MagicEngine-FX v1.1.0 - 模擬器

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-01-19T10:20

Table of Contents

* fixed the second player problem in Battle Heat
* fixed a few bugs in the MJPEG emulation, this fixes glitches in ′Chip-chan
Kick′, ′All Japan Female Pro Wrestling′, ′Return to Zork′, and may be a
few other games
* fixed the missing layer in ′Princess Rolfee′
* fixed the darker screen problem in ′Miraculum′
* removed a change introduced in v1.0.1, this fixes ′Last Imperial Prince′
and ′Nirgends′ crashing bug
* improved the OpenGL driver, the ′ARB_render_texture′ extension is not
required anymore, if it′s present it will be used but if this extension is
not available a work-around will be used instead
* rewritten the CD-ROM driver, now both SPTI and ASPI are supported at the
same time allowing more drives to be recognized
* improved the ′boot CD′ menu, games titles are now displayed directly in
the menu when a game is recognized
* added an eject button in the ′boot CD′ menu
* fixed a memory bug that could crash the emulator
* added more resolution choices for the fullscreen mode, low resolutions are
now supported too
* implemented back the custom resolution modes, you can choose them from the
pcfx.ini file
* improved program startup, the emulator will now starts directly in the
selected screen mode, it won′t display a blank startup window anymore

Special thanks to Mednafen for helping to fix a few emulation bugs.


All Comments


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-01-18T15:12
最近拉了幾個朋友一起玩3~4人的大型機台遊戲 吞食天地2 恐龍新世紀 圓桌武士 龍王 地獄神龍 辛普森 忍者龜 還有一個操控機器人的 根據玩的時候的歡樂程度 圓桌武士及龍王最受友人們的青睞 原因在於兩者的共通處 升級系統 有這個真的差很多 龍王 幾乎每一關都有一個武器或防具可升級 分數也會使角色本身升級 ...

無差別經典遊戲分享 第四彈

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-01-18T15:01
第四彈 遊戲名稱:七龍珠Z—Hyper Dimension(Dragon Ball Z - Hyper Dimension) 遊戲類型:FTG 對應平台:Super Nintendo Entertainment System 遊戲預覽:http://www.b ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-01-18T13:03
小弟我最近又開始重溫舊夢玩起了小時後的MD版夢幻之星四 但是功力太弱只找到英文版的 網路上的合體技大多是中文+日文 有些我使不出來 不知道有沒有英文的合體技表呢? 感謝andlt;(_at_)andgt; - ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2008-01-18T03:39
首先感謝版友directional幫忙找攻略at_at 但是小弟我不才,最後還是卡關了 所以就又去找其他相關攻略 沒想到居然找到彩色版 我不知道版友們知不知道這事情 就是GB版的聖劍重新製作 然後移植到手機上 請問有板友有玩過嗎 有圖有真相 ...

MAME v0.122u6

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-01-18T01:12
0.122u6 ------- MAMETesters Bugs Fixed ---------------------- pangpoms098u3ora [Brian Troha] cuebrckj0102u5gre [Zsolt Vasvari] astinvad0106u11gre [Aaron ...