Henri Buehler Joins Natural8 Team - 撲克牌

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2017-08-12T11:39

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Henri Buehler Joins Natural8's Team Hot!


很難想像 Pokerstar 竟然簽不動 Buehler
反而被 Natural8 捷足先登了 ....

WILLEMSTAD, Curacao, Aug. 11, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --
Natural8.com announces the signing of German youngster Henri Buhler
as a member of their ambassador team.

Born in 1996, the 21 year old poker player began playing poker
at a ripe old age of 10 and only started taking the game of poker seriously
in January of 2016 when he started streaming with a $100 bankroll.
The highs and lows of poker is definitely not for the weak of heart,
and Henri has endured the stress that comes with the game by already
establishing himself as a mainstream Twitch streamer.

Today, Henri has accumulated more than $200,000 USD
in online poker earnings.
The road to his stardom wasn't easy by any means
as he had to decide whether or not
to put his Economic studies on the back burner
to pursue poker full-time.
But the path that he was destined for was clear
and he knew as well that his current profession was his calling to be.

Born in Basel, Switzerland, but raised in Germany,
Henri grew up loving numerous sports such as football
and badminton to name a few.
His favorite football teams are SC Freiburg and FC Koln (Cologne).
He also loves to follow eSports with his favorite game being StarCraft.
Henri even believes that he would have chosen eSports
as his profession if he hadn't pursued poker.

Recently Henri has picked up and added motorbiking
to his growing list of hobbies.
He also loves to travel during his free time
with Dawson City being one of the most unique locations he has visited.
Always looking to befriend new people
and experience different cultures,
he has permanently relocated to Edinburgh in the United Kingdom,
but something tells us that this will not be his last country of residence.

Follow Henri on his poker adventure on the following platforms:

Twitch.tv - https://www.twitch.tv/buehlero

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxhwkaJW9o46QMTzqysMt-A

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Buehlero

Twitter - https://twitter.com/henribuehler

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/buehlero/

SOURCE Natural8


All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2017-08-16T05:04
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2017-08-18T00:19
看介紹看不出來 Pokerstars 有什麼非簽他不可的理由?

NL5 6max UTG suited connector

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-08-12T04:40
請教一下各位大大. 我在NL5 6max 打了幾個月了 手數沒有累積很多, 偶爾一個晚上玩個一小時左右, 完全業餘(魚) 不過也靠一些基本教戰手則還維持的不錯, 獲利小 可是還是有娛樂性 如標題, 我在UTG這個位置真的不太會打牌.(range很小,小對還會fold 3bet) 我基本的打法要玩就是會op ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2017-08-11T16:18
你有QQ是什麼花色呢? 這會影響他是不是拿花draw raise 你喔 river 他all in ,你也沒說q是什麼花 你也贏重花跟順唷 你算算他的combo 不會是魚扣 個人小小見解 ----- Sent from JPTT on my HTC_U-3u. - ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2017-08-10T23:24
沒有錯,你就是肥魚 而且對方也是肥魚 簡單的來說,你們就是兩隻肥魚在打 。 我猜對方就是拿三條8 他如果拿葫蘆的話,好歹會賭一下跟了 。 我現在講的這些,我是假設他是一個正常的魚的心態 假如他不是我講的這個心態的話 那他比正常的魚還要更不如 魚中之魚 。 他在reraise你的時候 我們合理判斷他應該就是三條 ...

請教一手牌 關於迷你raise

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-08-10T18:09
這位版友葛格,快速回一下......這手牌的解答不知道的話 問AI就對惹 給定文中的資訊 假定all street no flush hit and FD, 因為文中也沒寫 假定對手是個風代年華GTO小郎君,打牌絕不出錯,不魯洨 輸入結果如下: http://imgur.com/a/xaEQa ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2017-08-10T17:14
事情是這樣的... 我 QQ 莊 25/50 對手 ?? preflop 我 ras 200 對 call flop 8c Tc 8s 對 check 我 bet200 對 call turn 2s 對check 我 bet 400 ...