MAME 0.182 - 模擬器

By Rebecca
at 2017-01-26T17:29
at 2017-01-26T17:29
Table of Contents
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04907: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (combatsc.cpp) combatsc, combatscj,
combatsct, bootcamp: Score line is not flipped with screen
(Angelo Salese)
- 05313: [DIP/Input] (namcos21.cpp) winrun, winrun91, winrungp,driveyes:
Misplaced Controls (Angelo Salese)
- 05392: [Documentation] (royalmah.cpp) janputer: info about "New Double Bet
Mahjong" (Angelo Salese)
- 06216: [Sound] (ptcsol.cpp) sol20: Audio support (Robbbert)
- 06422: [Graphics] (rohga.cpp) wolffang: (Japanese Wolf Fang Only) Text at
attract mode is cropped (David Haywood)
- 06460: [Sound] (stlforce.cpp) stlforce: OKI6295 speed is too slow (system11)
- 06461: [DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) eeekk: 2P Start Button map is missing
- 06464: [Interface] Every system with softlists using the "requirement"
sharedfeat: Software list items with the "requirement"
sharedfeat don't work (AJR)
- 06467: [Gameplay] (hh_tms1k.cpp) elecdet: Every suspect gives the same
alibi. (hap)
- 06468: [DIP/Input] (gladiatr.cpp) gladiatr ogonsiro gcastle: Coinage DIP
switches have no effect in sets using MCU simulation
(Vas Crabb)
New working machines
Conic Electronic Basketball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Conic Multisport/Tandy Sports Arena [hap, Sean Riddle]
Enma Daio (Japan) [rtw, Ryan Holtz, Dullaron, Firebricks, redk9258, W. Perez,
Anonymous from Switzerland, Darksoft, Smitdogg,
David Haywood, ShouTime, Andy Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Gakken Galaxy Invader 1000/Tandy Cosmic 1000 Fire Away [hap, Sean Riddle,
Kevin Horton]
Hangzo (Japan, prototype)
[ShouTime, Smitdogg, David Haywood, Imhotep, Ryan Holtz, hap, Zhivko
Dimitrov, spogghi, ANY, Arjen Hoekman, Arcade Addict, krick,
Dullaron, Eddie, f205v, rtw, Rod_Wod, Fabien Marsaud, InsertMoreCoins, Jan
Stuhler, trap15, Macaw, Team Japump, Brandon Munger,
Juan Manuel Gutierrez, abelardator2, Jordi Bosch Creus, haynor666, Nestor
Acebo Jimenez, Carl Perry, Jeremy McElroy,
Steven Boswell, JJaVMeTaL, Steven LeMaire, Matthew Shultz, Mark Riley has no
toaster, Carlos Gutierrez, Bjorn Stahl,
Aldo Vittorio De Luca, Bruno Celsi, Philip Zumbrun, cornishdavey, Stefano De
Dionigi, motoschifo, Mamesick, Daniel Hitchcock,
Patrick Wheeler, bisus, desodeso, Swos, Don Zaucker, Tox Nox Fox, Zak0077,
giuppo, Moket, Frankie, robindan77, biasini, Dr_Zero,
motoschifo, Mameremember, John Wilke, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli,
Berlioux Julien, Lior Aouate, The Dumping Union]
Mattel Dalla$ (J.R. handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mattel Thoroughbred Horse Race Analyzer [hap, Sean Riddle]
Motorola MC68705P5 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Poly-Play (ZRE-PP) [SailorSat]
Tiger 7 in 1 Sports Stadium [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones
Atari PC1 [rfka01]
Dynamite Duke (Japan, 25JUL89) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-2/3/4, set 2) [Berger]
Fighting Fantasy (Japan revision ?) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (older) [NeoSD]
Motorola MC68705P3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Motorola MC68705R3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Motorola MC68705U3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Poly-Play (ZRE-PP - Czech) [SailorSat]
Research Machines RM-380Z, COS 3.4D [zx70]
Research Machines RM-380Z, COS 3.4E [zx70]
Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) [JacKc]
Saulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II,
set 2) [JacKc]
Skull Fang (Asia) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Star Fighter (bootleg of Astro Fighter) [f205v]
Machines promoted to working
Novag Diablo 68000 [hap]
Novag Super Expert (several versions) [hap, Berger]
Novag Super Forte (several versions) [hap, Berger]
Future Flash [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen,
Tomasz Slanina]
Force SYS68K/CPU-20 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Otrona Attache [zx70]
Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) [JacKc]
Sky Robo [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
Clones promoted to working
Laser Base (set 1) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter
Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Laser Base (set 2) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter
Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Tatakae! Big Fighter (Japan) [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Ator (Videodens) [AJR, Gonzalo]
Bloody Roller (Playbar) [AJR, Akiles500]
Compugraphic MCS PowerView 10 [Carl, Al Kossow]
Cobra (Playbar) [AJR, Iso Tropia]
Happy Fish (V2 PCB, 302-in-1) [The Dumping Union]
LINK RM-480Z (set 1) [Robbbert]
LINK RM-480Z (set 2) [Robbbert]
Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
miniFORCE VME Chassis [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Slalom Code 0.3 (Stargame) [AJR, Akiles500]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Eight Ball Champ (Spain, Z-Pinball hardware) [AJR, Iso Tropia]
MotorDome (German) [PinMAME]
Star Horse Progress (backup data) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw,
Star Horse Progress (live, Rev A) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw,
Star Horse Progress (main screens, Rev B) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC,
rtw, ShouTime]
Star Horse Progress (sound & backup, Rev A) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC,
rtw, ShouTime]
World Kicks (Japan, WK1 Ver.A) [rtw]
New working software list additions
-archimedes.xml: over 30 games (some protected), and many apps [Nigel Barnes]
-atom_cass.xml: Backgammon, Cylon Attack, Early Warning, Minefield, Tangled
[Nigel Barnes]
-atom_flop.xml: Galaxians (Aardvark) [Nigel Barnes]
-ibmpcjr_cart.xml: Fraction Fever [Anna Wu, Justin Kerk]
MS-DOS (Verson 3.20, Tandy version 03.20.21) (Tandy 1000 TX), DeskMate (Tandy
1000), DeskMate II (Tandy 3000), Personal DeskMate,
Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 HX), Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 HX,
Alt), Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 TX),
King's Quest (Tandy), Transylvania (Tandy) [Justin Kerk]
198X-nen, 3D Golf Simulation, Fushigi no Kuni no Alice, Ankokujou, Danchizuma
no Yuuwaku, Intelli Janshi - Yonin Mahjong,
Ultra Story, Xanadu [r09]
Source Changes
-Rewrote Namco C148 (interrupt controller) and C193 (SCI) devices. [Angelo
* Fixed POS interrupt generation for Winning Run/Winning Run '91/Winning Run
Suzuka GP.
* Fixed trail tachometer drawing in Winning Run.
-deco32.cpp: Added preliminary global volume control for nslasher and
fghthist. [Angelo Salese]
-Wrote a device core for the Namco 6-speed gearbox. [Angelo Salese]
* Used by Driver's Eyes, Ridge Racer DX and Ace Driver.
-Added preliminary banked 256 color mode to PC-9821. [Angelo Salese]
-naomi.cpp: Added inputs for Mars TV. [Angelo Salese]
-Dumped i8751 MCU for Sky Robo / Takatae Big Fighter and added basic hookup
to make it work. [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
-punkywil: Added a ridiculously incomplete dump of the CPU ROM. [AJR,
-Z80 daisy chain improvements: [AJR]
* Use the standard vector for an external IRQ, rather than a bogus one from
the last device in the chain.
* Enabled Z80 daisy chain on Cedar Magnet sound board (fake IRQ still
necessary, but vectors are correct now).
* Source note regarding IM 2 behavior contrary to Zilog datasheet.
