(MD) BlastEm v0.4.1 - 模擬器

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2016-08-10T18:46

Table of Contents


BlastEm has the goal of being an extremely accurate Genesis emulator while
still running on relatively modest hardware by using advanced techniques.
Currently it meets neither my accuracy nor performance goals, but those goals
are pretty high. Speed and accuracy should be sufficient for most purposes.
It runs at full speed on an old first generation Intel Atom and can run Sonic
2 at around 600 fps on a Haswell desktop using a single core. To my
knowledge, it is the only emulator besides Genesis Plus GX that can properly
display the "TITAN 512C FOREVER" portion of Titan's Overdrive demo, and the
only emulator besides Exodus that passes all 122 of the tests in Nemesis' VDP
FIFO Testing ROM and can properly display "Direct Color DMA" demos.

BlastEm Features:

* savestates
* integrated debugger
* GDB remote debugging
* joystick/gamepad support
* Mega/Sega Mouse support
* save RAM and EEPROM support
* Sonic & Knuckles lock-on
* turbo and slow modes
* configurable low pass filter
* single pass GLSL shaders (though there are no interesting ones presently)

BlastEm v0.4.1 changelog:

New Features
* Basic support for the Saturn Keyboard adapter peripheral
* You can now navigate up to a drive selection on Windows
* Added support for binding more "special" keys
* It's now possible to navigate to the root directory on Unix-like systems
* Fixed a bug in movep.l
* Fixed a crash bug in the memory management code
* Fixed a bug in the header parsing code, that caused a crash when the
"International Name" field was empty
* Fixed some minor graphical corruption in Sonic 2 split-screen caused by a
bug in vflip combined with interlace mode
* Corrected the PC value pushed onto the stack for line A emulator and line F
emulator traps
* Fixed a bug in ensure_dir_exists that would cause it to fail to create
directories in some cases when mixed path separators were used
* Fixed a bug that would result in a buffer overflow when starting a game
with a long title from the menu
* All Z80 instructions now implemented
* Z80 half-carry flag is now fully implemented
* Implemented undocumented Z80 flag bits
* R register is now incremented appropriately
* Redundant opcode prefixes are now handled properly
* Z80 core now passes ZEXALL!
Other Changes
* Added Buck Rogers to the ROM DB
* Added Wonder Boy in Monster World to the ROM DB (for real this time)
* Added Evander 'Real Deal' Holyfield's Boxing to the ROM DB
* Slightly better handling of directory read errors
* Added "Special Thanks" to About menu
* Use local app data folder for saves and config files on Windows rather than
Unix-style locations





All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-08-12T14:50
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2016-08-16T01:35
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-08-19T23:14
推 去找了一下Titan Demo https://youtu.be/OGDtViPngi8
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-08-21T03:40
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2016-08-23T14:57
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-08-23T22:09
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2016-08-27T22:26
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2016-08-30T21:26
就mega drive模擬器呀
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2016-08-31T02:17
haswell單核可以跑到600fps 夠快了啦


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2016-08-10T08:47
大家好 小弟最近下載了NES和SNES的rom全套 但是這些rom的主檔名都是英文 (非遊戲的英文名稱) 所以搞不清楚哪個rom是哪個遊戲 想請問是否有網站提供遊戲中文名稱和英文檔名對照的清單 感謝大家 - ...

弟切草 蘇生篇漢化正式發佈

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-08-08T15:43
大家好,盼了一兩年了終於盼到弟切草可以發佈漢化了^^ 中間經歷了好多事,半數文本品質不行(類機翻)全部重新翻譯,破解消失....控制符錯亂QA Q... 非常感謝天幻的豬哥幫我與新的破解接洽 非常感謝德意志的atKen Tse願意接手這個爛攤子,真的非常感謝 感謝同樣跟小弟不才一樣來自臺灣的阿龍接下了半數文本 ...

Metal Slader Glory-FC

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2016-08-08T00:40
Metal Slader Glory-FC andlt;背景andgt; 日向忠的身邊送來了一台工程用的Metal Slader,忠搭上了Metal Slader,此時機台出現 了 [地球瀕臨危機,快去找出這個Metal Slader的創造者]奇怪留言,為了解開留言之謎 忠跟妹妹AZUSA及女友艾莉納一起到 ...

純愛手札 on DOSBox

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2016-08-07T18:54
中文名稱:純愛手札 日文名稱:ときめきメモリアル ~forever with you~ 英文名稱:Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You 繁體光碟版整合 DOSBox。 解決在新系統下的相容性問題。 (包含在第二學期開始 andamp; 結局後的當機問題) http://i ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2016-08-07T18:27
最近把dc模擬器設定好,玩以前很著迷的 實戰職棒1、2 我用的是DEmul 0.582模擬器,玩起來電腦跑得很順 我有上網有找到此款遊戲的金手指 金錢最高 16C4D4E7 05F5DD18 資金超高 (版本二)81134F76 05F5DD18 但是這款模擬器沒有內建金手指 請問線上前輩是否可以 ...