MAME/UI/SDL 0.126 - 模擬器

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-07-07T12:12

Table of Contents

MameUI32/64 .126


MAME 0.126


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 01896: [Misc.] bigfight, cyclwarr: Access Violation crash
(Aaron Giles)
- 01964: [Misc.] gtg2j: Access Violation (Aaron Giles)
- 01951: [Misc.] cybrcycc: Crash during intro. (Aaron Giles)
- 01965: [Misc.] driveyes: Access Violation (Aaron Giles)
- 01983: [Cheat System] Force Range cheats not working (couriersud)
- 00388: [Graphics] gaia: sometimes fails to display shadows beneath
enemies or the sprites of the old man that talks to you.
(David Haywood)
- 01984: [Cheat System] Incorrectly populating empty spacer comment
cheats (Aaron Giles)
- 01980: [Cheat System] Enable Cheats menu only showing the first 24
cheats for ANY game (Aaron Giles)
- 01971: [Cheat System] Cheat menu flickers. (Aaron Giles)
- 01967: [Misc.] output.c unregister_client crash (Jeff Shanholtz)
- 01963: [Misc.] screenless systems: memory leak with -mngwrite
(Aaron Giles)
- 01854: [Graphics] All sets in thepit.c: Player 2 in cocktail mode
has screen reversed (couriersud)
- 01952: [Cheat System] sfex2p: Cheat crash. (Shimapong)
- 01968: [Cheat System] -CHEAT trigger causes MAME crash when starting
or exiting with some sets. (Shimapong)
- 01969: [Cheat System] some problem with cheat system (Shimapong)

Source Changes
Replaced kodb set with complete dump from known bootleg board
(different gfx rom layout). Added wofhfh bootleg from mame32plus.
Added SF2 Magic Turbo Delta bootleg as non-working. [David Haywood]

Added skeleton hikaru driver. [David Haywood, Guru]

Fixed possible 64-bit crash/hang with survival. [nuapete]

Driver's Eyes improvements: [Naibo]
- the communication work between CPU and 3D DSP should be limited
to the master M68000, if the address mapping is done in the shared
memory, master CPU would be disturbed by the slave one.
- DIP Switches
DIP3 ON for Screen on the left
DIP4 ON for Screen on the right
should not toggle on both
- The left, center and right screens have separate programs and
boards, each would work independantly. About projection angles of
left and right screen, the angle is correct on 'DRIVER'S EYES'
title screen, however in the tracks of demo mode it doesn't seem
- The game also features a pretty nice 2D sprite layer, which still
doesn't show up yet. It is known that the CPU does constantly feed
the 2D video memory some meaningful and logical data.

New driver for Lucky 74 (Wing Co.Ltd, 1988)
[Roberto Fresca, Tomasz Slanina]
- Set the proper screen size.
- Decoded graphics.
- Decoded the dual-state color circuitry.
- Mapped the NVRAM, VRAM1-1, VRAM1-2, VRAM2-1 and VRAM2-2 properly.
- Emulated 2x PPI 8255 devices.
- Mapped the 4x DIP switches banks.
- Added PORT_DIPLOCATION to all DIP switches.
- Added DIP switches for 'Bet Max' and 'Limit'.
- Added DIP switches for 'Jackpot' and 'Pay Table'.
- Added the Memory Reset Switch.
- Added the 2nd video & color RAM.
- Added a 2nd tilemap for background graphics.
- Simplified the graphics banks.
- Fixed colors for foreground graphics.
- Fixed visible area to show the top of background graphics.
- Finally fixed colors for background graphics.
- Added all coinage DIP switches.
- Mapped all remaining inputs (service and player buttons).
- Added pulse time limitation to coins A, B & C.
- Switched to use 4x 8255 in replace of 2x 82c255 for I/O.
- Created a handler to feed the z80 port0 requests.
- Promoted lucky74s to 'working' state.
- Added an alternate set, but the program ROM looks like incomplete,
protected or just a bad dump.
- Parent/clone relationship.
- Added technical notes.
- Hooked interrupts.
- Hooked the AY8910 and therefore the NMI trigger.
- Changed the input "Key In" to active high.

Fix scrolling speed in case a cheat dat has invalid (i.e. 0) settings.

Added per-device and per-CPU validity checks. [Nathan Woods]

Added new Ferrari F355 USA BIOS to Naomi.c [AndyGeezer]

Improved sprite rendering on gaia crusaders (animate at 60fps now,
not 30). [David Haywood]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Lucky 74 (small) [Roberto Fresca]

New clones added
Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision A) [Chris Hardy]
Lucky 74 (big) [Roberto Fresca]
Emergency Call Ambulance (Export) [AndyGeezer]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Hikaru Bios [Guru]
Air Trix [Guru]
Planet Harriers [Guru]
Star Wars Pod Racer [Guru]
Wave Runner [David Haywood]


All Comments

Pasofami v1.5n

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-07-07T11:00
パソファミ(v1.5n)のバージョンアップ内容2008/07/05) NSF(Nes Sound File)自動作成タイトルの追加 (更に追加タイトル 数:60 合計タイトル数:934) ____________________________________________ ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-07-07T09:08
警告--這都是繁體的IPS檔不是roms 如何使用IPS其實很簡單自己動動手指就知道了 連伸手都幫你免了你還只想出一張嘴的話那真的是沒救啦 另外如果是黑畫面的問題請自己設法找到正確的對應roms(自己看crc32) 或利用16進位編輯器把空白檔頭給清掉 ...

關於天地創造 中文版

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-07-07T08:40
※ 引述《SecretWhale (鯨魚)》之銘言: : 小弟最近入手了這款遊戲,自己的印象大概是在國中時候玩過一次 : 記得那時候玩中文版,會在遊戲中後期某個劇情之下,一定會當掉 : 不過,後來在某間賣電玩的店裡面,有看到(一張貼在牆上的海報 : 之類的東西上),有說要使用某組金手指的密碼就能解決此問題, ...

關於天地創造 中文版

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-07-07T08:19
小弟最近入手了這款遊戲,自己的印象大概是在國中時候玩過一次 記得那時候玩中文版,會在遊戲中後期某個劇情之下,一定會當掉 不過,後來在某間賣電玩的店裡面,有看到(一張貼在牆上的海報 之類的東西上),有說要使用某組金手指的密碼就能解決此問題, 而小弟那時候用這組金手指,也的確順利通過那個必當機的情形, ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-07-07T01:05
◎.求檔前請先參閱板規,並請依照格式撰寫(本文可用 Ctrl+y 消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:N64 內容陳述:伍佑衛門一開始去富士山拿新武器      之 ...