Mameinfo.dat v0.138u1 FIX - 模擬器

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-05-28T23:12

Table of Contents

Mameinfo.dat v0.138u1 FIX is released.detailed mame game information
(including version added, number of players, game status, cpu/audio chips,
display info and maws hall of fame ratings). Provides Recommended Games for

Mameinfo.dat v0.138u1 changelog:
* Updated to MAME 0.138u1.
* Added 0.138u1 Source/Listinfo changes.
* Newest Bugs (27th May).
* Updated Guru's 'SEGA 317-xxxx Security Parts List'.
* Fixed Mameinfo.dat infos.


All Comments


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-05-28T19:33 sfc中的兩款元組岩男遊戲:r7和r&f,如果在不集氣滑壘的情況下,究竟哪一代 的威利膠囊比較難搞呢?讓我們拭目以待XD 主要還是以特訓威利膠囊為主,晚一點再考慮要不要從頭玩一下元組岩男7。 新手一枚,請多多指教XD 本實況預計於七點四十五分開始 ...

M1.XML 20100527

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-05-28T11:47 M1.XML 20100527 is released.M1.XML file for use with M1 - keeping up with changes in MAME.M1 plays the music from arcade g ...

MameUI v138.1

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2010-05-28T11:47 MameUI v138.1 is released.MameUI [formerly Mame32] is the GUI version of the M.ultiple A.rcade M.achine E.mulator, a program which ...

(DC / NAOMI) nullDC SVN r31

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-05-28T11:15
2010.05.27 r31 - -. Projects Directory Warning clean up. -. Changed subsystem from Console to Window for all. 300+ other warni ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2010-05-27T23:56
請問一下為什麼我用DeSmuME時 只要是切換視窗,跳出來看網頁在跳回去它就會切大小啊? 就是那種視窗大小 有三種一種是上下,一種是左右,一種是單LCD畫面 不管我是用滑鼠按來切網頁或是ALT+TAB來切它都會自動切換一次 就是上面那三種自動切換 一直換來換去好麻煩 請問能 ...