higan v097 - 模擬器

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2016-01-18T23:31

Table of Contents


* higan: project source code hierarchy restructured; icarus directly
* higan: added software emulation of color-bleed, LCD-refresh, scanlines,
* icarus: you can now load and import ROM files/archives from the main
higan menu
* NES: fixed manifest parsing for board mirroring and VRC pinouts
* SNES: fixed manifest for Star Ocean
* SNES: fixed manifest for Rockman X2,X3
* GB: enabling LCD restarts frame
* GB: emulated extra OAM STAT IRQ quirk required for GBVideoPlayer (Shonumi)
* GB: VBK, BGPI, OBPI are readable
* GB: OAM DMA happens inside PPU core instead of CPU core
* GB: fixed APU length and sweep operations
* GB: emulated wave RAM quirks when accessing while channel is enabled
* GB: improved timings of several CPU opcodes (gekkio)
* GB: improved timings of OAM DMA refresh (gekkio)
* GB: CPU uses open collector logic; return 0xFF for unmapped memory (gekkio)
* GBA: fixed sequencer enable flags; fixes audio in Zelda - Minish
Cap (Jonas Quinn)
* GBA: fixed disassembler masking error (Lioncash)
* hiro: Cocoa support added; higan can now be compiled on Mac OS X 10.7+
* nall: improved program path detection on Windows
* higan/Windows: moved configuration data from %appdata% to %localappdata%
* higan/Linux,BSD: moved configuration data from ~/.config/higan to


All Comments

沉默之丘3 pc正體中文版

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2016-01-18T13:03
116真是台灣民主的新里程碑,分享個沉默之丘3來慶賀一下, PC版內容跟PS2一樣,但解析度完全不是PS2能比的XD 介紹跟攻略可以介紹可參考版大的文章: http://perry0517a.blogspot.tw/2013/10/silent-hill-3.html mega.co.nz/#!ZRUU2 ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-01-18T12:58
http://news.gamme.com.tw/1375642 13首恐怖的遊戲BGM 恐怖片或恐怖遊戲對你來說已經太小case了嗎?那麼這些偶爾在遊戲中會聽到的恐怖音樂 又如何呢?由外國網站選出的《13首恐怖的遊戲BGM》當然包含驚悚恐怖遊戲在內,連動 作遊戲、RPG遊戲都有呢! 走出戶外:動物之森 ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2016-01-17T22:05
http://news.gamme.com.tw/1375552 最近這個偉大的系列達成了30周年,它的生父堀井雄二就在推特上面公布了當年初代《勇 者鬥惡龍》的手稿,可說是非常珍貴的資料。 http://images.gamme.com.tw/news2/2016/55/52/qpyWn6aamKKbqKs ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2016-01-17T21:59
小弟最近手遊玩得兇 甚至嘗試在手機上玩魔物獵人3 (用PPSSPP) 玩了玩果然覺得操作性不好 想找支手把來用 爬過文後 覺得該從i-RocksG01和G02中取捨 但還有些疑問 希望各位解惑: 1.這兩款的類比搖桿看起來設計相似 不知到手感上有什麼差別嗎? G01: http://i.imgur ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-01-17T10:57
五右衛門系列繼續連載,還記得我有開始在連載這系列嗎?XD 大概是系列中攻略起來最惡夢的一款,地獄的八輪104關終於結束 囧rz 開始來寫攻略吧~ 日文名:がんばれゴエモン!からくり道中 英文名:Ganbare Goemon! - Karakuri Douchuu 中文名:大盜五右衛門 http://album ...