Hanibi 花火 BGA上架 - 桌遊

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2014-12-05T00:00

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BGA News http://en.boardgamearena.com/#!headlines

We are extremely proud to welcome Hanabi, a game by Antoine Bauza, published
by Cocktail Games.

Hanabi is a cooperative card game for 2 to 5 players. This game wins the most
prestigious award for board games in 2013: the "Spiel Des Jahres". The
central mechanism of the card is absolutely original and astonishing: while
playing Hanabi you hold your cards... back to front! Consequently all your
partners are seeing your cards... and you don't!

The goal of the game is to create a great firework show by playing the
fireworks in the right order: from 1 to 5 in each colors. At your turn, you
must do one of the following 3 actions:
play a card from your hand... which looks extremely difficult at the
beginning of the game considering you don't see your cards. That's why the
second possible action is...
... give a hint to another player about his/her cards. You can say for
example: "this card is a 2", or "these 2 cards are red". Unfortunately, it
costs you 1 of your precious 8 blue token to do this. To get back some blue
tokens, you will be forced to sometimes do the third action:
... discard a card from your hand. Thus, you can get back a blue token. But
be careful: there is a limited number of cards from each type, so you can
block the team if you discard the wrong cards...

So, will you manage to create the complete fireworks without doing the fatal
3rd mistake?

Hanabi is an extraordinary game. This is a truly cooperative game, because no
player has a complete view of the situation. Consequently everyone has to
help each other to win the game. Please note that as Hanabi is a cooperative
game, some adaptations has been made to BGA specifically for it (more

This adaptation of Hanabi for Board Game Arena has been developed by Cyril
Harper (arlequ1) using BGA Studio with the precious help of Pierre Gamberoni
(beri). A big thank you to them!

BGA would like to send a big thank you to Matthieu, Pascaline and Miguel from
Cocktail Games, and also to Antoine Bauza for their help, their feedback and
their implication. It was far from obvious to build this adaptation, so it
was very precious. Any way you look at it, Hanabi is definitely not a "little


Tags: 桌遊

All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2014-12-05T04:21
玩了好幾場了XD 好可惜不是我喜歡的美術版本...
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2014-12-06T22:24
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-12-09T06:17
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2014-12-13T00:40


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2014-12-04T21:44
時間12/6(六)下午一點半 地點:中壢可樂農莊(中壢市東明街78號) 內建4人 欲徵:1~2名代班熱血英雄,無經驗可 意者請站內信,告知暱稱、電話、LINE方便連絡~ 遊戲:深入絕地2 暗黑世界之旅-巨魔沼澤擴充 七大奇蹟+通天塔擴充 BGG連結:http://boardgamegee ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2014-12-04T18:27
不好意思打擾了 想請教一下關於自製的卡牌遊戲發行的過程 大概會包含哪些環節? 爬了一下文,似乎都是卡片遊戲自製後自己與同伴之間玩居多 想請教上哪能找到關於發行(實體販售)的資訊 例如: 1. 印刷商跟包裝是要去哪找這樣的公司服務? (已經有完成的卡片圖檔,但產品外殼不曉得去哪找製作商) 2 ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2014-12-04T17:58
各位親愛的桌遊好手們!! 洛克桌遊團將在12/21(日)準備阿瓦隆積分賽 在這之前,也就是本週12/06(六) 將有一場賽前暖身賽~ 愛好阿瓦隆 愛好桌遊的好手們~ 歡迎前來觀摩參與 (((((詳情及規則將在日後公佈)))))) 地點:國父紀念館二號出口 費用:免費!!!!! 報名方式:站內信 欲報名 ...

週五大安桌遊團 - 拼接與鍊金

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-12-04T15:41
日期:12/5(五) 時間:下午7:00 集會地點:艾客米忠復店 台北市大安區忠孝東路三段305號9F-1 (捷運忠孝復興站1號出口上面就是) 場地費 :80元 攜伴與否:不拘 報名方式:直接到場參加即可,但太晚到可能會滿員! 本週主打遊戲為: 鍊金大 ...

拉格蘭哈莊園介紹 經典機制的完美融合

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2014-12-04T12:25
感謝小柴的規則 看了以後有幾個小問題想問一下: 1.卡牌左邊是田地,不過為什麼橄欖沒有格子呢? 這樣生產的時候橄欖要怎麼生產? 2.「倉庫建築師」上面畫一個屋頂=3分,下面一張牌打叉是甚麼意思呢? 3.助手功能右下角有個紅色圈圈寫「1X」代表只能用一次嗎? 用掉之後需要移除該助手嗎? ...