MameUIHiScore v0.142u1 - 模擬器

By Odelette
at 2011-04-20T23:25
at 2011-04-20T23:25
Table of Contents
MameUIHiScore v0.142u1 is released. MameUIHiScore is a new Mame Build.
New Release :
In Sync with MAME Source v0.142u1 / Both 32-Bit and 64-Bit available .
MameUIHiScore is another Mame Build with Unofficial "hiscore.dat" support .
And the following stuff :
- Unofficial "hiscore.dat" support (toggleable) ON by Default
- Removeable Nag Screens (toggleable) OFF by Default
- Removeable Loading/Decrypting Messages (toggleable) OFF by Default
- 2 not so known Filter (triad6 & hantarex) for a more Arcade looking Picture
Taito Type X2又有遊戲流出
MameUIHiScore v0.142u1 is released. MameUIHiScore is a new Mame Build.
New Release :
In Sync with MAME Source v0.142u1 / Both 32-Bit and 64-Bit available .
MameUIHiScore is another Mame Build with Unofficial "hiscore.dat" support .
And the following stuff :
- Unofficial "hiscore.dat" support (toggleable) ON by Default
- Removeable Nag Screens (toggleable) OFF by Default
- Removeable Loading/Decrypting Messages (toggleable) OFF by Default
- 2 not so known Filter (triad6 & hantarex) for a more Arcade looking Picture
Taito Type X2又有遊戲流出
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