(Joystick) JoyToKey v5.9 - 模擬器

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2017-03-02T21:11

Table of Contents


This software is a keyboard emulator for joysticks. It converts joystick
input into keyboard input (and mouse input).Use it when you want to control
an application with joysticks that doesn't support joystick input. If you
wish, you can control even Word, Excel, etc. with joysticks!


* Configuration for maximum 16 joysticks.
* Multiple configuration files
You can make many configuration files and choose it at any time.
* Support for many useful features...
o Automatic shooting of buttons
o Mouse emulation (including wheel input)
o "Adjust mouse movements" function
When it's pressed, mouse movement(or wheel rotation) becomes faster (or
* "Switch to the other configuration file" function
You can switch to and activate the other configuration file with the button
which is assigned to this function.
* "Use the setting of other joystick number temporarily" function
(Something like "shift" command of SNESKey. For example, you may usually use
joystick1 for keyboard emulation, but during this button being pressed,
joystick3's configuration (that emulates mouse or something) will temporarily
be used. Note that joystick3 is not a real joystick, it's a virtual device to

JoyToKey v5.9 Changelog:

- Fixed a crash issue for some online games
- Enhanced "Keyboard2" page to support the followings:
- Supported the emulation of Input1 ~ Input4 in sequence at the specified
interval (hold duration)
- Supported different key assignment based on how many times a button is
pressed within the specified time threshold
- Supported the key assignment when a button is released
- Supported the definition of mouse cursor movement via right click menu. For
example, this enables one button input to cycle through up, right, down, left
mouse cursor movement whenever it's pressed
- Supported a mouse horizontal wheel rotation
- Improved the keycode emulation for the Numpad '/' and a few other keys
- Miscellaneous configuration options were added for OneSwitch.org.uk ex)
- FontSizeProfileList=20 FontSizeButtonList=20 ProfileImageFullScreenRatio=1.0


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All Comments


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2017-03-01T09:23
這是過年專題的最後一篇,終於刊出了~~~ 介紹突破極限的遊戲卡匣 利用特殊晶片或感應器,增加遊戲聲光效果或體感控制等等功能 http://www.techbang.com/posts/49067 在這邊也要跟大家說Good Bye 因為在T客邦刊登的遊戲相關文章績效不好的關係,所以我已經被明令不能再寫了 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-02-28T20:29
在FB 看到的分享, 原網址如下 https://twitter.com/huxarufaxara/status/836484793600634880/video/1 結果, 推文中有更狠的...orz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2mTfiSpRcAandamp; ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2017-02-28T16:05
終於~寫完了~~劇情文,還有攻略文還沒寫 0rz 本作被稱作「從來沒在最終頭目戰就開始哭」的劇本,實際玩到也真的有這種感觸。 而且是「之前越投入在各種遊戲細節與支線,感動更加倍」的良好設計。 不會像很多RPG就是單純跑腿或打稀有寶找素材拖時間。 總之,就一起來欣賞這最後一段吧! 照慣例最後一篇不寫人物關係。 ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2017-02-28T15:27
前言 今天實況的時候,有觀眾提到星際大戰 我就想起小時候看過FC的某款星際大戰 也就是今天心得文寫的這一款 小時候對這款的印象是拿著鑰匙在紅白機接多人手把的位置凹一凹,就會自己跳關XD 不過以前覺得這款太難,稍微碰了一下就沒動力繼續了 今天拜模擬器SL所賜,硬是看到了破關畫面 來說 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-02-28T09:14
※ 引述《sakuraha (山積是人類的天性...)》之銘言: 文長恕刪... : 武器的威力可升級 : 像精靈一開始是一直射箭...威力最大石圍包覆靈力的追尾箭..... : 本作最大的特點是有如暗黑破壞神TYPE的45度角視野 : 或許這在電腦遊戲很常見...但早期的電視遊樂器很少有這種模式 : 當然這 ...