HL劇情有些語音沒翻譯 - Steam

By George
at 2010-05-06T15:49
at 2010-05-06T15:49
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※ 引述《willy69wu31 (小小吳)》之銘言:
: HL的劇情有幾段語音沒有翻譯 不知道在說什麼 不曉得有沒有人知道?
: 1.章節9結尾: 剛被關燈痛毆時軍隊的對話 (不是被搬去垃圾場的路上)
: 2.章節12結尾: 走到一個小地圖飛彈控制台時旁邊收音機講話
: 3.章節13開頭: 坍塌後遇到的第一個收音機講話
: 這三段都是英文語音,搞不清楚他在說什麼QQ
: 請問有人知道嗎?
-get him (逮他)
-i see it (看到了,笑)
Forget about Freeman. We are cutting our losses and pulling out.
Anyone left down there now is on his own. Repeat, if you weren't already,
you are now----(斷)
別管freeman了, 我們正在減少傷亡和撤退.
任何還在下面(指black mesa)的人, 自求多福.
重複, 如果你還沒上來, 你(斷)
Come in, Cooper. Do you copy? Forget about Freeman. We're abandoning the
base. If you have any last bomb targets, mark them on the tactical map.
Otherwise, get the hell out of there. Repeat, we are pulling out and
commencing airstrikes. Give us targets or get below.
別管freeman, 我們正在放棄這基地.
如果你還有要炸掉的目標, 把他們標在戰術地圖上.
不然, 快逃出這鬼地方. 重複, 我們正在撤退和進行空襲.
: HL的劇情有幾段語音沒有翻譯 不知道在說什麼 不曉得有沒有人知道?
: 1.章節9結尾: 剛被關燈痛毆時軍隊的對話 (不是被搬去垃圾場的路上)
: 2.章節12結尾: 走到一個小地圖飛彈控制台時旁邊收音機講話
: 3.章節13開頭: 坍塌後遇到的第一個收音機講話
: 這三段都是英文語音,搞不清楚他在說什麼QQ
: 請問有人知道嗎?
-get him (逮他)
-i see it (看到了,笑)
Forget about Freeman. We are cutting our losses and pulling out.
Anyone left down there now is on his own. Repeat, if you weren't already,
you are now----(斷)
別管freeman了, 我們正在減少傷亡和撤退.
任何還在下面(指black mesa)的人, 自求多福.
重複, 如果你還沒上來, 你(斷)
Come in, Cooper. Do you copy? Forget about Freeman. We're abandoning the
base. If you have any last bomb targets, mark them on the tactical map.
Otherwise, get the hell out of there. Repeat, we are pulling out and
commencing airstrikes. Give us targets or get below.
別管freeman, 我們正在放棄這基地.
如果你還有要炸掉的目標, 把他們標在戰術地圖上.
不然, 快逃出這鬼地方. 重複, 我們正在撤退和進行空襲.
→ absolutecws:強者我同學國中時期在網咖丟了8台腳踏車04/10 22:35
→ alanhome: 強者我同學國中時期在網咖幹了8台腳踏車04/10 22:37
→ ella7198:1樓同學快去找2樓04/10 22:38
→ AMY19910925:還是1樓和2樓的都剛好再同一間網咖勒=口= 04/10 22:43
All Comments

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at 2010-05-08T13:07
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at 2010-05-19T13:15
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at 2010-05-22T11:09
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at 2010-05-23T06:52
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