-Corrected natural keyboard handling of toggle keys. [AJR]
-break86: Tried to make some sense of the DIP settings in the service manual
-Service mode DIP switch adjustments: [AJR]
* Use the default sequence for the non-toggle service mode/test switch for
service mode DIP switch unless the machine has one of
those as well.
* Automatically define DIP and configuration switches as toggle fields (makes
assigning input codes easier).
-Correctly report size of ROMs over 2GB in XML output. [AJR]
-Cedar Magnet/EFO ZSU improvements: [AJR]
* Got rid of fake IRQ in Cedar Magnet sound system.
* Converted the Cedar Magnet board from a base device class to a mix-in
* Emulated EFO ZSU as main variant of the Cedar Magnet sound board.
* Hooked up ZSU1 to Skill Flight and Phantom Ship.
* Modernized ZSU soundlatch/IRQ mechanism.
-More DAC identification and sound stuff. [AJR]
* Legion and Rygar have YM3526 instead of YM3812 (other Nichibutsu games to
be checked).
* Identified DACs used in most Midway and Williams games.
* Zektor uses an AY-3-8912, not 8910.
* Corrected name of Turbo Cheap Squeak board.
* Hyphenated title of F-14 Tomcat.
* Corrected Color Computer DAC type and separated single-bit sound.
-polepos.cpp: Sound improvements for bootlegs [AJR]
* Working Spanish/Italian voices in polepos2bi and polepos2bs.
* DAC for passing car sound in topracern, polepos2bi and polepos2bs.
* These bootlegs may still be missing explosion sounds.
-skyarmy: Various small improvements: [AJR]
* Fixed screen flipping in cocktail mode.
* Re-added second AY-3-8910A that generates explosion sounds.
* Added coin counter.
-bagmanf: Fixed inputs and shuffled PROMs for better colors (game still tends
to crash). [AJR]
-kangaroob: Added proper ROM labels and locations. [AJR]
-newbrain improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Added character ROM and more accurate video output.
* Fixed keyboard.
* Decoded VFD bitstream, and added simultaneous video and VFD display.
* Fixed CPU clocks and interrupt logic, added layout for VFD-less model,
enforced power on reset timer.
cop400 improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Fixed disassembly of jump instructions and used decimal for LDD/XAD.
* Fixed instruction timing and time-base counter.
* Fixed COP444 disassembly.
* Properly separated COP444L from COP444C.
-advision: Fixed CPU clock; turtles music is now melodic. [Curt Coder]
-OS X Cocoa debugger: Autoscroll log window, improved view scoll behaviour.
[Curt Coder]
-74153: Rewrote emulation, only output state when the level changes. [Dirk
-apricot: Use 74153 for the serial clock selector. [Dirk Best]
-gen_latch updates:
* Added MCFG_GENERIC_LATCH_DATA_PENDING_CB to raise and lower a line
automatically as the latch is written and read. [AJR]
- Makes sound IRQs easier to deliver and reduces the incidence of HOLD_LINE
in drivers.
* Inverted logic (latch_read -> latch_written), fixed initial callback after
start. [Dirk Best]
-ashnojoe, crospang, crshrace, dcheese: Latch cleanup. [Dirk Best]
-ddenlovr, expro02, f1gp feversoc, fuukifg2, gaelco: ACCESSING_BITS cleanup.
[Dirk Best]
-z80ne: Killed direct update handler. [Dirk Best]
-chdman: Added support for hard disk templates and added some initial ones.
[Dirk Best]
-Added A1200 keyboard skeleton device (needs MC68HC05Cx support). [Dirk Best]
-Added HLCD0515/0569 LCD Driver device. [hap]
-TMS0970: Fixed a problem with DDIG line, causing MB Comp IV to be
unplayable. [hap]
-hh_tms1k: Fixed wrong button mapping for Codename Sector. [hap]
-VME bus improvements: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Added new VME slave board: mzr8300.
* Added device installers for A16:D8, A16:D16, A24:D8 and A24:D16.
* mzr8300: hooked up the 7201 correctly and added RS232, now supporting the
mzr8105 over VME bus as previously faked.
* Converted mvme350 board driver to slot device.
* Force Computers: Converted fcisio1 and fcscsi1 boards to slot devices and
added VME interface to fccpu30.
* Force Computers: Added VME interface to fccpu1, fccpu20 and hk68v10.
* Added miniFORCE 2P21 chassis.
* hd63450: Fixed device to find the owner CPU if the top node doesn't have a
CPU, like in the case of a VME chassis.
* fccpu20: Set terminal as default rs232 device, changed crystal value after
visual verification to get 9600 Baud.
- Terminal works but needs to be set to 7bit.
* fccpu30: Improved documentation.
* miniFORCE: Added address map info and feature list for three models.
* fccpu20: Added PCB layout and hooked up the Rx part, terminal is working
* Added fccpu20 to Miniforce as a VME card.
* fccpu20: Moved all code and documentation to the slot device, promoted to
working driver.
-Added MC68153 Bus Interrupter Module device. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-MPCC improvements: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Robustification, LOG messages and pinout added.
* Completed Tx, Rx and serial interface handshake support.
-Added JuliaLang utf8proc as a third party library with wrappers. [Nathan
-imgtool improvements: [Nathan Woods]
* Changed charconv from an enumeration to an interface:
- Added a table-based implementation for simple single-byte endocdings.
- Added support for ISO-8859-1 Latin 1 and Mac Roman.
* Use wcout/wcerr in order to support Unicode console output.
* Fixed recently introduce bug on attribute listings.
* CoCo/RS-DOS: Miscellaneous cleanups and C++ modernization.
-CoCo: Fixed a recently introduced bug in DMK image creation. [Nathan Woods]
-Created a new debugger command 'tracesym': [Nathan Woods]
* Shorthand for 'tracelog' that uses default format string.
-Added a facility allowing logerror output to be captured in traces. [Nathan
* The third parameter to the debugger 'trace' is now a list of '|' delimited
options to support this.
-Acorn Archimedes updates: [Nigel Barnes]
* Added Diagnostic Test ROMs to aa310.
* Renamed Archimedes 3000 -> BBC A3000.
* Single FDD installed by default, other bay usually contains HDD.
* Removed tape control input port.
* Added apd_dsk: new floppy format 'Archimedes Protected Disk'.
-mc68681: Added preliminary support for SC28C94 QUART, fixed channel C/D
transmission. [R. Belmont]
-gba, vcs80: Removed deprecated direct update handlers. [R. Belmont]
-68230pit updates: [R. Belmont]
* Don't forget all externally driven line states when the DDR changes.
* Return proper port values when line states are pushed instead of pulled.
-Pyon Pyon Jump: Documented board 7908B pinout and #1/#2 DIP switches.
[Roberto Fresca]
-Gran Premio F1 (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II) updates: [Arcade
Hacker, Rockman, Roberto Fresca]
* Redumped some faulty devices (the former speech ROM has bit6 fixed).
* Added proper bipolar PROMs dumps.
* Documented 'A'/'B'/'C' board edge connectors.
-New driver for Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition): [Roberto
* Derived machine and started a proper memory map, the game starts to show
attract mode.
* Changed the romset name according to the real game name.
* Video hardware work to fix the video reels.
* Inputs worked out from scratch.
* Added references for Z86C15 MCU.
-Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) notes: [Roberto Fresca, Team
* Added more documentation, tech notes, and M48T12 timekeeeper dump for
preservation and further analysis.
-Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition): Added GAL dump. [Team Europe]
* Added unknown Zilog DIP40 IC diagram, looks as a Z8 family MCU.
-Added decapped MCU dump for the original quizard. [TeamEurope]
-aristmk5: Added SPI and hopper emulation, allowing non-US games to boot.
[Sandro Ronco]
-midzeus: Changed waveram viewer to use V key to fix conflict with game
controls. [Ted Green]
-Added decapped dump of the d8751 on quizard4 sets (not hooked up yet). [Team
Europe, David Haywood]
* Also fixed fixed flags on quizard3 and 4 game versions that never worked
past coin-up.
