Jpcsp SVN r1671 - 模擬器

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-07-11T23:30

Table of Contents

Jpcsp SVN r1671 is released. JPCSP is a PlayStation Portable(PSP) emulator
which is written in JAVA. JPCSP is the first PSP emulator that is written in
JAVA. Most people think java is too slow. But Shadow and his team has proven
us wrong. The newest Java versions are almost as fast as C which makes it
very interesting for emu dev's. Shadow and his team are working day and night
with pleasure on the emu, many coders have dedicated to the project. Because
it's written in java many young devs find it interesting to learn how the
emulator works.

Jpcsp SVN changelog:
Fixed sceKernelStopVTimer(): multiple Start/Stop sequences are added.
Fixed size value returned by sceMpegAvcQueryYCbCrSize()
Fixed sceCtrl: PSP remembers the last 64 samples.
Avoid warning about duplicate NID definition for


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Xenosaga Ⅲ 簡中patch 1.0

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-07-11T22:45
汉化内容 文本:理论上是全了,DEBUG模式由于无法打开偶也不知道,反正测试出现的全解决 图片:本来以为只能弄标题画面的,后来技术突破,现在地标都汉化了 字体:微软雅黑,其实CG字幕能用其它字体的,不过始终没满意的,各位有意见可以提 汉化版追加内容:除了原游戏的这些外,给原游戏没有字幕的几个CG加入了字幕, ...

Dolphin SVN r5869

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-07-11T21:44 Dolphin SVN r5869 is released.Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dolphin i ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-07-11T17:48
因為好像很少看到模擬器的效能測試文 而且模擬器好像都不太支援四核 所以想問問下面幾款CPU i3-530 i5-650 i5-750 i5-760 哪一個跑模擬器效果最好呢 感謝 - ...

ss的光明與黑暗III續戰篇 冰辟邪神宮

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2010-07-11T15:52
遙想當年... 大學聯考結束了 我那時無聊整理東西翻出了老舊的SATURN 突然看到我始終沒全破的 冰壁邪神宮 這遊戲之前玩到發瘋 還買了攻略 無奈在那個年代下 看攻略的時間其實比玩遊戲時間多... 所以那個暑假就慢慢的將冰壁邪神宮玩到最後 就在朱里安打進最後的 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-07-11T14:59
我的電腦配備是 XP SP3 E7500 2.93G 2G RAM 顯示卡是GTX260 模擬器版本是PCSX2 設定因為我不會調 所以都是default 遇到的問題是 正常玩的時候大概都沒問題 但進到場景比較大的都市 或者戰鬥的時候 FPS就會狂掉 特別是戰鬥的時候 FPS只 ...