m1.xml 20100216 - 模擬器

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-02-18T20:37

Table of Contents


2/16/2009 - 1898 Sets

Codename: Blut Engel (cnbe) to the Neo Geo driver. This homebrew Neo Geo
CD-based game
has no music, but some sound/voice effects from the game might be of interest.

A number of Namco System 22 games now need a new fake parent because the
official MAME
roms now include the c76.bin data rather than the old 'pr1data.8k'. All
those sets
which formerly had a fake parent of TEKKEN now have this new fake parent,
you want to run any of the sets below from the current MAME romset, you'll
need at the
very least PROPCYCL, or a zip file with that name containing the old
PR1DATA.8K file.
Like before, this will be taken off once the M1 core is updated to support
the new .BIN
file(s). As a result, I took one set out which only has a changed music
program, but
the music is the same for Soul Edge (souledge1) since a game cannot have more
than 1
parent to provide roms. It will return once the c76.bin support is added to
the M1 core.

Sets with this new fake parent include: danceyes, dunkmnia, finalapr,
gslgr94j, gslgr94u,
gslugrsj, machbrkr, myangel3, nebulray, outfxies, pocketrc, primglex,
ptblank, ptblnk2a,
souledge, speedrcr, starswep, sws95, tekken, tekken2, vshoot, xevi3dg

gokuparo -> fantjour (Fantastic Journey is now considered the parent rom,
with Gokujou
Parodius (gokuparo) now placed as a clone).

indy500 had rom changes in MAME 0.136u3


All Comments

DirectX Runtime for February 2010

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