-Taito 68705 refactoring: [David Haywood]
* Renamed the buggychl_mcu_device (machine/buggychl.cpp) to
taito68705interface.cpp because a number of drivers used it.
* Refactored that device to use the new 68705 core with built-in peripherals.
* Refactored some other drivers, including tokio, daikaiju, flstory, lkage,
nycaptor and lsasquad, to use it.
* Moved 68705 timer logic out of arkanoid driver and into 68705 core.
-stv.cpp: Cleaned up comments, BAD_DUMP flags and set descriptions based on
recent Print Club 2 set redumps, and added preconfigured
NVRAM to non-corrupt set. [David Haywood]
-Added a preconfigured NVRAM to tangtang in esd16.cpp so it won't boot with
invalid settings. [David Haywood]
-Added a dump of one of the HNG64 TMP87PH40AN I/O chips. [CAPS0ff]
* This came from a sample OTP chip that was purchased for testing/analysis,
not one of the chips actually taken from a HNG64 unit!
* The chip had no protection and read out without issue.
* It isn't clear if this is the driving, shooting or fighting MCU type.
-stuntcyc logic emulation: [Ryan Holtz]
* Added netlist.
* Fixed some NOR gates that should have been NANDs, fixes the playfield.
-netlist improvements: [Couriersud]
* ROMs now specify an identifier in the netlist to load data from a source_t
* Added "-r" option to nltool to pass path to a folder containing ROM files.
* setup_t is owned by netlist_t; stop being complicated.
* Removed gnd() method, simplified further.
* Fixed seldom-used conditional build options including OPENMP.
* Increased readability of timed queue code.
* Reamed connect_late to connect.
* Register nets where they are created.
* Preparatory work for automatically generated include files for devices.
- nltool now is able to create all defines from the factory definitions.
* Added code to remove devices connected only to rail terminals.
* Refactored reverse polish notation evaluator into own its source files.
* Added function parameter to current and voltage sources VS and CS (e.g. to
produce a sine wave).
* Changed code to allow devices to optionally be treated as dynamic or
timestepping devices.
* Converted warnings and fatal log messages to constants.
* Assume string literals are UTF8 in netlist code.
-mario: Hooked up Luigi walking sound in netlist sound implementation.
* Driver now uses netlist audio implementation instead of discrete
* The previous emulation has not been removed yet because it still contains a
lot of documentation.
-netlist: Added LM747, LM747A and 2N2565. [Vas Crabb]
-gsword.cpp updates: [Vas Crabb]
* Split out gsword and josvolly functionality from base driver class.
* Identified josvolly "AA 007" chip as NECD8255A for reading input ports as
shown by CAPS0ff die shot.
* Hooked up josvolly MCUs for communication between CPUs, improves test mode
* Added DIP locations to josvolly based on test mode.
* Named unknown DIP settings after the location they control in main RAM.
* Identified josvolly cabinet type DIP switch.
* Removed obsolete josvolly MCU simulation.
-gladiatr.cpp improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Separated gladiatr and ppking state classes.
* Hooked up all four MCUs in gladiatr sets, games now honour coinage settings.
* Eliminated tagmap lookups on input read.
* Add bootleg MCU dumps to all gladiatr sets as BAD_DUMP, removed MCU
simulation, and updated notes.
-m6805: refactoring and improvements [Vas Crabb]
* Moved 68705 devices into their own file, Made P3, P5, R3 and U3 variants
and made them load bootstrap ROMs.
* MC68705R3 bootstrap ROM is believed to be identical to U3, but a dump is
required for confirmation.
* Implemented EPROM control (saves contents using NVRAM mechanism).
* Implemented differences for open drain I/O ports.
* Re-implemented timer/counter - supports MOR-controlled mode, correct count
direction, and correct start/reset states.
* Fixed state of input lines being lost on reset.
* Use symbolic names for I/O registers in disassembly.
* Exposed more more internal registers through the state interface - shows
contents of registers that can't be read as memory.
* Reduced massive amounts of redundancy by templating opcode handlers and
replaced the epic switch statement with a dispatch table.
* Turned a lot of macros into inline methods so they can be scoped down.
* Fixed timings for a few instructions and added a table with CMOS
instruction timings.
* Corrected affected flags in comments on opcode handlers (actual code was
* Removed unnecessary flag calculation tables.
* Added compile-time configurable logging for onboard MC68705 peripherals to
help debug issues.
* Completely eliminated the concrete 68705-without-peripherals class.
* Use MC68705P3 core for bub68705, changela, maxaflex, mexico86, qix.cpp,
taitosj.cpp and tstrike/ddungeon/darktowr, simulate
synchronous latches better.
* Use MC68705R3 core for pipeline.
* Use MC68705P5 core for pitnrun.
* Use MC68705P5 core for quizpun, MCU now gets timer interrupts correctly
(still not working).
-taito68705interface improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Added abstract base class with latch logic written for arkanoid/puzznic.
* Removed non-obvious mcu_status_r and semaphore_r members and moved to
drivers (varies by system).
* Got rid of the unnecessary hacks for bigevglf, it doesn't need anything
* Folded Slap Fight functionality into common device class.
* Used common device for maniach, maniach2, renegade, retofinv and xsleena.
* Added device for arkanoid/puzznic MCU setup, replacing glue in arkanoid and
simulation in puzznic.
* Removed leftover crud from driver state classes.
-hotsmash, pbillian: Cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
* Did bare minimum work to extricate hotsmash/pbillian from superqix_state.
* Migrated to M68705P5 core instead of in-driver peripherals.
* Reduced tagmap lookups.
-stfight.cpp: Fixed ADPCM control. [Vas Crabb]
* Used MC68705P5 core rather than in-driver peripherals.
* Latch ADPCM counter on the correct edge.
* Remove unused members, eliminate function statics, and fix up save state
* Reduced runtime tagmap lookups.
-tigeroad.cpp: Cleanup and modernisation: [Vas Crabb]
* Split out bballs and pushman state classes.
* Used new MC68705R3 core for pushman, make communication with host CPU
* Used derived memory maps rather than installing handlers in init members.
* Simplified bballs protection MCU simulation using pushman hookup as a guide.
-a2bus/mouse.cpp: Simplification and cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
* Used new MC68705P3 core and removed obsolete glue.
* Made comment styles consistent, eliminated device timers altogether, and
de-duplicated code for updating X and Y axes.
* The card works before and after the change, but by default axes are only
mapped to inc/dec keys, not host mouse.
-taito_l.cpp: Split giant state class up into family tree, reduced tagmap
lookups. [Vas Crabb]
-i8251: Made receive more reliable, cleaned up a little. [Vas Crabb]
-zorba improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Created emulated keyboard device using MC68705P3 core.
- Identified 88 of 96 matrix keys, 6 of 8 DIP switches, and 3 of 6 outputs.
* Connected IEEE-488, RS232 and Centronics ports.
* Hooked up all IRQ sources and connected PIT to USARTs.
-m6805evs: Added proper memory map in comment and note that it needs CPU core
support for the 68HC705 family. [Vas Crabb]
-Added logmacro.h inspired by Edstrom's log macros. [Vas Crabb]
* Should be #included after other headers and after optionally #defining
VERBOSE, usage samples in z80scc.cpp and m68705.cpp.
-arkanoid: Confirmed MCU reset also resets semaphore flags. [Lord Nightmare,
Vas Crabb]
-debugger: Use 0o prefix for octal numbers, 0b for binary numbers, and allow
uppercase radix characters. [shattered, Vas Crabb]
-superqix.cpp: Deprotected an original Japan/World Super Qix 8751 MCU, and
verified that the presumed B03 // 03 MCU dump is correct.
