MAME/UI/SDL v0.127u8 - 模擬器

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-10-14T12:15

Table of Contents

SDLMAME v0.127u8

MameUI v127.8

MAME v0.127u8


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02522: [Graphics] cubeqst: Cubequest showing its laserdisc footage under
black regular graphics in demo. (Aaron Giles)
- 01867: [DIP/Input] plygonet: Duplicated Inputs (R. Belmont)
- 01716: [DIP/Input] backfire, backfira: Coin 1+2, Service1 and Service
Mode mapped twice. (Couriersud)
- 00106: [DIP/Input] le2: Impossible to reload. (R. Belmont)
- 01708: [DIP/Input] stargrds: stargrds duplicate inputs (Couriersud)
- 02532: [DIP/Input] lunarba1: Unable to locate input port ′DSW2′
(Aaron Giles)
- 02533: [Crash/Freeze] nbapbp: CPU audio: PULSE_LINE used with level-
detected IRQ 1 (Aaron Giles)
- 02530: [Crash/Freeze] Various: Assertion in cpuint.c (Couriersud)
- 01821: [Crash/Freeze] lohtb2: Game stops at PCB test (Couriersud)
- 02529: [DIP/Input] catch22: Credits do not register in game. (Couriersud)
- 02528: [Core] xexex and clones: Game checks halt with "VERSION ERROR"
(R. Belmont)
- 01447: [DIP/Input] propcycl: Analog input roll over problem. (R. Belmont)
- 02211: [Sound] soldivid: missing music (R. Belmont)
- 00978: [Graphics] columns2: There is some garbage on the place where you
drop the 2 small squares at the bottom, after the Game Over
image drops down. (David Haywood)
- 02521: [Color/Palette] ichir and clones, tantr and clones: Some colors
are missing and other graphics errors (David Haywood)
- 02511: [Crash/Freeze] dkong: Donkey Kong crashes after quiting.
(Aaron Giles)
- 02512: [Misc.] dkong: Artwork and gameplay area are getting squished/
distorted. (Aaron Giles)

Source Changes
Updated Dip Switches and Inputs for ′yesnoj′ (taito_f2.c driver).

Fixed several things in the jalmah.c driver: [Angelo Salese]
* Fixed Mahjong Daireikai pseudo-random number generator;
* Fixed Otogizoushi Urashima Mahjong to make it playable;
* Fixed a start-up crashing bug in mjzoomin/urashima/daireika

Simplified expro02 decryption. [Nicola Salmoria]

Completed general NeoGeo cleanup: [JohnBoy]
* Sorted OEM / bootleg sets
* Renamed roms on non OEM / bootleg sets to ONE naming sheme
* Renamed functions
* Cleaned up bootleg sets
* Added some comments
* Renamed sma in garou/garouo, added comment

Changed Cube Quest laserdisc override logic. It′s still a little hacky
but this works better than the previous attempt. [Aaron Giles]

Updated segac2 driver to use updated megadriv code. [David Haywood]

Moved fantasia -> expro02.c, however, the extra layer is misplaced on
it. Scroll regs probably differ from the original. [David Haywood]

PsikyoSH: hook up VBL IRQ ack [R. Belmont]

SH2: fix DRC′s handling of internally generated IRQs, and fix
compiling in interpreter mode. [R. Belmont]

Rewrote pmpoker.c driver (first part). [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
- Added discrete sound support to Golden Poker hardware games based
on schematics.
- Added discrete sound support to Potten′s Poker hardware games based
on PCB analysis.
- Added discrete circuitry diagrams for both hardware types.
- Adjusted the CPU adressing to 15 bits for pmpoker/goldenpkr
- Adjusted the CPU adressing to 14 bits for pottnpkr hardware.
- Rewrote all the ROM loads based on these changes.
- Defined MASTER Xtal & CPU clock.
- Fixed the visible area based on M6845 registers.
- Improved the lamps layouts to be more realistic.
- Added Good Luck (potten′s poker hybrid running in goldnpkr hardware).
- Added Buena Suerte (spanish) x 2 sets.
- Added set Royale.
- Added Witch Card and spanish variants.
- Added Super Loco 93 (spanish) x 2 sets.
- Renamed set goldnpkc to pottnpkr (parent Jack Potten′s Poker set).
- Renamed set jokerpkr to potnpkra, since is another Jack Potten′s
Poker set.
- Added other 2 clones of Jack Potten′s Poker.
- Renamed/cleaned all sets based on code/hardware analysis.
- Added intensity bit to the color system.
- Implemented the blue killer bit for Witch Card hardware.
- Implemented the extended graphics addressing bit for Witch Card
- Added proper visible area to sloco93.
- Rewrote the graphics & color decode system based on schematics. No
more patched codes.
- Changed the char gfx bank structure and rom load according to the
new routines.
- Adjusted the amount of color codes and PROM region size accordingly.
- Updated all notes.

