(joystick) JoyToKey v5.7.1 - 模擬器

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-08-31T23:55

Table of Contents


This software is a keyboard emulator for joysticks. It converts joystick
input into keyboard input (and mouse input).Use it when you want to control
an application with joysticks that doesn't support joystick input. If you
wish, you can control even Word, Excel, etc. with joysticks!


* Configuration for maximum 16 joysticks.
* Multiple configuration files
You can make many configuration files and choose it at any time.
* Support for many useful features...
o Automatic shooting of buttons
o Mouse emulation (including wheel input)
o "Adjust mouse movements" function

When it's pressed, mouse movement(or wheel rotation) becomes faster (or

* "Switch to the other configuration file" function

You can switch to and activate the other configuration file with the button
which is assigned to this function.

* "Use the setting of other joystick number temporarily" function
(Something like "shift" command of SNESKey. For example, you may
usually use joystick1 for keyboard emulation, but during this button
being pressed, joystick3's configuration (that emulates mouse or
something) will temporarily be used. Note that joystick3 is not a real
joystick, it's a virtual device to .)

JoyToKey v5.7.1 Changelog:

- Support "Numpad Enter" key assignment via right-click menu
- Support up to 4 POV inputs
- Enhanced the right-click menu on the joystick tab and on the button list
such that the selected configuration can be copied-to or pasted-from a
- Enhanced device configuration to support stick-axis mapping across all 8

官方 http://www-jp.jtksoft.net/



All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2015-09-03T12:16
老而彌堅 依然實用

立體大作戰 FDS

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-08-31T18:42
本片是1987年史克威爾發售在fds上的射擊動作遊戲(史克威爾還真是多產XD) 遊戲類型跟SEGA的太空哈利有90%像 (因為MD比較晚發售,我一開始還嚇到以為是SEGA抄他的 事實上太空哈利AC版1985年12月就發行了) 不過光是抄襲就為免太LOW了 史克威爾他.....他真的搞成3D了 是的,本作有兩 ...

Clrmamepro 4.022

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2015-08-31T11:25
http://mamedev.emulab.it/clrmamepro/#downloads 沒什麼大問題的話就跟著mame一起更新atat misc: new compiler (VS2015) under Windows 10 Pro misc: 7z/rar warnings are now sho ...

FC 戰鬥原始人

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2015-08-30T19:25
由Data East(現已倒閉)製做之系列作品之一 在FC/NES推出的作品是1992年12月發售 當然這也逃不了被海盜商硬改成瑪莉歐系列之命運 成為瑪莉16代(1993) {備註:有兩個瑪莉16代 另外一個16代是1996年出現 原來的遊戲是快傑洋槍丸二代 區隔上為瑪莉16代(1996)} ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2015-08-30T17:43
無意間發現本作DBZ繁中字幕的動畫 https://youtu.be/dVcjoncFDB0 https://youtu.be/PdCAsbaQ5fc 勾起回憶, 所以弄了rom來玩玩 但發現大地圖的主選單介面會不斷跳動如下圖 http://i.imgur.com/RxQnUfq.jpg 左右兩圖下方的選單 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-08-29T21:18
各位板友好 小弟最近遇到一個問題... 用PS2模擬器玩實況野球大聯盟2一直當機 大概玩個10分鐘就會GG = =and#34; 板上有前輩說改BIOS裡的gsdx可以解決 但試過還是沒有改善,辜狗也沒找到解決方案QQ 小弟用的模擬器是pcxs2 1.0.0版 使用的是筆電acer V3-5 ...