[Lord Nightmare]
-arkanoid.cpp: Fixed watchdog to match PCB tracing and update some comments.
[Lord Nightmare]
-Zorba keyboard: Fixed F4 in natural keyboard mode. [Robbbert]
-Enabled rm380z34d and rm380z34e. [Robbbert]
-Added support for earlier COS versions on the RM380Z. [zx70]
* Earlier versions had only a 40 column display and the cassette tape
-Made the RTC chip react on the Aussie Byte. [zx70]
-Scrollup fix for the TMS9927 family. [zx70]
* Avoid reconfiguring all the CRTC parameters on any cursor shape change,
which was resetting the scroll counter.
* Fixes scrollup for the Otrona Attache.
-pc_dsk: Support 360K images with 512-byte header, found in some softlist
entries. [Justin Kerk]
* Also support 1.44MB images with 1024-byte footer.
-pc_dsk: Assume a smaller gap size to allow 400K disk images to load. [Justin
* Fixes e.g. ikari and marble from the ibm5150 softlist.
-tandy1t: Distinguish between models using 90-key Tandy and standard 101-key
"Enhanced" AT keyboard layouts. [Justin Kerk]
* Also unmapped Hold key on the 90-key layout by default to avoid freezing
the emulated system when switching UI modes.
-atvtrack improvements - game code running now as it should: [MetalliC]
* Extracted CPU initial boot from FPGA bitsream.
* Implemented NAND Flash erase and program commands.
* Hooked GPU IRQs control.
* Added basic simulation of GPU's internal CPU for game init speedup.
* Documented IO-port multiplexing.
-naomi docs update: [MetalliC]
* Dead or Alive 2 Millenium now parent of DoA2 set.
* Renamed Star Horse sets for consistency.
-Researched and documented NAOMI ROM board type 171-7885A master/slave
features. [rtw, MetalliC]
-IBM 6580 Displaywriter de-skeletonization. [shattered]
-i8255: In read_pc(), also return data from output latch. [shattered]
-ImageDisk loader: Don't crash on tracks with no data. [shattered]
-TeleDisk loader: Accept images produced from 8" SSSD disks. [shattered]
-imagedev/floppy: Added 'dskchg_writable' property (for Sony Microfloppy
drives). [shattered]
-imagedev/floppy: Added has_trk00 property, initially for IBM 6360 8-inch
drives. [shattered]
-imagedev/floppy: Inhibit reading until drive has spun up. [Michael Zapf]
* This affects drives/controllers that do not use the READY line.
* Still an over-simplified solution; requires a proper implementation of a
spin-up ramp.
* Stepping is allowed during spin-up until further evidence from real drives.
-formats/wd177x_dsk: Allow override of build_sector_description, like
nec765_dsk. [shattered]
-polyplay: Added a German version of ZRE-PP based polyplay and a Czech ROM.
* Modernized/devicified the polyplay driver.
* Documented differences in hardware.
* Added newer ZRE-PP board (SIO not yet hooked up).
* Added a Czech export version with the new menu.
* Fixed undocumented Z80 CTC 'on-the-fly' mode switch; internal timer didn't
* Added new polyplay2 romset; german version with 10 games (6 new ones).
* Renamed Czech version to polyplay2c and made a clone of polyplay2.
-harddriv: Hooked up the first serial port as an RS232 device to enable
linking. [SailorSat]
* This allows one to link up two Race Drivin' using null-modem and bitbanger
(38400 8E1).
-HP9895 dual-floppy drive WIP: [F.Ulivi]
* Added draft of HP9895 floppy drive, PHI passes POST.
* 9895 now talks through ieee488!
* Cosmetic fixes to 9895-related source files.
-gaelco: Dumped "Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1884)" sound roms, fixes audio
in this version. [ShouTime]
-Verified that Plump Pop uses the same M-Chip as extermination and Dr.
Toppel; added and corrected labels, locations and chip types
for several ROMs/PROMs as well as updated notes, based on PCB pictures.
-segae.cpp: Fixed incorrect Opa Opa ROM labels. [ShouTime]
-Updated PortAudio library and added audio output module. [inte alls]
* Provides low-latency audio output on Windows 7 or later and Linux.
-ppcdrc.cpp: Clear two LSBs of the branch target address. [maximumspatium]
* Fixes an issue preventing Power Macintosh 6100 from starting up.
-x1.cpp: Added kana input support. [r09]
* Added all kana and kana+shift key combinations.
* Changed the kana key into a toggle, like in real hardware.
* Added some missing keys that exist on the actual X1 keyboard.
-taito_f3: Fixed missing graphics on state load. [moralrecordings]
-Added write line member for terminal count line of upd765. [Patrick
-retofinv.cpp: Added comment about developer (thanks to TCRF and GDRI).
-Added the Sonic 3 proto lock-on chips to the relevant Sonic 3 proto sets.
-cvs.cpp: Only show popmessage on unknown writes if VERBOSE is defined.
-a78_slot: Fixed broken 144k + POKEY@450 emulation. [Mike Saarna, trebor]
* Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest and Donkey Kong PK-XM no longer crash.
-DEC Rainbow 100 updates: [Bavarese]
* Enabled Corvus hard drives (Patched CP/M 1.x only, requires DRCDUTIL.TD0
driver disk from Maslin archive).
- See section CORVUS HARD DISK for patch instructions.
- DOS 2.x and CP/M 2.2 were once supported too, but drivers appear to be lost.
* Added info about 6 and 20 MB Corvus drives and how to format/use them under
CP/M 1.x.
-aztarac.cpp: Verified and corrected labels/locations and added newly dumped
video board PROMS. [Andrew Welburn, Tafoid]
-ms32.cpp: Corrected ROM names for Best Bout Boxing. [Corrado Tomaselli, The
Dumping Union]
-pse.cpp: Redumped bazookabr. [f205v]
-Corrected tilemap colors in Stadium Hero. [Bryan McPhail, Guru]
-armedf.cpp: Verified and corrected clocks for Sky Robo / Tatakae! Big
Fighter. [Guru]
-hng64: Documented I/O CPU clock. [Guru]
-pacman.cpp: Added readme for Number Crash. [Guru]
-jollyjgr.cpp: Updated readme and corrected clocks for Jolly Jogger. [Guru]
-hiscore.dat: Updates [Leezer]
-Added handy ROM filename discrepancy spotter scripts. [Zoe Blade]
* Identifies identical ROMs that have different names in parent and clone
-Updated V.Smile software list: [Fake Shemp]
* Split into three lists: regular V.Smile, V.Smile Motion, and V.Smile Baby
(Motion and Baby lists not hooked up yet).
* Updated with a bunch of new-found carts and been restructured to indicate
which carts are undumped.
* Documented cart internals more thoroughly - descriptions now list PCB
types, chip placements/labels, etc. if available.
* Added previously missed dumps, fixed some typos.
-Added more software list documentation based off new dumps. [Fake Shemp]
* Carts for a2600, megadriv, n64 and snes got redumped recently by
TeamEurope; added newfound information to the softlists.
* Removed syvalionp2 as it's simply a bad dump of syvalionp.
-pc.cpp updates: [rfka01]
* Added Atari PC1 and corrected name of Atari PC3.
* Gave standard pccga five slots, so machines with combo cards can have hard
disks as well until combo cards are emulated.
* Reordered MCFG and ROM entries to match the machine list at the bottom of
the file.
* Derived NCR PC4i configuration from VGA PC and corrected number of slots.
* Made 720K drives standard for laptops which have them.
* Added info on Zenith Supersport, Bondwell Pro28, and Atari PCs.
* Added info on several already emulated systems in the header.
* Added detailed information on Data General One, Commodore PC-1, Commodere
PC10-III and PC20-III, Zenith SuperSport,
Siemens Sicomp PC16-05, NCR PC4i, Olivetti M15, Sharp PC-7000, Sanyo MBC-16,
Atari PC-3, Eagle 1600, VTech Laser Turbo XT
and XT/3.
