Hardcade v1.9.3 - 模擬器

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2012-11-04T22:59

Table of Contents


Hardcade v1.9.3 is released. Hardcade is a Frontend multi-arcade emulator for
PC with built-in Windows or just Windows PC, it supports the systems of
arcade games and game consoles. It allows you to hide windows and have a
single interface to play your arcade games and consoles favorites. It is
controlled entirely with the joystick or keyboard.

The advantages of Hardcade:
- Less than 4 MB, quick and easy installation. Works 100% fullspeed on PCs
with low processor.
- Develop and optimized specifically for each supported emulators!
- Supports emulators that launch from the command line but also those who do
not support command line. Supports emulators like bsnes, Snes9x, Project 64,
1964 ...
- Configure and add multiple emulators with the same name in same or
different versions: Mame32-62-92 Mame32, Mame32-145.
- Supports all resolutions with the option "Switch to full screen resolution"
in 15, 24 and 31khz.
- Launch of all emulators full screen (Fullscreen) even emulators that do not
launch command line.
- Supports games on vertical screens with two modes of rotation of the
frontend to the left or right.
- Supports all systems Arcade Mame, CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, Sega System 16, Sega
System 32 and Super Nintendo consoles, Nintendo NES, Nintendo 64, Sega Master
System, Sega Genesis, Sega 32X, Sega CD.
- Currently supports emulators Mame32, Mame, ADVMAME, WinKawaks, Final Burn
Alpha, Raine, Nebula, Nestopia, Virtuanes, 1964 N64, N64 Project 64, Kega
Fusion, Gens Sega, Zsnes, bsnes, Snes9x (other emulators will soon supported)
- Configuration of emulators and roms lists very easy.

Hardcade v1.9.3 Changelog:
- Support de l'émulateur Sega Model 2 (Model 2 Emulateur) !
- Support de l'émulateur Sega Model 3 (Supermodel) !
- Quitter et revenir en arrière avec une combinaison de deux touches en mode
clavier Ex: "Start + Bouton 1".
- Bug Fix suppression des fichiers temporaires 000.zip et zzz.zip lors de la
création des listes de roms
- Bug Fix dans dans la ligne de commande de lancement d'une rom avec l'é
mulateur Kega Fusion.


All Comments


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-11-04T21:41
如題 版本是1.0.0的 想用讀取og外傳時總是會出現這個畫面 http://i.imgur.com/96tfT.jpg?1 就算把記憶卡format後按光碟還是沒反應? 請問是我哪邊沒設定好嗎?我是用預設設定的 -- 感動不等於心動 當一個女生說她被你感動時 你被發卡的機率還是不變 - ...

EMU 12. Commodore Amiga

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-11-04T21:00
Previously on Phoenix - Amiga 模擬器是目前我研究最久的一個 P.S. 第10篇和第11篇的 AutoHotKey 都有更新, emuControlCenter 的路徑不能有逗號, 不然 Loader 會無法使用 ================================= ...

PSX4droid 無法存檔

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-11-04T20:51
如題,最近開始用 PSX4DROID 來玩PS的遊戲 一開始因為都是在玩競速或是射擊類的遊戲,所以沒啥感覺 但最近想說來玩 牧場物語好了 , 可是程式內建的SAVE 功能卻無法使用 不管怎麼操作一直呈現 empty 的狀態,請問這種情況該如何是好? - ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2012-11-04T07:41
拆成兩篇後,每篇意外地短哪? 因為不想貼太多圖,所以仲魔合成結果我直接敘述,不貼圖了。 ═══════════════════════════════════════ ˙FREE BATTLE(新宿)- 1.目前可以學到[怒りの一撃]。 命中率50%但必定critical,隨等級上升 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2012-11-03T23:57
【雜言】 因為不久之後大概就再也沒空做中文化了, 所以趁現在印象還深,記錄一下相關的經驗好了。 又因為我是皇騎迷,所以只染指皇騎在SFC跟GBA上的主力作,其他就沒興趣了。 所以如果是其他平台的情形,我就不是那麼清楚了。 【正文】 在談到技術前,先來介紹一下我愛用的工具, 不過...不要妄想光靠工具能直接做 ...