MAME/UI/SDL v0.127u4 - 模擬器

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-09-19T21:48

Table of Contents

SDLMAME v0.127u4

The latest version is 0.127u4. This fixes the PSX hardware regressions that
were in u3 (that was a baseline thing).

MameUI v127.4

MAME v0.127u4


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02210: [Misc.] fieldday, undoukai: Game doesn′t start. Source typo in
0.126u2. (MASH)
- 02240: [Crash/Freeze] All Sets in namcos12.c: Game Freeze (Aaron Giles)
- 02241: [Sound] kncljoe, kncljoea: Missing AY-3-8910A sound effects.
(Aaron Giles)
- 02248: [Sound] All sets in m58.c: No sound in game (Aaron Giles)
- 02239: [Sound] stunrun: No OKI6295 sound. (Aaron Giles)
- 02249: [Crash/Freeze] All Sets in zn.c: Game Hangs (Aaron Giles)
- 02233: [Speed] chboxing, chwrestl, dokidoki: Game Speed/Timing issue
(Curt Coder)
- 01897: [Original Reference] birdtry: DIP switch settings from manual.
- 02242: [Gameplay] ikarijp, ikarijpb: Test screen now required to be
cycled to enter game. (Nicola Salmoria)

Source Changes
Added redump of indytemc. There′s sprite/playfield flipping issues,

Improvements to Funworld driver: [Roberto Fresca]
- Added new clone: Pool 10 (italian, set 4).
- Improved lamps layout for all games.
- Added Pool 10 pinout and DIP switches info.
- Updated technical notes.

Continued I/O map merging. [Andrew Gardner]

Changed Namco NB-x to use real C75 BIOS, read controls the real
hardware way. [R. Belmont]

Added lamps support + layout to magjoker and galaxi. Magjoker has a
good lamps sequence in the attract. [Roberto Fresca]

Fixed crash when hitting watchpoints on static handlers. [Aaron Giles]

Changed Namco NA-2 to use real C70 BIOS. Removed sound and input
simulation code. Changed the NA-1/2 MCU type to M37702. [Phil Bennett]

Added correct colour PROMS to arkatour. [Dazzer]

Fixed inputs in Main Event (SNK) based on the info in [9IEM1smI0]

Jaleco ′Bomb′s Away′ Improvements [aDG4W+qp0]

Fixed refresh rate and interrupts in sg1000a driver, added 8255PPI and
coin counter. [Curt Coder]

Changed requirements for laserdisc CHDs to require a new chunk of
metadata with pre-decoded frame information. Modified chdman to
automatically produce this for CHDs that are of the appropriate
parameters. To fix up existing CHDs, use chdman -fixavdata on the
CHD. [Aaron Giles]

Modified the laserdisc core to leverage the pre-decoded frame
metadata, which is now required. This improves seek times when
searching and allows the player-specific emulation access to the
VBI data as soon as it would really be available. Changed update
callback timing to fire just before the first line of VBI data
would be read; at that point, the frame selection is assumed to
be committed. [Aaron Giles]

Converted PR-8210 emulation over to using the actual MCU from the
laserdisc player. This MCU controls low-level functions such as
slider position and laser on/off, and receives decoded vertical
blanking data in order to make decisions. Removed old HLE behavior.
Note that the overlay text is displayed via the UI; this is
temporary and will be fixed shortly. [Aaron Giles]

Converted Simutrek-hacked laserdisc emulation to using the actual
MCU from the game, which in turn hands off commands to the PR-8210
MCU. This is still not 100% but is pretty close at this point and
achieves the correct behaviors in most cases. [Aaron Giles]

Fixed Cube Quest overlay scaling to cover the whole screen.
[Aaron Giles]

Changed laserdisc video parameters to position the screen area at
the bottom rather than the top, since this corresponds more closely
to standard line numbering. [Aaron Giles]

Extended the vbiparse code to support pack/unpack, and to more
fully document all the meanings of the VBI codes. [Aaron Giles]

Updated ldplayer to support slow/fast forward movement, frame/chapter
display, and separate controls for scanning/stepping. [Aaron Giles]

Added new built-in variable "frame" to the debugger. [Aaron Giles]

Fixed device-based ROM loading to support loading ROMs from the
game′s ZIP as well. [Aaron Giles]

CPU-internal regions now have priority again. Fixed mario by installing
a handler in the SOUND_START function. [Aaron Giles]

Improved DIP switch handling and added DIP locations in epos.c. [Tafoid]

Added DIP locations to the dec0 driver. [Tafoid]

Separate NBA Jam TE from NBA Jam as they are not technically clones of
each other. [Atari Ace]

Verified cpu clocks and corrected/verified OKI M6295 frequencies and pin
for Shadow Force. [Corrado Tomaselli]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Fire Fox (still needs proper laserdisc support) [smf]

New clones added
Tengai (World) [Jet Black / Tormod]
Pool 10 (italian, set 4) [Roberto Fresca]
Hot Mind (adjustable prize) [David Haywood, Roberto Fresca]
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123) [bonky_0013]
Three Wonders (hack?) [EMMA team]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Funny Land de Luxe [Tomasz Slanina]


All Comments


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-09-19T15:15
之前有一個a大架設的 PS2 Game 論壇 裡面對於各大主機的模擬器都有很詳細的介紹跟討論 還有很多模擬器中文化的作者都會在上面發表 (我記得有一個j大會同步貼文在這個板) 今天心血來潮,想把模擬器全部更新一下 結果發現站好像搬了還是掛了 請問有人知 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-09-19T12:08
我今天裝入薩爾達傳說-時之笛的檔案去跑 發現有影像但是沒聲音atat?...是哪裡出了問題嗎? 而且我要退出時甚至當機.... 我用電腦的模擬器測試過是有音效的了.. 我的模擬器是daedalus psp 版本是R13.. 還是有人有更好的PSP的N64模擬器可推薦呢? -- ※ 編輯: Tun ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2008-09-19T03:25
小弟用的是winkawaks1.59 可是玩RB餓狼SP時 呼出EX角色的方法是 START按著 BBCC 按著BC選安迪 比利 瑪莉跟老頭 可是試了N遍都試不出來 甚至還調了BC當熱鍵 依然無效 請問是我記錯方法嗎? 還是有什麼比較容易的方法呢? - ...

psp上的snk vs capcom

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-09-19T01:26
請問一下大大 我要怎麼弄才能弄的像上面的影片這樣可以用psp玩snk vs capcom 我已經快要搞到瘋掉了 = = 請大大幫我一下 謝謝 - ...

Linux 的模擬器 (Ubuntu 套件)

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2008-09-18T21:12
搜尋 Ubuntu 套件資料庫,發現有這些: Apple II - apple2、 xapple2 Mac (6800) - basilisk2 DOS - dosemu、 dosbox MSX - openmsx (介面:openmsx ...