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04907: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (combatsc.cpp) combatsc, combatscj,
combatsct, bootcamp: Score line is not flipped with screen
(Angelo Salese)
- 05313: [DIP/Input] (namcos21.cpp) winrun, winrun91, winrungp,driveyes:
Misplaced Controls (Angelo Salese)
- 05392: [Documentation] (royalmah.cpp) janputer: info about "New Double Bet
Mahjong" (Angelo Salese)
- 06216: [Sound] (ptcsol.cpp) sol20: Audio support (Robbbert)
- 06422: [Graphics] (rohga.cpp) wolffang: (Japanese Wolf Fang Only) Text at
attract mode is cropped (David Haywood)
- 06460: [Sound] (stlforce.cpp) stlforce: OKI6295 speed is too slow (system11)
- 06461: [DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) eeekk: 2P Start Button map is missing
- 06464: [Interface] Every system with softlists using the "requirement"
sharedfeat: Software list items with the "requirement"
sharedfeat don't work (AJR)
- 06467: [Gameplay] (hh_tms1k.cpp) elecdet: Every suspect gives the same
alibi. (hap)
- 06468: [DIP/Input] (gladiatr.cpp) gladiatr ogonsiro gcastle: Coinage DIP
switches have no effect in sets using MCU simulation
(Vas Crabb)
New working machines
Conic Electronic Basketball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Conic Multisport/Tandy Sports Arena [hap, Sean Riddle]
Enma Daio (Japan) [rtw, Ryan Holtz, Dullaron, Firebricks, redk9258, W. Perez,
Anonymous from Switzerland, Darksoft, Smitdogg,
David Haywood, ShouTime, Andy Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Gakken Galaxy Invader 1000/Tandy Cosmic 1000 Fire Away [hap, Sean Riddle,
Kevin Horton]
Hangzo (Japan, prototype)
[ShouTime, Smitdogg, David Haywood, Imhotep, Ryan Holtz, hap, Zhivko
Dimitrov, spogghi, ANY, Arjen Hoekman, Arcade Addict, krick,
Dullaron, Eddie, f205v, rtw, Rod_Wod, Fabien Marsaud, InsertMoreCoins, Jan
Stuhler, trap15, Macaw, Team Japump, Brandon Munger,
Juan Manuel Gutierrez, abelardator2, Jordi Bosch Creus, haynor666, Nestor
Acebo Jimenez, Carl Perry, Jeremy McElroy,
Steven Boswell, JJaVMeTaL, Steven LeMaire, Matthew Shultz, Mark Riley has no
toaster, Carlos Gutierrez, Bjorn Stahl,
Aldo Vittorio De Luca, Bruno Celsi, Philip Zumbrun, cornishdavey, Stefano De
Dionigi, motoschifo, Mamesick, Daniel Hitchcock,
Patrick Wheeler, bisus, desodeso, Swos, Don Zaucker, Tox Nox Fox, Zak0077,
giuppo, Moket, Frankie, robindan77, biasini, Dr_Zero,
motoschifo, Mameremember, John Wilke, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli,
Berlioux Julien, Lior Aouate, The Dumping Union]
Mattel Dalla$ (J.R. handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mattel Thoroughbred Horse Race Analyzer [hap, Sean Riddle]
Motorola MC68705P5 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Poly-Play (ZRE-PP) [SailorSat]
Tiger 7 in 1 Sports Stadium [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones
Atari PC1 [rfka01]
Dynamite Duke (Japan, 25JUL89) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-2/3/4, set 2) [Berger]
Fighting Fantasy (Japan revision ?) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (older) [NeoSD]
Motorola MC68705P3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Motorola MC68705R3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Motorola MC68705U3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Poly-Play (ZRE-PP - Czech) [SailorSat]
Research Machines RM-380Z, COS 3.4D [zx70]
Research Machines RM-380Z, COS 3.4E [zx70]
Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) [JacKc]
Saulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II,
set 2) [JacKc]
Skull Fang (Asia) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Star Fighter (bootleg of Astro Fighter) [f205v]
Machines promoted to working
Novag Diablo 68000 [hap]
Novag Super Expert (several versions) [hap, Berger]
Novag Super Forte (several versions) [hap, Berger]
Future Flash [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen,
Tomasz Slanina]
Force SYS68K/CPU-20 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Otrona Attache [zx70]
Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) [JacKc]
Sky Robo [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
Clones promoted to working
Laser Base (set 1) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter
Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Laser Base (set 2) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter
Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Tatakae! Big Fighter (Japan) [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Ator (Videodens) [AJR, Gonzalo]
Bloody Roller (Playbar) [AJR, Akiles500]
Compugraphic MCS PowerView 10 [Carl, Al Kossow]
Cobra (Playbar) [AJR, Iso Tropia]
Happy Fish (V2 PCB, 302-in-1) [The Dumping Union]
LINK RM-480Z (set 1) [Robbbert]
LINK RM-480Z (set 2) [Robbbert]
Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
miniFORCE VME Chassis [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Slalom Code 0.3 (Stargame) [AJR, Akiles500]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Eight Ball Champ (Spain, Z-Pinball hardware) [AJR, Iso Tropia]
MotorDome (German) [PinMAME]
Star Horse Progress (backup data) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw,
Star Horse Progress (live, Rev A) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw,
Star Horse Progress (main screens, Rev B) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC,
rtw, ShouTime]
Star Horse Progress (sound & backup, Rev A) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC,
rtw, ShouTime]
World Kicks (Japan, WK1 Ver.A) [rtw]
New working software list additions
-archimedes.xml: over 30 games (some protected), and many apps [Nigel Barnes]
-atom_cass.xml: Backgammon, Cylon Attack, Early Warning, Minefield, Tangled
[Nigel Barnes]
-atom_flop.xml: Galaxians (Aardvark) [Nigel Barnes]
-ibmpcjr_cart.xml: Fraction Fever [Anna Wu, Justin Kerk]
MS-DOS (Verson 3.20, Tandy version 03.20.21) (Tandy 1000 TX), DeskMate (Tandy
1000), DeskMate II (Tandy 3000), Personal DeskMate,
Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 HX), Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 HX,
Alt), Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 TX),
King's Quest (Tandy), Transylvania (Tandy) [Justin Kerk]
198X-nen, 3D Golf Simulation, Fushigi no Kuni no Alice, Ankokujou, Danchizuma
no Yuuwaku, Intelli Janshi - Yonin Mahjong,
Ultra Story, Xanadu [r09]
Source Changes
-Rewrote Namco C148 (interrupt controller) and C193 (SCI) devices. [Angelo
* Fixed POS interrupt generation for Winning Run/Winning Run '91/Winning Run
Suzuka GP.
* Fixed trail tachometer drawing in Winning Run.
-deco32.cpp: Added preliminary global volume control for nslasher and
fghthist. [Angelo Salese]
-Wrote a device core for the Namco 6-speed gearbox. [Angelo Salese]
* Used by Driver's Eyes, Ridge Racer DX and Ace Driver.
-Added preliminary banked 256 color mode to PC-9821. [Angelo Salese]
-naomi.cpp: Added inputs for Mars TV. [Angelo Salese]
-Dumped i8751 MCU for Sky Robo / Takatae Big Fighter and added basic hookup
to make it work. [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
-punkywil: Added a ridiculously incomplete dump of the CPU ROM. [AJR,
-Z80 daisy chain improvements: [AJR]
* Use the standard vector for an external IRQ, rather than a bogus one from
the last device in the chain.
* Enabled Z80 daisy chain on Cedar Magnet sound board (fake IRQ still
necessary, but vectors are correct now).
* Source note regarding IM 2 behavior contrary to Zilog datasheet.
