Matyas Kuti - 魔術方塊

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2008-02-23T10:48

Table of Contents

Allright, here it comes.

I already talked about this issue in an earlier post, but I have more details
now: The 2nd solve in the 15 cubes multiple blindfolded at the World
Championships 07. The video is here:

The part I talked about earlier is 4:00 – 4:40. He seems to mess up the
corners. And then he magically knows how to correct his mistake.

Somebody suggested that it might be an algorithm that also twists corners.
Well, I have news: I reconstructed the whole drama: from 4:00 – 5:19.
Seriously, if a person still believes that no visual aid was involved after
seeing this, he is either:

A) A person who does not know the first thing about blindfold cubing.
B) A stubborn dumbass

I have no other words to describe it. I don't see how anyone can still
believe he did not cheat after this. Here is what happened:

At 4:00, the corners are solved (after about a minute of solving).

Then he does some setup moves, a three cycle, and the inverse of the setup

Next, he uses D' L' F2 as setup moves, then a three cycle, then F2 D L!! He
inverts the moves in the wrong order, completely messing up the corners and
some edges again. Now, had he realised that he made a mistake without seeing
it, he would have just done L' D' L D to correct it. But this was clearly not
the case. Instead, he starts looking around, then starts doing the corners
all over again, including a move like z U'R'U z' to insert a yellow corner in
the first layer again, and a commutator to twist two corners.

The reconstructed part of the solve is below. I also made an applet:

Scramble: U R2 F2 L2 U B2 D2 L2 U2 L2 U R U' D F' U F B' R' U L2 (white on
top, blue on front)


[Three cycle] d' L D F2 R2 U R U R' U' R' U' R' U R' F2 D' L' d
[Setup moves] d2 D' L' F2
[Three cycle] M2 U M U2 M' U M2
[Wrong inverse of setup moves] F2 D L

[Looking around] y2 U U'
[Inserting D-layer corner] yz U'R'U z'y U' y'2
[J-Permutation] L' U R U' L U2 R' U R U2 R'
[Three cycle] R' x y R' R2 U R U R' U' R' U' R' U R' R y' x' R
[Twisting two corners with commutator] L2 z' U' R' U R U' R' U L' U' R U R'
U' R U L z L2 y2
[Three cycle] M' U M U2 M' U M
[Three cycle] R2 U' R' U' R U R U R U' R
[Some rotations] y2 x2 y y
[Three cycle] M' U M U2 M' U M
[Three cycle] R2 U' R' U' R U R U R U' R
[Some rotations] y' z2 y' y z2
[T-Permuatation] R y2 R U R' U' R' F R2 U' R' U' R U R' F' L'

This video reconstruction is enough prooving that Kuti is cheating...

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All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-02-25T06:41
啥 有新重點嗎 我只看到還在爭論
David avatar
By David
at 2008-02-27T04:50
他有把solve解出來...不過老實說這也不算證明 這本來就
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-02-28T07:34
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-03-02T12:56
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-03-04T14:46
corner再轉對,除非有特殊方法,不然真的很像是作弊= =a
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-03-09T06:12
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-03-09T08:03
了很神奇的方法回復的~ 大概是這樣吧 XDD
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-03-12T12:17
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-03-12T23:16
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-03-16T06:49
116行與120行 重複 :D
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2008-03-20T17:11
請問Matyas Kuti手上用的方塊是蛇麼牌子的? 好像很好轉
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-03-23T21:47
倒是不一定要用 Kuti 那種 38方塊也可以sub-15 :D

Re: 迷宮方塊之挫敗--不經一事、不長一智

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-02-23T09:32
※ 引述《rehearttw (易懷)》之銘言: : 忽略中心,可能會出現兩邊交換的情形 : 所以要調整六個中心,才會恢復 : 底色會告訴我這件事情 : 但是沒看到底色,就是迷宮方塊多一個難度的地方 我是這樣處理啦 中心有6個 其中4個是└,2個是│ 配的方式是└└、└│、└│ (這裡是指相對面) 就像 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2008-02-23T08:46
兩年前從魚大哥那裡拿到箭頭方塊和迷宮方塊貼紙之後 我們一致認定: 箭頭方塊的等級是難 迷宮方塊的等級是超難 看著解答轉,一定可以轉出來 而經過這兩年的學習研究 我已非當年的吳下阿蒙 箭頭方塊,我已經有攻略出來了 挑戰迷宮方塊,目標一定在前方不遠處 何況板上很多高手都已經解出來了 所以前幾週我也來試試 當然, ...

不再進步了 下一步要練什麼???

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-02-23T03:43
※ 引述《misstoomuch (從地獄爬起的男人)》之銘言: : LBL算是練很熟了 但是速度就是卡在90秒左右 : 怎樣都無法進步到一分鐘 : 現在我應該要練什麼阿?? 最基本的 LBL ,用手轉(不用手指FSC)可以轉到 30~50 秒沒問題 各個步驟都很熟練,銜接(靠觀察)很順的話,可以 20 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2008-02-23T01:12
我的手因為之前轉動方塊+打網球過度 所以受了不輕的傷 目前傷勢狀況是可以把繃帶拆下來了 不用整天纏著 可是動不動還是會痛 所以還是不要轉動真實方塊比較好 但是~~ 我發現這次排名賽有新增了好多項目 所以~~科科科 我決定再出現一次 只轉2*2*2 和2*2*2 BLD 因為這樣手才不會太傷... (我 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-02-23T00:54
CCT開全螢幕的時候 要怎麼樣才能 讓scramble顯示啊 ? 還是說無解 開全螢幕爽度整個比較高 等等來測個馬拉松吧 -- G ENERATION ┌──────────────────────┐ U NSUE │ MOBIL ...