV01) [!]
Sonic The Hedgehog (W) (REV00) [!]
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (W) (REV01) [!]
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (U) [!]
Space Harrier II (J) [!]
Space Harrier II (UE) [!]
Speed Ball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (U) [c][!]
Spider-Man vs The Kingpin (W) [!]
Splatterhouse Part 3 (J) [c][!]
Story of Thor, The - A Successor of The Light (J) [!]
Street Fighter II' Plus - Champion Edition (J) [p1][!]
Streets of Rage (W) (REV00) [!]
Streets of Rage 2 (JE) [!]
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [!]
Streets of Rage 3 (E) (May 1994) [!]
Streets of Rage 3 (U) [!]
Strider (UE) [h1C]
Sub-Terrania (J) [!]
Sub-Terrania (U) [!]
Super Baseball 2020 (UE) [!]
Super Bubble Bobble MD (Unl) [!]
Super Hang-On (W) (REV01) [!]
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (U) [c][!]
Super Thunder Blade (W) (REV01) [!]
Surging Aura (J) [!]
Syndicate (UE) [!]
Tanto R (J) [!]
Test Drive II - The Duel (U) [!]
Thunder Force II (U) [!]
Thunder Force II (U) [h1C]
Thunder Force III (JU) [!]
Thunder Force IV (E) [c][!]
Thunder Force IV (J) [t1]
Tick, The (U) [!]
Time Killers (U) [!]
Tinhead (U) [o1]
Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (J) [!]
Top Gear 2 (U) [b5]
Toy Story (U) [!]
Turbo Outrun (JE) [c][!]
Turrican (U) [c][!]
Urban Strike (UE) [!]
Vectorman (UE) [!]
Vectorman 2 (U) [b1]
Virtua Fighter 2 (UE) [!] (two copies)
Virtua Fighter 2 vs Tekken 2 (Unl)
Waialae no Kiseki (J) [!]
Wardner (U) [!]
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (U) [!]
Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (JE) [f1]
Wonder Boy in Monster World (UE) [h1C]
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck (U) [!]
Wrestle War (JE) [c][!]
WWF Royal Rumble (W) [!]
WWF Super Wrestlemania (UE) [!]
WWF Wrestlemania Arcade (U) [!]
X-Men (U) [!]
X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (UE) [!]
Xenon 2 - Megablast (E) [c][!]
Ys III - Wanderers from Ys (U) [!]






All Comments

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2017-01-14T04:22
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2017-01-15T16:57
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-01-18T17:22
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-01-19T05:14
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2017-01-19T23:39
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2017-01-22T04:14
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-01-23T02:12
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-01-23T06:46
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