M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC 8 - 模擬器

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-07-06T12:06

Table of Contents


As a note to those of you using the EX + alpha branch, the music and sound
changes are now integrated in the main RC line.

29 Jun 2010
Engine Changes
Merged EX + alpha audio system into main RC line.
BG: tilespacing is now a required parameter for tiled anim BG elements.
Setting any tilespacing argument to 0 will disable tiling in that axis
(prevents problems with 2002 BGs that have incorrect tilespacing).
CNS: Added StageVar trigger with basic functionality for checking stage name
and author.
Bug Fixes
BG: Fixed paral not working with compressed sprites
BG: Fixed paral BGs drawn at incorrect y position at certain resolutions.
CNS: fixed InGuardDist trigger incorrectly returning 0 during enemy attacks
when projectiles outside guard distance exist.
CNS: Fixed PlayerPush coordspace height bug.
Fixed physics precision error in certain situations.
Fixed software rendering sprite scaling position accuracy.
Fixed player SelfAnim drawn with incorrect offset scaling when in temporary
Removed common1.cns stand state pos y < 0 detection for compatibility
Font v2: fixed bank palette using palettes in the order added to the sff,
instead of the actual palette item number.
Fixed problem where program would not start on some older Windows installs.
Fixed mouse pointer not reappearing after switching out of fullscreen mode by
Alt-Enter or task switch.
Fixed AllPalFX green and blue fields being ignored.
Fixed system explods not getting reset before mode select and character
select screens.
Fixed cutscene to not adjust BGM path if the filename is empty.
Fixed sound volume and panning bugs.
Fixed volumescale bug.
Fixed victory screen showing after quick VS.
Fixed mode select repeating sound during fade in.
Fixed sprmake2 crash on pal.discardduplicates=0.


All Comments

Nintendulator v0.975 Beta (2010/07/05)

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-07-06T12:02
http://www.qmtpro.com/~nes/nintendulator/ July 5, 2010 While in prior versions of Nintendulator, PPU debug information (pattern table, nametable, and pal ...

SS ROM的iso+ape???

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-07-06T10:52
http://0rz.tw/uJiB3 我從上面這網站抓了很多當年瘋迷的遊戲,想趁暑假來回味一下 但是他壓縮的方式是用iso+ape,我不知道這與iso/bin有什麼差別 解壓縮開來除了有一個遊戲名稱.cue,還有Track01、Track02、03...等等數個檔案 TrackXX的多寡則依遊戲大小 ...

用電腦運行PS3或者是PS2模擬器需要怎樣 …

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-07-05T21:34
PS除了配備到不了外, 遊戲本身也有保護, 所以變成是: 1硬體--2模擬器--3破解 PS2也就算了, PS3五年之內別想了= =and#34; 不管是PS2或是PS3, 時下買得到的遊樂器跟軟體還是用力花錢支持吧! 要是大家都去用模擬器and#34;試玩and#34;, 那遊戲公司就可能一家一家倒了 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-07-05T20:51
小弟不才 想要請問一些事情 最近想要購入新電腦 因為五六年才想要換機一次 所以這次想要換好一點的 又回想起過去用電腦玩PS模擬器的往事 想到現在PS3都出這麼久了 不知道電腦是否已經可以模擬到了 所以想要請問板上的高手大大們 電腦需要怎樣的基本規格 才足以跑得動PS3或者是PS2呢 謝謝各位的幫忙 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-07-05T17:52
改造2版暨 變更點整理 1. 職業升級JP調降約 3000-andgt;360 2. 技能JP下殺0.5折 只要1/20 特殊臉全收技能全滿含通關不用30個小時 這才是合理的練功量 3. 偷經驗值可以對自己人行使 4. 等級上限限制 LV99實在太多了 改成只能升到lv75=蛇夫座的等級 ...