M+副本 調整(須等維修過後) - WOW

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2022-12-21T01:16

Table of Contents




Season 1 is off to a roaring start, and we’ve been playing
lots of dungeons and gotten lots of great feedback
from players during this first week of Mythic+ in Dragonflight.
While we want to be careful not to change too much
as players are still figuring out the new dungeons,
we’ve identified some
areas where we’d like to act on feedback sooner than later.

The following Mythic+ dungeon tuning adjustments will
go live with scheduled weekly maintenance this week:

新賽季開始了 M+ 經過玩家反饋 決定調整(維修過後)
BUG改啦 另外大部分都削弱啦~
Algeth’ar Academy

Aggravated Skitterfly Darting Sting damage reduced by 25%
and should now try to sting different targets.
水澠? 傷害減少 並且會亂叮人

Resolved an issue that caused Spectral Invoker’s Arcane
Missiles to not scale properly with key levels.
解決怪物 祕法飛彈傷害沒依照層數上升問題

Overgrown Ancient
Ancient Branch’s health reduced by 40%.

The Azure Vaults

Conjured Lasher health reduced by 20%.

Arcane Tender’s Infused Ground damage reduced by 33%.

蒼藍之刃 各種傷害減少

Overwhelming Energy damage reduced by 25%.
Overwhelming Energy cast time increased to 3 seconds
(was 2 seconds).
There is now a delay before Overwhelming Energy inflicts damage
and expels Ancient Orb Fragments (was instantly inflicts damage).
Ancient Orb damage reduced by 25%.

Resolved an issue that caused the broadcast for Overwhelming
Energy to not display.
Resolved an issue that caused the cast time of Overwhelming
Energy to display incorrectly.

Court of Stars

Legion Hound’s Felblaze Puddle now properly has a screen
effect while standing within the fel puddle left on the ground.

Halls of Valor

Ebonclaw Worg’s Leap for the Throat damage reduced by 20%.
Resolved an issue that caused Ebonclaw Worg’s Leap for
the Throat to target the primary threat player.

Claw Frenzy’s cast time increased to 1 seconds (was instant)
and now has a visual to indicate that the damage it
inflicts is split by targets in the area effect.

要撲人的時候有1秒緩衝 並且更容易知道要抓誰

The Nokhud Offensive

Soulharvesters’ Death Bolt Volley cast time increased to 3 seconds
(was 1.5 seconds).
Soulharvesters’ Death Bolt Volley and Shatter Soul are now cast
less frequently.
Ukhel Corruptor’s Death Bolt cast time increased to 2 seconds
(was 1.5 seconds).
Ukhel Corruptor’s Necrotic Eruption is now cast less frequently.
Ukhel Deathspeaker’s Chant of the Dead cast time increased to
8 seconds, and it is now cast less frequently.
Risen Mystic’s Swift Wind cast time increased to 3 seconds
(was 2 seconds).
Risen Warrior’s Mortal Strike duration reduced to 4 seconds
(was 10 seconds), and it is now cast less frequently.
Desecrated Ohuna’s Rotting Wind range reduced to 25 yards
(was 40 yards), and it is now cast less frequently.

The Raging Tempest
Electrical Storm damage reduced by 15%.
Energy Surge duration reduced to 8 seconds (was 10 seconds).
傷害減少 能量奔騰時間減少

Ruby Life Pools

Scorchling no longer casts Burning Touch.
Thunderhead and Flamegullet are now visible from much further away,
making their flight path easier to keep track of.
The cast time of Thunderhead’s Storm Breath and Flamegullet’s
Flame Breath increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
Primalist Flamedancer’s Flame Dance channel duration increased
to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Blazebound Destroyer’s Living Bomb periodic damage reduced by 40%.
Tempest Channeler’s Lightning Storm periodic damage and duration have both
been reduced by 20%.

Kokia Blazehoof
Health reduced by 15%.
Blazebound Firestorm health reduced by 20%.
生命減少 炎缚火焰風暴生命也減少

Kyrakka and Erkheart Stormvein

Erkheart Stormvein health reduced by 10%.
Kyrakka health reduced by 10%.
While Kyrakka is grounded, Flamespit will now target a
maximum of 3 players (was 5).
龍在地上時 只會噴三人

Temple of the Jade Serpent

Depraved Mistweaver’s Defiling Mist damage reduced by 20%.
Depraved Mistweaver’s Touch of Ruin’s initial aura is
now a curse effect.
小怪-墮落的織霧者傷害降低 且光環是詛咒效果

Wise Mari
Improved the visibility on Corrupted Geyser’s warning effects.
Resolved an issue that could prevent Wise Mari’s facing
to display properly during Wash Away.

Sha of Doubt
Touch of Nothingness damage reduced by 20%.
Bounds of Reality reduces damage taken by 99% instead of
granting immunity to all damage.
傷害減少 無存之觸時另外不是免疫



打M團本(削弱前) 不如打M+

3.牆頭草:高手輸了叫失誤 其他人輸了就是菜!

Tags: WOW

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2022-12-22T00:16
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2022-12-22T23:17
水黽 黽ㄇㄧㄣˇ
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2022-12-23T22:18
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2022-12-24T21:18
嬰靈店小狗跳人變隨機點人 高層反而變難
昨天看Gingi打20被跳得不要不要的 兩下一個人XD
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2022-12-23T23:32
眾星之 廷

一個千針石林 復活船長任務劇情

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2022-12-20T22:20
最近解到一個千針石林 右下南海海盜的任務 玩家把一個老兄海盜船長幹掉以後 船長靈魂一直煩我們 說要找她前妻幫忙復活 找到前妻幫忙以後 前妻先要我們把船長的好友殺掉 (有兩個可愛妹子QAQand#34;) 之後殺掉一個發瘋把徒弟變成雞的法師 前妻說把法師的魔精帶回給前妻 就可以復活老兄船長 但 ...

任務 神兵武器 無法刪除

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2022-12-20T20:52
9.0回鍋的困擾 dh有一個任務神兵武器:我們必將復仇 沒有辦法放棄... 看任務好像是7版的橘武前置嗎 有人知道怎樣把這該死的任務放棄嗎 - ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2022-12-20T20:30
[問題/現行] andlt;-- 問現行版本問題請用這個 先附上圖 https://i.imgur.com/eb82Yy1.png 最近玩的時候 對話訊息的所有物品資訊 / 玩家ID 不管點左鍵 還是右鍵 都變得沒有反應 嘗試過 - 移除所有UI 移除WTF 資料夾~ 重開遊戲 都沒有用a ...

洪荒化身牢獄 團本熱修

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2022-12-20T19:25
版本:現行 情報來源: (NGA、藍帖、WOWHEAD、MMO等) 情報網址: (網址太長請一併附上縮網址) https://tinyurl.com/5jvxpxk6 情報原文: (原文與翻譯擇一選填) Kurog Grimtotem 恐怖圖騰 Increased the enrage timer ...

RWF 洪荒化身牢獄 Echo Day 7

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2022-12-20T17:38
1. 實況網址: 主台:https://www.twitch.tv/echo_esports 團隊成員:https://www.twitch.tv/team/echo Pull count/Best:https://tw.warcraftlogs.com/zone/race/latest ...