-Corrected natural keyboard handling of toggle keys. [AJR]
-break86: Tried to make some sense of the DIP settings in the service manual
-Service mode DIP switch adjustments: [AJR]
* Use the default sequence for the non-toggle service mode/test switch for
service mode DIP switch unless the machine has one of
those as well.
* Automatically define DIP and configuration switches as toggle fields (makes
assigning input codes easier).
-Correctly report size of ROMs over 2GB in XML output. [AJR]
-Cedar Magnet/EFO ZSU improvements: [AJR]
* Got rid of fake IRQ in Cedar Magnet sound system.
* Converted the Cedar Magnet board from a base device class to a mix-in
* Emulated EFO ZSU as main variant of the Cedar Magnet sound board.
* Hooked up ZSU1 to Skill Flight and Phantom Ship.
* Modernized ZSU soundlatch/IRQ mechanism.
-More DAC identification and sound stuff. [AJR]
* Legion and Rygar have YM3526 instead of YM3812 (other Nichibutsu games to
be checked).
* Identified DACs used in most Midway and Williams games.
* Zektor uses an AY-3-8912, not 8910.
* Corrected name of Turbo Cheap Squeak board.
* Hyphenated title of F-14 Tomcat.
* Corrected Color Computer DAC type and separated single-bit sound.
-polepos.cpp: Sound improvements for bootlegs [AJR]
* Working Spanish/Italian voices in polepos2bi and polepos2bs.
* DAC for passing car sound in topracern, polepos2bi and polepos2bs.
* These bootlegs may still be missing explosion sounds.
-skyarmy: Various small improvements: [AJR]
* Fixed screen flipping in cocktail mode.
* Re-added second AY-3-8910A that generates explosion sounds.
* Added coin counter.
-bagmanf: Fixed inputs and shuffled PROMs for better colors (game still tends
to crash). [AJR]
-kangaroob: Added proper ROM labels and locations. [AJR]
-newbrain improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Added character ROM and more accurate video output.
* Fixed keyboard.
* Decoded VFD bitstream, and added simultaneous video and VFD display.
* Fixed CPU clocks and interrupt logic, added layout for VFD-less model,
enforced power on reset timer.
cop400 improvements: [Curt Coder]
* Fixed disassembly of jump instructions and used decimal for LDD/XAD.
* Fixed instruction timing and time-base counter.
* Fixed COP444 disassembly.
* Properly separated COP444L from COP444C.
-advision: Fixed CPU clock; turtles music is now melodic. [Curt Coder]
-OS X Cocoa debugger: Autoscroll log window, improved view scoll behaviour.
[Curt Coder]
-74153: Rewrote emulation, only output state when the level changes. [Dirk
-apricot: Use 74153 for the serial clock selector. [Dirk Best]
-gen_latch updates:
* Added MCFG_GENERIC_LATCH_DATA_PENDING_CB to raise and lower a line
automatically as the latch is written and read. [AJR]
- Makes sound IRQs easier to deliver and reduces the incidence of HOLD_LINE
in drivers.
* Inverted logic (latch_read -> latch_written), fixed initial callback after
start. [Dirk Best]
-ashnojoe, crospang, crshrace, dcheese: Latch cleanup. [Dirk Best]
-ddenlovr, expro02, f1gp feversoc, fuukifg2, gaelco: ACCESSING_BITS cleanup.
[Dirk Best]
-z80ne: Killed direct update handler. [Dirk Best]
-chdman: Added support for hard disk templates and added some initial ones.
[Dirk Best]
-Added A1200 keyboard skeleton device (needs MC68HC05Cx support). [Dirk Best]
-Added HLCD0515/0569 LCD Driver device. [hap]
-TMS0970: Fixed a problem with DDIG line, causing MB Comp IV to be
unplayable. [hap]
-hh_tms1k: Fixed wrong button mapping for Codename Sector. [hap]
-VME bus improvements: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Added new VME slave board: mzr8300.
* Added device installers for A16:D8, A16:D16, A24:D8 and A24:D16.
* mzr8300: hooked up the 7201 correctly and added RS232, now supporting the
mzr8105 over VME bus as previously faked.
* Converted mvme350 board driver to slot device.
* Force Computers: Converted fcisio1 and fcscsi1 boards to slot devices and
added VME interface to fccpu30.
* Force Computers: Added VME interface to fccpu1, fccpu20 and hk68v10.
* Added miniFORCE 2P21 chassis.
* hd63450: Fixed device to find the owner CPU if the top node doesn't have a
CPU, like in the case of a VME chassis.
* fccpu20: Set terminal as default rs232 device, changed crystal value after
visual verification to get 9600 Baud.
- Terminal works but needs to be set to 7bit.
* fccpu30: Improved documentation.
* miniFORCE: Added address map info and feature list for three models.
* fccpu20: Added PCB layout and hooked up the Rx part, terminal is working
* Added fccpu20 to Miniforce as a VME card.
* fccpu20: Moved all code and documentation to the slot device, promoted to
working driver.
-Added MC68153 Bus Interrupter Module device. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-MPCC improvements: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Robustification, LOG messages and pinout added.
* Completed Tx, Rx and serial interface handshake support.
-Added JuliaLang utf8proc as a third party library with wrappers. [Nathan
-imgtool improvements: [Nathan Woods]
* Changed charconv from an enumeration to an interface:
- Added a table-based implementation for simple single-byte endocdings.
- Added support for ISO-8859-1 Latin 1 and Mac Roman.
* Use wcout/wcerr in order to support Unicode console output.
* Fixed recently introduce bug on attribute listings.
* CoCo/RS-DOS: Miscellaneous cleanups and C++ modernization.
-CoCo: Fixed a recently introduced bug in DMK image creation. [Nathan Woods]
-Created a new debugger command 'tracesym': [Nathan Woods]
* Shorthand for 'tracelog' that uses default format string.
-Added a facility allowing logerror output to be captured in traces. [Nathan
* The third parameter to the debugger 'trace' is now a list of '|' delimited
options to support this.
-Acorn Archimedes updates: [Nigel Barnes]
* Added Diagnostic Test ROMs to aa310.
* Renamed Archimedes 3000 -> BBC A3000.
* Single FDD installed by default, other bay usually contains HDD.
* Removed tape control input port.
* Added apd_dsk: new floppy format 'Archimedes Protected Disk'.
-mc68681: Added preliminary support for SC28C94 QUART, fixed channel C/D
transmission. [R. Belmont]
-gba, vcs80: Removed deprecated direct update handlers. [R. Belmont]
-68230pit updates: [R. Belmont]
* Don't forget all externally driven line states when the DDR changes.
* Return proper port values when line states are pushed instead of pulled.
-Pyon Pyon Jump: Documented board 7908B pinout and #1/#2 DIP switches.
[Roberto Fresca]
-Gran Premio F1 (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II) updates: [Arcade
Hacker, Rockman, Roberto Fresca]
* Redumped some faulty devices (the former speech ROM has bit6 fixed).
* Added proper bipolar PROMs dumps.
* Documented 'A'/'B'/'C' board edge connectors.
-New driver for Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition): [Roberto
* Derived machine and started a proper memory map, the game starts to show
attract mode.
* Changed the romset name according to the real game name.
* Video hardware work to fix the video reels.
* Inputs worked out from scratch.
* Added references for Z86C15 MCU.
-Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) notes: [Roberto Fresca, Team
* Added more documentation, tech notes, and M48T12 timekeeeper dump for
preservation and further analysis.
-Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition): Added GAL dump. [Team Europe]
* Added unknown Zilog DIP40 IC diagram, looks as a Z8 family MCU.
-Added decapped MCU dump for the original quizard. [TeamEurope]
-aristmk5: Added SPI and hopper emulation, allowing non-US games to boot.
[Sandro Ronco]
-midzeus: Changed waveram viewer to use V key to fix conflict with game
controls. [Ted Green]
-Added decapped dump of the d8751 on quizard4 sets (not hooked up yet). [Team
Europe, David Haywood]
* Also fixed fixed flags on quizard3 and 4 game versions that never worked
past coin-up.
