Jagulator v2.0.1 - 模擬器

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-06-21T12:40

Table of Contents


Jagulator v2.0.1 is released. Jagulator is an Atari Jaguar console emulator.
Jagulator is designed to be run on the Microsoft Windows range of Operating
Systems and uses OpenGL as the graphics subsystem.

Jagulator v2.0.1 Changelog:
- now setting the correct video screen sizes and not clipping the right hand
size of the screen.
- Long filenames are not supported so you will need to ensure any rom images
you attempt to load do not have 'spaces' in the name.
- Jagulator has a command window style interface (what no fancy GUI!!!)
- Typing help will show you the available commands.
- To load a rom from the command line, type; rom ; For example; rom tempest
- To start the rom executing after it is loaded, press F5.
- Homebrew roms are supported but must be absolute binary files. File types
with headers are not currently supported. To load these you will need to know
the hexadecimal load address. Those of you who have used tools such as the
Skunkboard will be familiar with this. For example, say we have a binary file
of BadCoders 4m(Metal) demo with a filename of 'badcode4m' and we know the
load address is $4000, we would type; rla 4000 badcode4m.
- Again, to start a homebrew binary, press F5.
- I have included a compatibility list of the roms/homebrews I have tested
against here in the zip distribution and on the Status Page of this site. If
you would like software tested against Jagulator then please send me your
- Video windows are currently a set size and I know they are not all accurate
but work for now.
- The debugger is not present in this build.
- There is no audio or CD emulation in this build.
- Oh, before I forget, there are not commercial or homebrew rom images
supplied with this distribution. Those you will have to obtain for yourself.
- Controller 1 is supported only in this release and it is currently a
non-configurable set of keys, as follows;
A, B, C Buttons - 'A', 'S' and 'X'
Option Button - 'O'
Pause Button - 'P'
Joypad Numeric Buttons - '0' thru '9' on the numeric key pad
# and * Buttons - '/' and '*' on the numeric key pad


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