HEN已完成?!?!? - 改機

By Dorothy
at 2009-05-02T00:21
at 2009-05-02T00:21
Table of Contents
21:04 Davee Well done? →→那么怎么辦?
21:05 Davee like 3% of homebrew works in HEN xD →→好像只有3%的自製程式能在
21:05 Davee Out of all my homebrew, only a hello world and recovery flasher
worked xD →→我做的所有的自製程式都不行,只有一個hello world 和 recovery
flasher 能行
21:06 Davee I think I have made a mistake in the code somewhere →→我想我在源
21:08 hibbyware So do you have an idea where you made an error? →→你知道在
21:08 Davee loadexec
21:08 Davee loadcore*
21:10 Kron do you need more testers with TA088V3? →→你需要更多的TA088V3測試
21:10 Davee no →→不需要
21:10 Kron okay
21:10 Flashball This is a serious error? →→這是一個嚴重的錯誤嗎?
21:10 Davee well no →→不是
21:10 Davee not really →→確切的說,不是
21:20 Davee i'm testing on TA-82 →→我正在TA-82上做測試
21:31 qooho Davee:What do u doing now?? →→Davee︰你現下在做什麼?
21:31 Davee qooho: trying to update to 5.03 →→試著更新到5.03
21:32 Davee Something is wrong with my flashes →→我的內存出問題了
21:32 zenanswer the hen just 5.03? →→HEN只能在5.03上營運?
21:32 Davee yeah, only 5.03 →→是的,只有5.03
21:33 Davee the hen version is 5.03 →→HEN的版本是5.03
21:34 Jacky Hi, Davee, do you think HEN will run on 5.01, since HW can run on
it. →→davee,你認為HEN能在5.01上營運嗎?因為HW能營運
21:34 Davee no →→不
21:34 Davee HEN is designed and will only use 5.03 →→HEN是只專門為5.03設計的
21:39 qooho Davee:I have a question, would you meet Dark Alex before? →→
DAVEE我有一個問題,你和Dark Alex見過面嗎?
21:41 Davee No problems guys →→沒問題
21:42 Davee qooho: I've never met Dark_AleX →→我從沒見過 Dark_AleX
21:43 qooho Davee:ok,and he do not contact with u? 他(DA?)沒和你聯繫嗎?
21:43 Davee qooho: Nope 沒有
21:55 Davee woop, JellyCar works 哇,JellyCar 能營運
21:57 Davee IRShell doesn't work xD IRShell 不能營運
22:09 Davee Well, I can add 5.02 好吧,我能加上5.02的支持
22:17 Davee I just tested gpSP 我剛才測試了gpSP
22:17 Davee It boots 它啟動了
22:17 Davee but it contains a prx that doesn't boot 但是它包含的一個prx沒啟動
22:22 Davee Mansill4: I am borrowing my friends 3k 我借了我朋友的3K
22:26 Davee The thing I like most about this HEN compared to other HENs is
that it doesn't require any flashing 我最高興的一件事是這個HEN相比其他的一些
22:30 Davee zenanswer: To check if it is a homebrew error 要查明是自製程式的
22:30 Davee or a HEN error 還是HEN 的錯誤
22:34 Davee No BETA HEN沒有測試版
22:55 Davee Maybe I'm finishing HEN? 可能我完成HEN了?
21:05 Davee like 3% of homebrew works in HEN xD →→好像只有3%的自製程式能在
21:05 Davee Out of all my homebrew, only a hello world and recovery flasher
worked xD →→我做的所有的自製程式都不行,只有一個hello world 和 recovery
flasher 能行
21:06 Davee I think I have made a mistake in the code somewhere →→我想我在源
21:08 hibbyware So do you have an idea where you made an error? →→你知道在
21:08 Davee loadexec
21:08 Davee loadcore*
21:10 Kron do you need more testers with TA088V3? →→你需要更多的TA088V3測試
21:10 Davee no →→不需要
21:10 Kron okay
21:10 Flashball This is a serious error? →→這是一個嚴重的錯誤嗎?
21:10 Davee well no →→不是
21:10 Davee not really →→確切的說,不是
21:20 Davee i'm testing on TA-82 →→我正在TA-82上做測試
21:31 qooho Davee:What do u doing now?? →→Davee︰你現下在做什麼?
21:31 Davee qooho: trying to update to 5.03 →→試著更新到5.03
21:32 Davee Something is wrong with my flashes →→我的內存出問題了
21:32 zenanswer the hen just 5.03? →→HEN只能在5.03上營運?
21:32 Davee yeah, only 5.03 →→是的,只有5.03
21:33 Davee the hen version is 5.03 →→HEN的版本是5.03
21:34 Jacky Hi, Davee, do you think HEN will run on 5.01, since HW can run on
it. →→davee,你認為HEN能在5.01上營運嗎?因為HW能營運
21:34 Davee no →→不
21:34 Davee HEN is designed and will only use 5.03 →→HEN是只專門為5.03設計的
21:39 qooho Davee:I have a question, would you meet Dark Alex before? →→
DAVEE我有一個問題,你和Dark Alex見過面嗎?
21:41 Davee No problems guys →→沒問題
21:42 Davee qooho: I've never met Dark_AleX →→我從沒見過 Dark_AleX
21:43 qooho Davee:ok,and he do not contact with u? 他(DA?)沒和你聯繫嗎?
21:43 Davee qooho: Nope 沒有
21:55 Davee woop, JellyCar works 哇,JellyCar 能營運
21:57 Davee IRShell doesn't work xD IRShell 不能營運
22:09 Davee Well, I can add 5.02 好吧,我能加上5.02的支持
22:17 Davee I just tested gpSP 我剛才測試了gpSP
22:17 Davee It boots 它啟動了
22:17 Davee but it contains a prx that doesn't boot 但是它包含的一個prx沒啟動
22:22 Davee Mansill4: I am borrowing my friends 3k 我借了我朋友的3K
22:26 Davee The thing I like most about this HEN compared to other HENs is
that it doesn't require any flashing 我最高興的一件事是這個HEN相比其他的一些
22:30 Davee zenanswer: To check if it is a homebrew error 要查明是自製程式的
22:30 Davee or a HEN error 還是HEN 的錯誤
22:34 Davee No BETA HEN沒有測試版
22:55 Davee Maybe I'm finishing HEN? 可能我完成HEN了?
All Comments

