MAMEHub v0.5 - 模擬器

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-04-10T22:16

Table of Contents

MAMEHub v0.5 is released. MAMEHub is a portal where
ClientServerMAME/ClientServerMESS players can log in and arrange matches with
other players. It handles versioning, matchmaking, and publicising of matches.

Unfortunately there's a bug where MAMEHub 0.4 accidentally says it is MAMEHub
0.5 at the startup screen, so please make sure you uninstall 0.4 and install
0.5, even if it says you are running 0.5 when you start the app.

Here's a list of some of the more significant changes in MAMEHub 0.5 and the
CSMAME & CSMESS included in 0.5:

- The initial sync process (which could take on the order of 15 minutes for
- some machines) is completely gone and games now start almost instantly
- The input latency is better estimated and games are smoother
- Users can now choose any port to forward on their router and are not required
to choose 5805
- Unicode support, including japanese and korean characters
- Improvements to the game auditor, a system that automatically finds ROMs and
places them in a tree for easy access
- Many sync issues fixed, including time-dependent sync bugs and memory
- Several memory leaks fixed, and games can now run indefinitely

I would like to thank Krusty, Zambr, and everyone else in the community for
finding and reporting bugs, and for donating to support the server upkeep
costs. MAMEHub is possible because of its growing and passionate community.


All Comments

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-04-11T20:05

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請問NDS模擬器 植物大戰殭屍 連線問題

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-04-10T18:29
大家好: 最近在玩NDS模擬器的植物大戰殭屍 裡面有一個vs模式 想請問模擬器有辦法玩vs模式嗎?(無論是用一台電腦或兩台) 爬文的結果似乎是不行... 不過爬文爬到的狀況似乎跟我所遭遇的問題不完全相同 希望有試過的朋友們幫忙解答 感謝!! 補充一下~~我用的是No$gba2.6a anda ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2011-04-10T16:42
月風魔傳那個漢化小組的某個成員現在正在不爽 主因是他跟某人的嫌隙引致論壇跟小組之間的對立 所以他很肚爛別人把他們家的東西發到該論壇去甚至還跟一些人吵了起來 但說真的這種東西只要一放出來一定就會散出去 你就算砍了原始發佈位置也沒用反正大家都有備份想不想分流而已 這種東西生不帶來死不帶去的既然發了就認哉讓大家去 ...