Large update to comments in smstrv.c for SMS Manufacturing boards.
Documented how the input/output ports are hooked up, and what the PALS
do, still need to document the video output port and add the smssshot
roms, and actually hook stuff up (like the z80) based on the comments.
[Lord Nightmare]

Removed speedups from sokyugrt, they break the game (make it too slow)
the SH2 DRC is sufficient. [David Haywood]

Did most of the protection work for Double Dealer. It appears to use
a funky video register setting involving locations $8c1e0-8c1ef range
for cards movements so it isn′t playable yet. [Angelo Salese]

Added DIP LOCATIONS to items in the driver and cleaned up some of the
comments mentioning duplicate dips configurations. Not fully
understanding how the FREE PLAY was implemented, I left that not to
show a location. [Tafoid]

cubeqst changes: [Aaron Giles]
* removed custom sound in favor of individual DACs
* simplified palette management logic
* hooked up the "disc on" signal

Cleaned up Firefox video implementation: [Aaron Giles]
- proper sprite/tile priorities
- adjusted X offset to match screenshots
- converted to tilemaps

Added cawing B-Board PAL dumps [Corrado Tomaselli]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Mahjong Daireikai [Angelo Salese]
Otogizoushi Urashima Mahjong [Angelo Salese]
Good Luck! [Roberto Fresca]
Buena Suerte! (spanish) [Roberto Fresca]
Witch Card (english) [Roberto Fresca]
Super Loco 93 (spanish) [Roberto Fresca]

New clones added
Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (bootleg) [Kawaks]
Jack Potten′s Poker (2 sets) [Roberto Fresca]
Witch Card (spanish)(2 sets) [Roberto Fresca]
Buena Suerte (spanish, set 2) [Roberto Fresca]
Super Loco 93 (spanish, set 2) [Roberto Fresca]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Royale [Roberto Fresca]


All Comments

MAMEUIFX32 0.127u8

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-10-14T09:36
October 13, 2008 - Updated to MAME 0.127u8 - MAMEUI 0.127u7 - Fixed MAME Testers bug ID 02268. (devilw, darkadv, majuu: Sprite-background ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-10-14T00:16
感謝板大屢屢出版經典好文~ 本來我這邊有點小小情報私下提供給板大,但是板大希望我PO出來,小弟不材 ,就和大家回味一下我的心得和經驗。 事實上FC的孔雀王是波麗佳音ポニーキャニオン出品,不管是一代和二代都是 AVG,和SEGA孔雀王二代MD版都無關,MD的孔雀王會叫做二代是因 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-10-13T23:22
15-20年前左右的吧 (汗) 以俯視視角進行的ARPG,故事背景...應該算架空世界 有幾個主角可以選(還是中途換手?) 攻擊模式都不太一樣 記得有一個是拿劍砍出像月光波的劍氣(?) 來攻擊敵人 不知道有大大能神到嗎? atat; -- 音樂是 登 登 登登登登 登登登登 登登登登 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-10-13T22:18
名稱:孔雀王Ⅱ—幻影城(Kujaku Ou 2 - Geneijou) 載圖:封面 遊戲 http://www.bad ...

吞食天地2諸葛孔明傳 重製版(手機平台)

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-10-13T14:50 到CAPCOM官網上可以看到, CAPCOM把一堆老遊戲重製在手機上 不過詳細的內容我看不懂 XD 至於台灣能不能玩 或者有沒有低調 我也不知道 我也在等.... 看圖片 對話增加了許多漢字 圖 ...