Heig-Boy - 模擬器

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-01-22T12:25

Table of Contents

Heig-Boy is released. Heig-Boy is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color
emulator for Windows.


The developer said:

Heig-boy is a Game Boy emulator made during my studies with 4 other people.
It is written in C, but the code has been made to be easy to understand. If
you want to know a bit how an emulator could look like, then this is probably
a better idea to start looking at Heig-Boy, rather than VisualBoyAdvance for

Heig-boy features ColorIt functionality, which allows gamers to colorize
their own games, with a script-based system. This system has been refined for
the occasion. A new parser has been written and included in Heig-Boy, and VBA
CE has been updated with it. Finally, a GUI to colorize your games more
easily completes the collection.

On this page, you will be able to download Heig-boy and find resources about
ColorIt, including a documentation on how to implement it in your own
emulator, with some samples and the pre-written parser.


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By Ophelia
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