By Lauren
at 2009-05-03T19:57
at 2009-05-03T19:57

By Edwina
at 2009-05-05T11:51
at 2009-05-05T11:51

By Ursula
at 2009-05-06T05:56
at 2009-05-06T05:56

By Lucy
at 2009-05-07T19:29
at 2009-05-07T19:29

By Dora
at 2009-05-09T02:01
at 2009-05-09T02:01

By Poppy
at 2009-05-09T05:56
at 2009-05-09T05:56

By Edwina
at 2009-05-14T02:47
at 2009-05-14T02:47

By Hedda
at 2009-05-14T07:16
at 2009-05-14T07:16

By Hedy
at 2009-05-16T20:25
at 2009-05-16T20:25

By Ina
at 2009-05-21T10:35
at 2009-05-21T10:35

By Susan
at 2009-05-24T13:37
at 2009-05-24T13:37

By Kristin
at 2009-05-27T20:43
at 2009-05-27T20:43

By Thomas
at 2009-05-30T03:20
at 2009-05-30T03:20

By Elvira
at 2009-06-03T09:20
at 2009-06-03T09:20

By Skylar Davis
at 2009-06-05T12:39
at 2009-06-05T12:39

By Noah
at 2009-06-06T23:48
at 2009-06-06T23:48

By Hedda
at 2009-06-11T11:21
at 2009-06-11T11:21

By Leila
at 2009-06-13T10:04
at 2009-06-13T10:04

By Ina
at 2009-06-18T05:14
at 2009-06-18T05:14

By Jacky
at 2009-06-21T23:06
at 2009-06-21T23:06

By Adele
at 2009-06-26T12:37
at 2009-06-26T12:37

By Hardy
at 2009-06-27T16:01
at 2009-06-27T16:01

By Ophelia
at 2009-06-30T02:29
at 2009-06-30T02:29
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