LilyPad 0.9.6 - 模擬器

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-01-12T11:59

Table of Contents

LilyPad 0.9.6 is a Windows pad plugin. I'll update this post and bump the
thread when I release new versions.

C++ source is available. Feel free to use it for any non-commercial use, as
long as you give me credit.

LilyPad Documentation

Keyboards/Mice/DirectInput/XInput devices are all supported. It supports
multiple devices of all types, and devices of different types can be mixed
and matched. Sensitivity can be adjusted. Force feedback is supported.
Multiple keys/buttons/axes can be bound to the same PS2 button, and one
key/button/axis can be bound to multiple PS2 buttons. Keys can be mapped to
the analog sticks. Axes can be mapped to buttons. Pressure sensitive buttons
and other single-direction axes (Like foot peddles) are also supported.
Screenshots and LilyPad itself are at the bottom of the post.

0.9.5/6 Changes
0.9.6 fixed a bug that would cause it to fail to reclaim device input when
resuming emulation.

Major rewrite of code to read input, so all old bindings will be lost. Can
bind half-axes to buttons. XInput support added, flip button now inverts an
axis/button (up means down and down means up). Turbo added. Binding now works
as people expect, when multiple binding is disabled. Removed 1D/2D options
under hacks, as the FF config screen lets you do everything yourself. A
couple warning dialogs added. Workarounds for a few DirectInput issues. I now
queue all key presses, so PCSX2 will eventually be informed of any key press,
unless you press too many at once. Multiple binding and device testing now
works for all input modes. Should auto refresh device list when devices are
attached/removed (Both in game and at config screen). Attempts to maintain
bindings across OSes or when you move a device to another USB port, giving it
a new ID.


All Comments


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-01-11T23:25 フリーズの修正 プライマリースレッドのみ停止させるように変更 後は簡単なとこから 起動時、前回開いていたROMを読み込めるようにした NO$GBAの場所を指定することにより、ど ...

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Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-01-11T07:47
應該有好幾個月了吧, 前陣子都在玩PCE GAME, 這陣子都是玩FC的.. 這款是AC(大型電玩)版移植過來的, 不過AC版好像沒看過次, 感覺上PCE 版移植的還不錯, 不會像FC的移植版都會因為硬體關係, 背景大幅簡化 角色也縮水變小隻.. 本作是動作遊戲, 採體力制, 操縱就是攻擊跟跳躍, ...

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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-01-11T07:11
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