Makaron Test 11.1 - 模擬器

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-11-23T16:49

Table of Contents

This time the package includes NAOMI emulator as well. And I've modified the
code a bit, let's hope this will make the Data Execution Prevention exception
go away.
Both executables can now reside in the same directory, but because of that
there are some minor changes:
* Dreamcast BIOS/FLASH filenames must now start with Dreamcast_ prefix.
* NAOMI BIOS filenames must start with NAOMI_ prefix.
* The main configuration file for NAOMI emulator is now called NAOMI.ini

And yes, you still need to extract and decrypt any NAOMI games you wish to
run from the GDI image. It's also possible to extract them from CHD files.

Remember to install the runtime libraries for MSVC 2008 SP1 if you get those
silly "not installed correctly" errors.

UPDATE: It seems I forgot to put the newly compiled Makaron executable into
the package. Sorry :)
Redownload, I've updated the link. Also, if you add "aniso = 0" to the
Settings section it should disable anisotropic filtering. Not really tested


Still busy. Good news is I′ve been forced to add FEG emulation to AICA
recently and now I dare say it′s finally complete. Filtering isn′t really
used much but Shenmue needed it for the in-game music.
Since I′m still in the woods with other changes I suppose I could release
another test version of Makaron with what I have now. Not much of that I′m

- Fixes to TA I′ve already wrote about (ie Excelica)
- Revised VMU plugin, it is now possible to save in WinCE games
- FEG/digital lowpass filter emulation in AICA

Stay tuned.

Also, some random pictures. If you know what it is you can start drooling now
This will take time mind you, but maybe I′ll have something working before
2009. Still waiting for the Altera board to arrive...

UPDATE: Makaron T11/1 is out.
You can grab it from RapidShare. It seems they now have a download limit
system - so in case it kicks in you can try SendSpace as an alternative.

Now, pay attention:
* It′s only the Dreamcast version for now.
* It has been compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ so you might need to install
the runtime libraries to get it to work. It′s only 4MB and you can download
it from Microsoft.
* Hit F8 to exit the emulator at any time
* You can now use Pause/Break key to pause/resume the emulation

Minimum hardware requirements have also changed:
* Processor must have SSE support
* Graphics card must be at least Shader Model 2.0 compatible

By not having to support ancient Pentium 2s and Durons, and Radeon 8500, I
can make the code simpler and maybe a bit faster too. That old hardware wasn′
t going to run Makaron at any acceptable speeds anyway :)


I′ve moved Makaron project to Microsoft Visual C++ 2008. Express edition for
now as it′s free and has about all the tools I need (resource editor would
be nice though). Too bad I won′t be using a profiler anytime soon - it′s
only present in the Team suite and that′s a bit out of my price range Maybe
I could use CodeAnalyst, though on Intel hardware it can only do timer-based
analysis. But hey, this is still about as good as gprof and it′s also free,
whereas VTune prices start at 700$ - and that′s just a licence for the basic
You know, it′s funny but I also liked GPU ShaderAnalyzer better than NVidia
tools. It′s not as sophisticated but also easier to install and use. Get a
hint, Intel and NVidia :)

There weren′t too many problems with moving to MSVC. Mostly I had to switch
to different alignment and structure packing semantics. That and some inline
assembly had to give way to more generic C code - it was only worthwhile when
using AT&T syntax with clobbered register hints. The YUV converter is now
using MMX/SSE2 intrinsics (as it was meant to but I had no choice but to use
assembly under MinGW 3.4.5).
All in all, it compiles and works. I′m still using controller and keyboard
plugins done with MinGW but that will soon change as well.

I′ve also moved to Unicode - that was done even before I switched compilers
though. The INI files can now be encoded as ANSI (that′s ASCII plus current
Windows code page character set), UTF-8 or (preffered) UTF-16. Little endian
of course, as all x86 architecture is. The format will be autodetected based
on the BOM and so Unicode files must start with one. Notepad will take care
of that for you.

So far there are only two downsides to MSVC: it comes with standard STL
headers only (so no slist for example) and running the executable requires
one to download and install a redistributable package from Microsoft. The
latter is only 4MB so it shouldn′t be a problem.
As for STL, I′ve been experimenting with it for some time now. My own
classes are not that universal and not really faster either. I did port some
of that code back to plain C to use on Dreamcast, but that doesn′t mean I
need to keep Makaron STL-free forever. There wasn′t much point in switching
to STL under MinGW, but I did anyway, and I got rewared for that in MSVC. It′
s debug build helped me find some deeply buried bugs in the way I handled
texture lists. Nothing major but still.

What else is new? The YUV->RGB texture conversion performance on NVidia cards
should be a bit higher now. It also turns out using PUREDEVICE is not the
best idea considering how many state changes I do per frame (even if I do try
to limit the most costly ones).

Oh, and thanks to new compiler Makaron is now a tad bit faster. Not much, not
always, but I′m getting up to 120 MIPS out of SH4 in full MMU mode where I
was getting 90 before. Unfortunately the slower your CPU is the less boost
you will see - but still, that′s an improvement.


All Comments


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2008-11-23T06:45
※ 引述《scjh123 (舉杯,飲盡風雪)》之銘言: : 本人最近才開始玩這個N64的模擬器,GOOGLE後也大概了解 : 模擬器設置方式等等...可是現在還有幾個小問題想請教 : 1.為什麼玩遊戲時,都顯示不出雲霧畫面呢?例如時之笛剛開始DEKU TREE那, : 應該會有很壯觀的雲霧畫面的....我試過 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2008-11-23T00:38
接著是常跟P2一起相提並論的P3,也就是三代,芹澤姊妹的登場。 下述的中文名稱是參考MAME的中文版本翻譯。 日文名:スーパーリアル麻雀Part3 英文名:Super Real Mahjong Part 3 中文名:超真實麻雀 3 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-11-22T21:01
本人最近才開始玩這個N64的模擬器,GOOGLE後也大概了解 模擬器設置方式等等...可是現在還有幾個小問題想請教 1.為什麼玩遊戲時,都顯示不出雲霧畫面呢?例如時之笛剛開始DEKU TREE那, 應該會有很壯觀的雲霧畫面的....我試過其他遊戲有些也會有這種情形.. 請問是要如何設定畫面,才能把最佳 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2008-11-22T19:22
我有一個關於三國志列傳的小問題想要請問大家(sega主機) 就是關於成為and#34;軍師and#34;的條件為何?? 玩一玩發現有些人只要智力95 德育4x就可以當軍師 馬良智力99 德育91 卻還當不了軍師 想要請問有沒有人知道還有什麼數值會影響? - ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-11-22T17:44
※ 引述《hondavtec (帥帥周)》之銘言: : VISTA 64可以正常使用,請放心 : 還有,VISTA 64沒有and#34;眾多沒用過卻裝作用過and#34;的人說的那麼不堪 : 老實說,我個人是用了VISTA 64,完全不想換回XP 這陣子終於裝好了vista 64bit 但我的zsnes、p ...