KRO 11/24 更新 - 仙境傳說

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-11-25T21:52

Table of Contents

Common Patch 全伺服器更新

- Corrected skill damage error with some sorcerer skills.

- Added the monster gravestone system.

* When an MVP or major monster dies, it leaves a grave marker that shows
the time of death and who killed it.
* The gravestone will remain until the monster respawns.


- Added the NPC 'Softhearted Degil' who provides special service to novices
and character under 100.

* If you are a novice level 10 or below, he will allow you to return to
the Novice Training Grounds.
如果你是 10 等以下新手,可重返新手訓練場

* If you are a character below level 100, he will very inexpensively
provide HP Recovery/Increase AGI/Blessing.
如果你的等級在 100 等以下,那麼可以藉由NPC支付金錢換取HP恢復、加速

* The NPC will be available in all major towns for the next two months.
此NPC會存在所有城鎮 2 個月

- To help new and returning users, the delay time for deleting characters is

* The waiting period is lowered from 24 hours to 10 minutes for the next
two months.

- Revised the Rune Knight and Mounted Rune Knight sprites.

- Added the Costume System.
新增了時裝系統 (?)

* The costume tab is added to the equipment window, only headgears are
available at the moment.
* Costumes can be purchased through the cash shop.

- Fixed the Memorial dungeon Baphomet boss monster so that when it uses the
invincibility skill, the following skills will correctly deal 1 damage:
"Thorn Trap", "Blast Mine", "Claymore Trap", "Meteor Assault", "Hell's
Plant", and "Crazy Weed".
- Corrected a bug where poison react would re-invoke when relogging.

^^^^^ 修正三轉技能對回憶迷宮-巴風特無敵時造成不正常損傷

Main Servers 主伺服器更新

- All servers now become free to play. Additional details available on the RO

- The Cat Hand Headquarters on Malangdo Island is added.
追加地圖 貓咪商隊總部 - 貓島

- New mounts added for all jobs are added.

* The mounts can be purchased from the item mall.


- Added floor 6 to Izlude Dungeon.

* Presently Izlude 6f is only available to Gold Netcafe users.

新增地圖 伊斯魯得海盜洞窟 6F 金牌網咖專用地圖

- 30% Increased Experience and Drops event starts, lasting until December 8th.

* Gold Netcafe users will have an additional 20% increased experience and
drops during the event.

全伺服器掉寶率、經驗 +30%,若是於金牌網咖進行遊戲則追加20%

- Because of the transition to free to play, some cash items are no longer
available. Please see the notice on the RO homepage for additional details.


- Added level 86 ~ 99 quests to floor 2 of the Eden Group building.


- Added a new UI for the item mall. The existing item mall building will now
only have the refine NPCs.
- Corrected a bug where the Warlock skill "Crimson Rock" could stun party
修正 咒術士 深紅隕石 會暈到其他玩家的BUG

- Because of the transition to free to play, Item Mall purchases after
November 24th are subject to changes made to the terms of service. See the
notice on the RO home page for additional details.
- Storage/cart limitations on several basic items because of the free to play
transition is lifted on the old premium servers (Thanatos, Randgris, and
Sara). These items include:


* Fly Wing, Butterfly Wing, Magnifier, Incubator, Concentration Potion,
蒼翅 蝴翅 放大鏡 培養皿 集中藥水
Awakening Potion, Berserk Potion, Yggdrasil Leaf, Empty Bottle, Blue
覺醒藥水 菠色克藥水 天地樹樹葉 空瓶
Gemstone, Medicine Bowl, Special Alloy Trap Box, Special Alloy Trap.
藍色魔力礦石 藥缽 特殊合金陷阱盒 特殊合金陷阱

- Because maintenance starts at midnight, preparations are in place for
restoring guild treasures. In each castle there will be a 'treasure summoner'
that the guild master can talk to to have treasures restored.

由於維修是在半夜進行,公會城池會長可獲得寶箱召喚卷 * 1

Sakray Test Server 測試伺服器

- Sakray server has been re-initialized (wiped player data).

- The attack speed formula has been rolled back to the same as the main
servers (in preparation for work on the new attack speed formula).
攻速計算公式變更與主伺服器相同 ( 為了準備新的公式 )

- Added the replay system.

* Added an REC button below the character information window that allows
you to record gameplay for playback.
增加一個 REC (錄製) 按鈕,讓你可以紀錄你遊戲的經過

* When you start recording, you can set it so that character stats and
equipment are not recorded.

* Replay files are located in the RagnarokReplay folder located in your
Ragnarok install folder.


資料來源 :

一些沒翻譯的地方就有請鄉民們幫忙補完 Orz


All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-11-30T13:58
貓島★,:*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧°★*
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-12-02T08:23
墓碑XD 貓島0.0長怎樣呀?
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-12-04T11:43
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-12-05T02:03
堂本堂資料不可轉載阿ˊˇˋ … 所以自己翻= 3 =
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-12-09T05:15
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-12-10T05:29
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-12-11T01:21
隕石會暈到玩家是bug哦 orz
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-12-13T16:01
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-12-13T23:57
咒術已經夠弱了 -.-
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-12-17T18:51
我覺得遊俠更弱勢 QQ
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-12-21T14:37
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2010-12-24T04:16
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-12-26T02:04
樓樓樓上在開玩笑嗎= ="
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-12-27T10:24
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-12-27T13:46
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-01-01T00:20
碧血隕石BUG都那麼久了 影響其實也不太大..
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-01-04T05:11
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-01-08T18:17
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-01-11T22:35
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-01-14T19:15
海六= =


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-11-25T20:32
〔露天商估價單〕 --------------------------------------- 1.所在伺服器:經典查爾斯 2.賣或買物品:賣 3.物品的名稱:連擊的套甲[4洞],土狼卡片 - ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-11-25T20:16
親愛的新仙境玩家們 浪漫聖誕的腳步已經悄悄向您走近囉,在這個美麗的季節裡,點點的雪花已經飄在新 仙境的世界裡,而登入及聖誕村的音樂也在今天換上了新裝,您是否已經準備好了 呢?讓我們哼著音樂,一起擁有最溫暖的雪季吧~ 沒了 … - ...

新幹線你在耍我嗎 …

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-11-25T18:54
之前發生要儲商城幣卻儲到遊戲點數去的蠢事 現在我依照遊戲新幹線的說法去寫了一份 儲值事項申請書 然而,我去附近的7-11傳真給他們,第一次拿原稿傳(新幹線背景色用的超深色) 新幹線說全黑,很好,我把原稿拿去影印,背景變白了 再次傳真,還是跟我說黑的 … 你耍我阿 … 我開始嚴重懷疑是新幹線傳真機壞了 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2010-11-25T18:17
因為轉生前就去接了100傑勒比結晶的經驗書任務 想說不吃白不吃 祭司跟流氓雙開 祭司有吃流氓因為沒接任務沒吃 可是問題來了 剛剛看訊息顯示 祭司獲得經驗值並沒有增加阿 還是吃書前的獲得經驗值 難道要祭司有參與攻擊才算嗎 - ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-11-25T17:37
請問一下 為什麼我的RO到某些地方的時候就會跳出視窗顯示找不到某個檔案 是需要手動更新什麼東西嗎 重灌會不會有幫助= =? - ...