-Taito 68705 refactoring: [David Haywood]
* Renamed the buggychl_mcu_device (machine/buggychl.cpp) to
taito68705interface.cpp because a number of drivers used it.
* Refactored that device to use the new 68705 core with built-in peripherals.
* Refactored some other drivers, including tokio, daikaiju, flstory, lkage,
nycaptor and lsasquad, to use it.
* Moved 68705 timer logic out of arkanoid driver and into 68705 core.
-stv.cpp: Cleaned up comments, BAD_DUMP flags and set descriptions based on
recent Print Club 2 set redumps, and added preconfigured
NVRAM to non-corrupt set. [David Haywood]
-Added a preconfigured NVRAM to tangtang in esd16.cpp so it won't boot with
invalid settings. [David Haywood]
-Added a dump of one of the HNG64 TMP87PH40AN I/O chips. [CAPS0ff]
* This came from a sample OTP chip that was purchased for testing/analysis,
not one of the chips actually taken from a HNG64 unit!
* The chip had no protection and read out without issue.
* It isn't clear if this is the driving, shooting or fighting MCU type.
-stuntcyc logic emulation: [Ryan Holtz]
* Added netlist.
* Fixed some NOR gates that should have been NANDs, fixes the playfield.
-netlist improvements: [Couriersud]
* ROMs now specify an identifier in the netlist to load data from a source_t
* Added "-r" option to nltool to pass path to a folder containing ROM files.
* setup_t is owned by netlist_t; stop being complicated.
* Removed gnd() method, simplified further.
* Fixed seldom-used conditional build options including OPENMP.
* Increased readability of timed queue code.
* Reamed connect_late to connect.
* Register nets where they are created.
* Preparatory work for automatically generated include files for devices.
- nltool now is able to create all defines from the factory definitions.
* Added code to remove devices connected only to rail terminals.
* Refactored reverse polish notation evaluator into own its source files.
* Added function parameter to current and voltage sources VS and CS (e.g. to
produce a sine wave).
* Changed code to allow devices to optionally be treated as dynamic or
timestepping devices.
* Converted warnings and fatal log messages to constants.
* Assume string literals are UTF8 in netlist code.
-mario: Hooked up Luigi walking sound in netlist sound implementation.
* Driver now uses netlist audio implementation instead of discrete
* The previous emulation has not been removed yet because it still contains a
lot of documentation.
-netlist: Added LM747, LM747A and 2N2565. [Vas Crabb]
-gsword.cpp updates: [Vas Crabb]
* Split out gsword and josvolly functionality from base driver class.
* Identified josvolly "AA 007" chip as NECD8255A for reading input ports as
shown by CAPS0ff die shot.
* Hooked up josvolly MCUs for communication between CPUs, improves test mode
* Added DIP locations to josvolly based on test mode.
* Named unknown DIP settings after the location they control in main RAM.
* Identified josvolly cabinet type DIP switch.
* Removed obsolete josvolly MCU simulation.
-gladiatr.cpp improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Separated gladiatr and ppking state classes.
* Hooked up all four MCUs in gladiatr sets, games now honour coinage settings.
* Eliminated tagmap lookups on input read.
* Add bootleg MCU dumps to all gladiatr sets as BAD_DUMP, removed MCU
simulation, and updated notes.
-m6805: refactoring and improvements [Vas Crabb]
* Moved 68705 devices into their own file, Made P3, P5, R3 and U3 variants
and made them load bootstrap ROMs.
* MC68705R3 bootstrap ROM is believed to be identical to U3, but a dump is
required for confirmation.
* Implemented EPROM control (saves contents using NVRAM mechanism).
* Implemented differences for open drain I/O ports.
* Re-implemented timer/counter - supports MOR-controlled mode, correct count
direction, and correct start/reset states.
* Fixed state of input lines being lost on reset.
* Use symbolic names for I/O registers in disassembly.
* Exposed more more internal registers through the state interface - shows
contents of registers that can't be read as memory.
* Reduced massive amounts of redundancy by templating opcode handlers and
replaced the epic switch statement with a dispatch table.
* Turned a lot of macros into inline methods so they can be scoped down.
* Fixed timings for a few instructions and added a table with CMOS
instruction timings.
* Corrected affected flags in comments on opcode handlers (actual code was
* Removed unnecessary flag calculation tables.
* Added compile-time configurable logging for onboard MC68705 peripherals to
help debug issues.
* Completely eliminated the concrete 68705-without-peripherals class.
* Use MC68705P3 core for bub68705, changela, maxaflex, mexico86, qix.cpp,
taitosj.cpp and tstrike/ddungeon/darktowr, simulate
synchronous latches better.
* Use MC68705R3 core for pipeline.
* Use MC68705P5 core for pitnrun.
* Use MC68705P5 core for quizpun, MCU now gets timer interrupts correctly
(still not working).
-taito68705interface improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Added abstract base class with latch logic written for arkanoid/puzznic.
* Removed non-obvious mcu_status_r and semaphore_r members and moved to
drivers (varies by system).
* Got rid of the unnecessary hacks for bigevglf, it doesn't need anything
* Folded Slap Fight functionality into common device class.
* Used common device for maniach, maniach2, renegade, retofinv and xsleena.
* Added device for arkanoid/puzznic MCU setup, replacing glue in arkanoid and
simulation in puzznic.
* Removed leftover crud from driver state classes.
-hotsmash, pbillian: Cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
* Did bare minimum work to extricate hotsmash/pbillian from superqix_state.
* Migrated to M68705P5 core instead of in-driver peripherals.
* Reduced tagmap lookups.
-stfight.cpp: Fixed ADPCM control. [Vas Crabb]
* Used MC68705P5 core rather than in-driver peripherals.
* Latch ADPCM counter on the correct edge.
* Remove unused members, eliminate function statics, and fix up save state
* Reduced runtime tagmap lookups.
-tigeroad.cpp: Cleanup and modernisation: [Vas Crabb]
* Split out bballs and pushman state classes.
* Used new MC68705R3 core for pushman, make communication with host CPU
* Used derived memory maps rather than installing handlers in init members.
* Simplified bballs protection MCU simulation using pushman hookup as a guide.
-a2bus/mouse.cpp: Simplification and cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
* Used new MC68705P3 core and removed obsolete glue.
* Made comment styles consistent, eliminated device timers altogether, and
de-duplicated code for updating X and Y axes.
* The card works before and after the change, but by default axes are only
mapped to inc/dec keys, not host mouse.
-taito_l.cpp: Split giant state class up into family tree, reduced tagmap
lookups. [Vas Crabb]
-i8251: Made receive more reliable, cleaned up a little. [Vas Crabb]
-zorba improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Created emulated keyboard device using MC68705P3 core.
- Identified 88 of 96 matrix keys, 6 of 8 DIP switches, and 3 of 6 outputs.
* Connected IEEE-488, RS232 and Centronics ports.
* Hooked up all IRQ sources and connected PIT to USARTs.
-m6805evs: Added proper memory map in comment and note that it needs CPU core
support for the 68HC705 family. [Vas Crabb]
-Added logmacro.h inspired by Edstrom's log macros. [Vas Crabb]
* Should be #included after other headers and after optionally #defining
VERBOSE, usage samples in z80scc.cpp and m68705.cpp.
-arkanoid: Confirmed MCU reset also resets semaphore flags. [Lord Nightmare,
Vas Crabb]
-debugger: Use 0o prefix for octal numbers, 0b for binary numbers, and allow
uppercase radix characters. [shattered, Vas Crabb]
-superqix.cpp: Deprotected an original Japan/World Super Qix 8751 MCU, and
verified that the presumed B03 // 03 MCU dump is correct.
[Lord Nightmare]
-arkanoid.cpp: Fixed watchdog to match PCB tracing and update some comments.
