Marcan Names PS3 Linux Bootloader As … - 改機

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-10-05T22:46

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Marcan 的 linux bootloader 有新的進度了,
他放出了 AsbestOS 的原始碼(對應的硬體是 IGEPv2)
並且放出如何 port 到其他裝置的指引
主要分成三個部分 ps3pwn,stage1,stage2
ps3pwn 主要是 IGEPv2 觸發 PS3 漏洞的部分,
stage1 是負責在 lv2 中載入 usb driver,並從 usb 中載入 stage2
stage2 是負責 dhcp 和 tftp 的部分

另外 rvalles 大大把程式碼 port 到 ATMega1280 這塊開發板上了, for ATMega1280,
這塊台灣有賣約 1100 不過似乎很少人拿來破解 ps3,
下面是他的 Readme


This is the asbestos-avr8susb, a ps3 exploit for Atmel avr8 devices without
USB support.

It's primarily targeted at loading asbestos, which is included in binary form.

The payload (stage1) will install an usb driver which will download stage2
from usb. Then, stage2 will netboot (dhcp + tftp).

Refer to asbestos for further information.

It could be made to run anything else by replacing stage1 (in the first
device's descriptor in descriptor.h) and/or stage2 (in stage2.h)

It should work on:

- ATMega1280 (Arduino Mega)
... and maybe more.

This software is not intended to enable piracy. This software is intended to
allow the use of third party operating systems and applications on the PS3.

A programmed dongle won't enumerate properly on a PC, so don't worry
about that.

This software is based on psgroove-timwu, a port of psgroove to vusb.

This software includes parts of asbestos, written by Hector Martín

This software includes the vusb library, written by Objective

git clone git://

Chip and board selection can usually be handled in the Makefile.
In particular, update the MCU, BOARD, and F_CPU lines. Suggested values:

Arduino Mega

MCU = atmega1280
BOARD = ArduinoMega
F_CLOCK = 16000000

Board-specific notes
See README in subfolder for Boards corresponding to your particular board.

On Linux, use the AVR GCC toolchain (Debian/Ubuntu package: gcc-avr).
On MacOS X, check
On Windows, WinAVR should do the trick.

make clean


To program, just edit the programming options section of the Makefile
to match your particular board programming setup. You will need avrdude
on your path. Then do:

make program

For arduino users, you can get some hints as to how to configure the
programming options by checking what the arduino IDE does.

1. Edit your arduino preferences file setting upload.verbose to true.
2. Open the arduino ide
3. Create an empty sketch
4. Upload to your board, and check the output.

From the IDE's output you should be able to determine what port to use
and other useful information about configuring the options.

To use this exploit:

* Hard power cycle your PS3 (using the switch in back, or unplug it)
* Plug the dongle into your PS3.
* Press the PS3 power button, followed quickly by the eject button.

After a few seconds, the first LED on your dongle should light up.

After a few more seconds, the second LED will light up (or the LED
will just go off, if you only have one). This means the exploit

By default, the exploit will netboot the PS3 (dhcp+tftp).

During stage1, the exploit will provide debug information through
the uart.

Once stage2 is running, it'll provide debug information via ethernet
broadcast packets.

Refer to asbestos for further information.

Roc Vallès.

※ 引述《snowwolf725 (空之境界)》之銘言:
: Marcan 正式把他目前正在開發中的 PS3 Linux bootloader 取名為 AsbestOS
: AsbestOS 是一個能夠運作在 PS3 3.41 版韌體的 Linux Bootloader,
: 這是他的執行"畫面"
: 目前已經能夠薄/厚機上正常運作了,缺的只是文件的部分,
: 他分成兩個階段,第一個階段是取代掉原本 psjb 的 payload (約2KB)
: 第二階段是讀取位於 usb 上的 30KB 的程式,
: 另外還需要額外的 32KB 的記憶體,

Tags: 改機

All Comments

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-10-06T02:13
Wow! Another step closer to full system access!
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-10-08T11:04
看來PIC 18F2550要外掛 ROM了唉唉,幸好是麵包板

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