Left 4 Dead 2 The Passing 4/22釋出 - Steam

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-04-21T18:39

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※ 引述《Johnny55 (謝謝你 兄弟T_T)》之銘言:
: The first game add-on for Left 4 Dead 2 brings the original Left 4 Dead
: (L4D1) Survivors down south for a meeting with the L4D2 cast, while
: delivering new single-player, multiplayer and co-operative gameplay for the
: PC and Xbox 360.

: The Passing also introduces a series of weekly game mode events dubbed
: "Mutations." These week-long runs of new gameplay modes range from "Realism
: Versus" mode to "Chainsaw Massacre," which gives all players chainsaws with
: an unlimited supply of gasoline. There are over 20 Mutations planned, each
: playable on all L4D2 Campaigns. Mutations are exclusively available to owners
: of "The Passing" DLC.
The Passing同時包含了一整週的系列遊戲模式「Mutations」,遊戲模式從「寫實對抗」
一直到「Chainsaw Massacre」(此模式所有使用者都各拿一隻油量無限的電鋸對砍)‧場
上有超過20個在戰役模式裡面玩的到的Mutations,這些Mutation是The Passing擴充包

: In addition, "The Passing" offers a new co-operative challenge mode of play,
: support for infected bot play in Versus, a new "uncommon common" zombie class
: (the fallen survivor), melee weapon (golf club), and firearm (M-60).
: Available for 560 Microsoft Points on Xbox 360 and free on the PC, "The
: Passing" takes place just after the Dead Center campaign of L4D2. Set in a
: small town in rural Georgia, players assume the role of the L4D2 Survivors as
: they meet with the L4D1 characters.
此外,The Passing提供新的合作模式、對抗模式中新增感染者Bot、新的殭屍"墮落生存
,PC版則是免費!!The Passing故事時間設定在L4D2戰役的「購物商場(Dead Center)」那

: Exclusively available for Xbox 360 and the PC, L4D2 sets a new benchmark for
: co-operative action games. The title adds melee combat to enable deeper
: co-operative gameplay, with items such as a chainsaws, frying pans, axes,
: baseball bats, and more.
(慘了這段我看不太懂他在講什麼...orz 翻譯怪怪請見諒orz)

: With the AI Director 2.0, L4D's dynamic gameplay is taken to the next level
: by giving the Director the ability to procedurally change weather effects,
: world objects, and pathways in addition to tailoring the enemy population,
: effects, and sounds to match the players' performance. The result is a unique
: game session custom fitted to provide a satisfying and uniquely challenging
: experience each time the game is played.
在AI Director 2.0的加持下,L4D的動態遊戲模式躍升到新的層級,新的Director可以根

: Finally, with new Survivors, boss zombies, weapons, and items, Left 4 Dead 2
: offers a much larger game than the original, featuring more co-operative
: campaigns, more Versus campaigns, new Survival maps, and the new competitive
: game mode, Scavenge.

: To celebrate the launch of "The Passing" DLC this Thursday Valve employees
: will be playing on the PC between 11am-5pm PDT and then on the 360 from
: 7pm-11pm PDT using special accounts. To play with someone from Valve just
: friend one of the following:
為了慶祝本週四擴充包"The Passing"的上市,Valve的員工將會用特殊帳號,在太平洋時
間 早上11點 到 下午5點 在 PC平台、晚上7點 到 晚上11點 在 360平台 與大家同樂!!

: On PC:
: L4D2_DEV_1, L4D2_DEV_2, L4D2_DEV_3, L4D2_DEV_4, L4D2_DEV_5, L4D2_DEV_6,
: L4D2_DEV_7, L4D2_DEV8, L4D2_DEV_9, L4D2_DEV_10
: On the Xbox 360:
: L4D2 DEV 1, L4D2 DEV 2, L4D2 DEV 3, L4D2 DEV 4, L4D2 DEV 5, L4D2 DEV 6, L4D2
: DEV 7, L4D2 DEV 8, L4D2 DEV 9, L4D2 DEV 10




我的 網路電子名片 簡短易記網址: http://howar31.tk/

Tags: Steam

All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2010-04-23T11:01
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-04-24T09:50
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-04-27T04:11
YA 嘴炮法蘭西斯
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-04-29T23:21
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-05-01T08:26
員工: 不知道把玩家踢出Steam是什麼感覺(搓下巴) (誤
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2010-05-04T13:47
…"PC版則是免費!!" 感動啊
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2010-05-07T11:56
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-05-12T02:03
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-05-16T06:10
應該沒有人懂我長嘆是什麼意思吧? XDDD
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-05-19T03:38
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-05-22T22:27
不用長嘆了 我猜過不久L4D3就要宣布了
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-05-23T17:04
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-05-25T18:58
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-05-30T18:23
1和2都有玩 只能說..2完成度高出太多!真的讓人不得不買2

Steam 新版用戶端介面預計下星期一釋出正式版

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-04-21T17:44
Beta 幾個月的新版界面終於要釋出正式版囉 測試版的最近一次更新也把一些中文翻譯補齊了 期待中~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steam Client UI Update t ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-04-21T15:40
可以用控制台指令直接開啟vpk的地圖嗎? 還是說需要其他設定呢? 我想用區網的方式連線 - ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-04-21T12:40
是這樣的 我前幾天把電腦拆下來 拿去裝在另一台很大的螢幕上 然後玩了一下解析度 (實際調到多少我忘記了...) 然後我再裝回原來螢幕上時 CS就無法顯示呈現下面這種狀態 http://tinyurl.com/y6uozsk 我有去爬文說在內容裡用指令設定 但是好像沒有用 不知道有沒有大大 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-04-20T20:00
在 Weand#39;ve Got Hostiles 章節中第一次看到的 一位研究員對著玻璃後的保全大呼小叫之後就往前跑掉,結果踩到這雷就被炸死了 架設在牆壁上,會發出藍色的雷射光,一通過就會爆炸 請問有人知道這個武器的正式名稱嗎..? 玩家同學A: 那是照相機 玩家同學B: 那是雷射炸彈 玩家 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-04-20T19:24
※ 引述《aarons (SC2打不贏電腦= =)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《chatnoir (對不起)》之銘言: : XD...再次放棄推文XD : == : ex_interp 是一組有關於顯示方面的內插參數。 : 他將會補足,玩家端所獲得資訊的不足,藉由顯示卡內插。 : 假設A玩家他的跑位path是一個 ...