[Lord Nightmare]
-Zorba keyboard: Fixed F4 in natural keyboard mode. [Robbbert]
-Enabled rm380z34d and rm380z34e. [Robbbert]
-Added support for earlier COS versions on the RM380Z. [zx70]
* Earlier versions had only a 40 column display and the cassette tape
-Made the RTC chip react on the Aussie Byte. [zx70]
-Scrollup fix for the TMS9927 family. [zx70]
* Avoid reconfiguring all the CRTC parameters on any cursor shape change,
which was resetting the scroll counter.
* Fixes scrollup for the Otrona Attache.
-pc_dsk: Support 360K images with 512-byte header, found in some softlist
entries. [Justin Kerk]
* Also support 1.44MB images with 1024-byte footer.
-pc_dsk: Assume a smaller gap size to allow 400K disk images to load. [Justin
* Fixes e.g. ikari and marble from the ibm5150 softlist.
-tandy1t: Distinguish between models using 90-key Tandy and standard 101-key
"Enhanced" AT keyboard layouts. [Justin Kerk]
* Also unmapped Hold key on the 90-key layout by default to avoid freezing
the emulated system when switching UI modes.
-atvtrack improvements - game code running now as it should: [MetalliC]
* Extracted CPU initial boot from FPGA bitsream.
* Implemented NAND Flash erase and program commands.
* Hooked GPU IRQs control.
* Added basic simulation of GPU's internal CPU for game init speedup.
* Documented IO-port multiplexing.
-naomi docs update: [MetalliC]
* Dead or Alive 2 Millenium now parent of DoA2 set.
* Renamed Star Horse sets for consistency.
-Researched and documented NAOMI ROM board type 171-7885A master/slave
features. [rtw, MetalliC]
-IBM 6580 Displaywriter de-skeletonization. [shattered]
-i8255: In read_pc(), also return data from output latch. [shattered]
-ImageDisk loader: Don't crash on tracks with no data. [shattered]
-TeleDisk loader: Accept images produced from 8" SSSD disks. [shattered]
-imagedev/floppy: Added 'dskchg_writable' property (for Sony Microfloppy
drives). [shattered]
-imagedev/floppy: Added has_trk00 property, initially for IBM 6360 8-inch
drives. [shattered]
-imagedev/floppy: Inhibit reading until drive has spun up. [Michael Zapf]
* This affects drives/controllers that do not use the READY line.
* Still an over-simplified solution; requires a proper implementation of a
spin-up ramp.
* Stepping is allowed during spin-up until further evidence from real drives.
-formats/wd177x_dsk: Allow override of build_sector_description, like
nec765_dsk. [shattered]
-polyplay: Added a German version of ZRE-PP based polyplay and a Czech ROM.
* Modernized/devicified the polyplay driver.
* Documented differences in hardware.
* Added newer ZRE-PP board (SIO not yet hooked up).
* Added a Czech export version with the new menu.
* Fixed undocumented Z80 CTC 'on-the-fly' mode switch; internal timer didn't
* Added new polyplay2 romset; german version with 10 games (6 new ones).
* Renamed Czech version to polyplay2c and made a clone of polyplay2.
-harddriv: Hooked up the first serial port as an RS232 device to enable
linking. [SailorSat]
* This allows one to link up two Race Drivin' using null-modem and bitbanger
(38400 8E1).
-HP9895 dual-floppy drive WIP: [F.Ulivi]
* Added draft of HP9895 floppy drive, PHI passes POST.
* 9895 now talks through ieee488!
* Cosmetic fixes to 9895-related source files.
-gaelco: Dumped "Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1884)" sound roms, fixes audio
in this version. [ShouTime]
-Verified that Plump Pop uses the same M-Chip as extermination and Dr.
Toppel; added and corrected labels, locations and chip types
for several ROMs/PROMs as well as updated notes, based on PCB pictures.
-segae.cpp: Fixed incorrect Opa Opa ROM labels. [ShouTime]
-Updated PortAudio library and added audio output module. [inte alls]
* Provides low-latency audio output on Windows 7 or later and Linux.
-ppcdrc.cpp: Clear two LSBs of the branch target address. [maximumspatium]
* Fixes an issue preventing Power Macintosh 6100 from starting up.
-x1.cpp: Added kana input support. [r09]
* Added all kana and kana+shift key combinations.
* Changed the kana key into a toggle, like in real hardware.
* Added some missing keys that exist on the actual X1 keyboard.
-taito_f3: Fixed missing graphics on state load. [moralrecordings]
-Added write line member for terminal count line of upd765. [Patrick
-retofinv.cpp: Added comment about developer (thanks to TCRF and GDRI).
-Added the Sonic 3 proto lock-on chips to the relevant Sonic 3 proto sets.
-cvs.cpp: Only show popmessage on unknown writes if VERBOSE is defined.
-a78_slot: Fixed broken 144k + POKEY@450 emulation. [Mike Saarna, trebor]
* Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest and Donkey Kong PK-XM no longer crash.
-DEC Rainbow 100 updates: [Bavarese]
* Enabled Corvus hard drives (Patched CP/M 1.x only, requires DRCDUTIL.TD0
driver disk from Maslin archive).
- See section CORVUS HARD DISK for patch instructions.
- DOS 2.x and CP/M 2.2 were once supported too, but drivers appear to be lost.
* Added info about 6 and 20 MB Corvus drives and how to format/use them under
CP/M 1.x.
-aztarac.cpp: Verified and corrected labels/locations and added newly dumped
video board PROMS. [Andrew Welburn, Tafoid]
-ms32.cpp: Corrected ROM names for Best Bout Boxing. [Corrado Tomaselli, The
Dumping Union]
-pse.cpp: Redumped bazookabr. [f205v]
-Corrected tilemap colors in Stadium Hero. [Bryan McPhail, Guru]
-armedf.cpp: Verified and corrected clocks for Sky Robo / Tatakae! Big
Fighter. [Guru]
-hng64: Documented I/O CPU clock. [Guru]
-pacman.cpp: Added readme for Number Crash. [Guru]
-jollyjgr.cpp: Updated readme and corrected clocks for Jolly Jogger. [Guru]
-hiscore.dat: Updates [Leezer]
-Added handy ROM filename discrepancy spotter scripts. [Zoe Blade]
* Identifies identical ROMs that have different names in parent and clone
-Updated V.Smile software list: [Fake Shemp]
* Split into three lists: regular V.Smile, V.Smile Motion, and V.Smile Baby
(Motion and Baby lists not hooked up yet).
* Updated with a bunch of new-found carts and been restructured to indicate
which carts are undumped.
* Documented cart internals more thoroughly - descriptions now list PCB
types, chip placements/labels, etc. if available.
* Added previously missed dumps, fixed some typos.
-Added more software list documentation based off new dumps. [Fake Shemp]
* Carts for a2600, megadriv, n64 and snes got redumped recently by
TeamEurope; added newfound information to the softlists.
* Removed syvalionp2 as it's simply a bad dump of syvalionp.
-pc.cpp updates: [rfka01]
* Added Atari PC1 and corrected name of Atari PC3.
* Gave standard pccga five slots, so machines with combo cards can have hard
disks as well until combo cards are emulated.
* Reordered MCFG and ROM entries to match the machine list at the bottom of
the file.
* Derived NCR PC4i configuration from VGA PC and corrected number of slots.
* Made 720K drives standard for laptops which have them.
* Added info on Zenith Supersport, Bondwell Pro28, and Atari PCs.
* Added info on several already emulated systems in the header.
* Added detailed information on Data General One, Commodore PC-1, Commodere
PC10-III and PC20-III, Zenith SuperSport,
Siemens Sicomp PC16-05, NCR PC4i, Olivetti M15, Sharp PC-7000, Sanyo MBC-16,
Atari PC-3, Eagle 1600, VTech Laser Turbo XT
and XT/3.
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