MAME v0.143 - 模擬器

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-06-29T12:39

Table of Contents


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04380: [Crash/Freeze] sfish2, sfish2j: Crash after OK (R. Belmont)
- 04384: [Crash/Freeze] cottonbm: Black screen instead of intro (Angelo
- 04347: [Crash/Freeze] mach3, cobram3, usvsthem: Stalls on its opening
diagnostic screen (smf)
- 04342: [Crash/Freeze] cubeqst, cubeqsta: Crash/Assertion after OK (smf)
- 04340: [Crash/Freeze] firefox, firefoxa: Crash after OK (smf)
- 04341: [Crash/Freeze] All playable sets in deco_ld.c, dlair.c, esh.c,
gpworld.c, istellar.c, lpg.c, segald.c, superdq.c: Crash after OK (smf)
- 04349: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in cliffhgr.c: Halts at "** DISC NOT UP TO
SPEED *** screen (smf)
- 04343: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in baraduke.c, namcos1.c, namcos86.c,
skykid.c: Immediate crash while using -DEBUG (Wilbert Pol)
- 04388: [Documentation] specfrce: Wrong SHA1 check sum in XML data for CHD
(v3 vs. v4) (Tafoid)

Source Changes
Added preliminary circle drawing for Warp Speed [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

Added analog controls to Warp Speed [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

Added index and ready line read functions to floppy drive. [Curt

Added device-relative functions for memory banking. [Curt Coder]

Added DE, CURSOR, HSYNC, and VSYNC line read members to MC6845.
[Curt Coder]

SH4: Misc cleanups, added support for VERSION register. Naomi rev H
BIOS now boots games. [O. Galibert, Deunan Knute, R. Belmont]

eeprom: Add tag name in eeprom's verbosity [O. Galibert]

Readme replacement for Crusin' USA to include Off Road Challenge.

cdrom: convert Mode 1 Form 1 sectors to Mode 1 raw if requested
[R. Belmont]

Added byuu's cothread library, along with a wrapper class. Switched to
using one cothread for each executable device. This functionality is
strictly internal and should result in no changes in scheduling
behavior. However, it now becomes possible to exit out of a device's
execution in the midst of an instruction by calling
machine().scheduler().make_active(). Note that this is somewhat
dangerous for cores that have logic at the start of their execute loop
to check for interrupts or other conditions, as those checks will be
skipped upon resume, so consider this sort of early exiting to be
highly experimental for now. [Aaron Giles, Miodrag Milanovic, byuu]
(Please Note: cothread usage is behind a compile-time define as per now,
they will be reenabled in the next dev cycle)

Convert Namco C352 to modern C++ device [R. Belmont]

Added BUSRQ and WAIT input lines to the Z80 CPU core. [Curt Coder]

Added support for multi level slot devices [Miodrag Milanovic]

Fixed a bad ROM dump in pss62 (Super Famicom Box) [Y~K, MESSfan]

Slightly improved the preliminary emulation of sfcbox [Y~K, MESSfan]

This is a temporary fix for Mating Game which disables the 'Line Zero'
interrupt condition. [J. Wallace]

Fixed state saving for OKIM6376 (hopefully) [J. Wallace]

Used a Dolbeck Systems flyer to correct the colours of the Connect 4
built-in layout. [J. Wallace]

Fixed line zero irq condition and provided a sync update for MPU4 HW
games [J. Wallace]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Warp Speed (prototype) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

New clones added
Terra Force (Japan) [ShouTime]
Off Road Challenge (v1.50) (not working) [Guru]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910306)
[Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Final Fight (USA, set 2) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Leader Board (Arcadia, set 3) [Team Europe & Alexander F.]
OnePlay Version 2.20 bios [Team Europe & Alexander F.]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Super Mario Kart / Super Mario Collection / Star Fox (Super Famicom Box)
[Y~K, MESSfan]
New Super 3D Golf Simulation - Waialae No Kiseki / Super Mahjong 2 (Super
Famicom Box)
[Y~K, MESSfan]
Super Donkey Kong / Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Super Famicom Box)
[Y~K, MESSfan]
Super Donkey Kong / Super Bomberman 2 (Super Famicom Box)
[Y~K, MESSfan]


All Comments


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-06-29T11:47
我有一個搖桿,背面寫:FIGHT JOYSTICK 在舊電腦(xp系統)使用正常 後來買了新電腦(也是xp系統),就不能使用了, 電腦顯示:USB裝置無法辨識。 請問該怎麼做才能使用搖桿呢?謝謝! - ...

SFC 第四次機器人大戰

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2011-06-29T11:27
其實有一招在3代相當流行的叫背人練功法 主要攻擊者--等級低 要練的等級高但不攻擊 4代也是可以通用 妖精是可以換人搭的 不一定要跟修 故如修的等級已經很高--換搭其他聖戰士的駕駛 建議其他的就先冰起來 然後如恰姆練到40級 去搭其他的可能15級 然後因為我方等級低--敵人等級高 可很快 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-06-29T10:04
因為自己在找saturn的遊戲 所以把找到的這個站分享給大家 雖然不是所有saturn的遊戲都有 不過稍微看了一下,幾款大作都有看到 castlevania sexy parodius du ...

SS 光明與黑暗續戰篇Ⅲ 王都的巨神(收

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-06-28T21:51 第二部開始~ 使用模擬器為 SSF 0.12 beta 很久沒玩 可以提示需要注意的地方XD - ...

SFC 第四次機器人大戰

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-06-28T21:44
大家好 最近用SFC模擬器玩第四次機器人大戰 聖戰士主角-修 (抱歉不太方便打日文) 精靈的選擇有一點問題 原本配的是恰姆 恰姆是個非常好的精靈(發好精靈卡) 但「奇跡」要70級才能修得 (看網路上的攻略講的) 依照升級的速度 修和恰姆的搭配在遊戲的四分之三應該都沒有「幸運」可以用 (修和恰姆都沒 ...