Haze's MAME WIP (2008/04/20) - 模擬器

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-04-21T01:08

Table of Contents

April 20th, 2008
Jumping Pop from NICS
There is already a game in MAME called ‘Jumping Pop’, that one is a Korean hack of Tumble Pop by ESD, so when a user going by the name of ‘Wavesolder’ on the mameworld.info forums posted that he had a *different* game called Jumping Pop, this one by NICs it sparked my interest.

From his initial screenshot it looked like they were using a Taito font in the game, and from the 2nd screenshot he then sent me it became quite clear that this game was based on Taito’s Plump Pop. Like most of these Korean hacks/bootlegs they’ve changed all the graphics, all the sounds, rewritten parts to work with different hardware, but still used the original game code as a basis of it all.

I spent a while hooking it up in MAME, and while there are still a few things that aren’t perfect (mainly colours, it uses Palette RAM instead of PROMs and I think I’ve got the decode wrong) I thought these side-by-side shots would be interesting.

Left: Taito’s Plump Pop - Right: NICS’ Jumping Pop

Pretty clear isn’t it?

Big thanks to Wavesolder / Robin Cooper for finding this one. I’ll try and resolve the remaining issues, but they’re proving to be rather annoying so far.




小時候沒玩過這幾個遊戲 = =
個人興趣不大 ^^" (裝年輕)


All Comments


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-04-21T01:00
20th April, 2008 LOTS of stuff arrived from Japan a couple of days ago and more will arrive soon. This box contains.... Virtua NBA NAOMI cart Power Smash ...

[轉錄]Re: 史上最爛52合一卡帶

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-04-21T00:45
※ [本文轉錄自 Little-Games 看板] 作者: Star123 (雙個帳號罰單沒得繳) 看板: Little-Games 標題: [轉錄]Re: 史上最爛52合一卡帶 時間: Fri Nov 23 18:45:30 2007 ※ [本文轉錄自 joke 看板] 作者: youwin0125 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2008-04-20T23:57
之前從PTT還是巴哈有抓到這個ROM? 最近發現這兩個影片,真是超爆笑的,一定要看! 尤其是第一段影片的最後,被忍者肛了,更是暴點! 影片都有中文字幕,請安心觀賞! 史上最爛52合1遊戲(一) http://share.youthwant.com.tw/flvplayer/shareplayer.swf?m ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2008-04-20T22:17
◎.求檔前請先參閱版規,並請儘量依照格式撰寫,謝謝您(本文可自行手動消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 心得回憶: 印象中是Namco出的 當時後除了玩K社的實況野球外 最喜歡 ...

Megadrive: Regen v0.77

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-04-20T21:48
regen作者想加入對非英語系文字的支援 有興趣的人可以把以下的英文加上繁中翻譯(如:File=檔案) 並以UTF-8格式(註1)保存後寄到作者的e-mail(註2) 不用全翻也沒關係 註1:把文字貼到windows notepad(記事本)另存新檔格式選UTF-8就行了 註2:作者e- ...