IV/Play 1.0 - Front End for MAME - 模擬器

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-05-27T19:55

Table of Contents


So here is the first edition of my front end, called IV/Play.
It's basically my favorite things about MameUI decoupled into a standalone
that (the plan is) will be futureproof against core changes since it relies
on the Mame.inis directly. I started designing it back in 2006 but the latest
memory increase and brittleness of MameUI pushed me over the edge so I
commissioned its coding.

We have many of the UI navigation short-cuts from MameUI. It can have your
favorites displaying at the same time as the game list at the top, so no
toggling folder views. You get random background selection, icon zoom to see
the 16x16 icons increase in size to 32px. Snapshots and flyers are supported
in normal, vertical stretch, and a super large view. Opacity on the art is
selectable. (SuperLarge and opacity 50% can look nice, see the pic on the
homepage.) The ctrl-f filter is there to filter out name, manufacturer,
driver.c, and year. Alt-Enter Properties on the games, adding / removing
favorites directly w/ key combos.


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Stella DS v1.1

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-05-27T19:53
http://www.portabledev.com/pages/ds/jeuxdev.-perso/stellads.php Stella DS v1.1 is released. Stella DS is the first version of Atari 2600 emulator for Nint ...

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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-05-27T19:51
http://ykhwong.x-y.net/ May. 25. 2011 1. Based on SVN r3713 2. Fixed Xargon Trilogy 3. Updated MT-32 emulation (MUNT) patch (63841aa02013487daa34) - Impr ...

ePSXe 1.70 玩 時空幻境(TOP)

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-05-27T19:17
我用EmuCheat開了金手指之後 在劇情某些有人物對話聲音的地方 他會跑出其他的聲音 比方說克雷斯發奧義的聲音, 其他人怪台詞 沒有佣金手指就沒問題 這個現象是因為ePSXe版本太新嗎? - ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-05-27T14:38
之前發問後、從版友推文得知家裡的老古董的名字--「ColecoVision」 除了感謝還是感謝。 無奈當時年記太小,印象中除了大金剛(Donkey Kong)之外、 就是一款類似巴比流浪記(Bob/Bobby is going home)的遊戲了。 http://www.youtube.com/wat ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-05-27T12:28
這幾天只要有空的話,幾乎都在玩PS版的《真‧女神轉生if…》。 其實之前就破過一次SNES的版本,只是剛好最近把PS版弄到手,原本想說 等某兩款遊戲攻略完成之後再去玩,但手就是不怎麼聽話,結果還是陷進去了。 PS版除了聲光效果有明顯強化外,讀取速度也滿不錯的,比起之前的《真‧女 神轉生Ⅱ》實在好太 ...