Gux retires from fnatic and CS - Steam

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-06-24T10:16

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Yesterday a video interview recorded after the DreamHack Summer final was
posted by fnatic, talking with Rasmus "Gux" Ståhl about winning the Swedish
Championship and the DreamHack tournament (find it by clicking here).

昨天fnatic放出DH Summer final後與Gux的訪談,並以Gux將要宣告作為結尾

The interview ends on a bombshell, with Ståhl about to make an announcement.
Various threads followed, stating what was coming and if he was going to quit.
Today, fnatic has announced that Ståhl is retiring, not just from fnatic but
also from Counter-Strike 1.6. The announcement was made in the second part of
the interview, which can be viewed below.

今天,fnatic證實Gux將要退役,不只離開fnatic,也離開CS 1.6

Ståhl states that his decision to retire was made back in March, following
Patrik "cArn" Sättermon's retirement. Ståhl will go back to school, where
he will study engineering.


The interview also sheds light on what most probably didn't know, that Ståhl
is a pretty solid League of Legends player. He furthermore states, that
should he ever return to competitive gaming, that it will be within the
fnatic organization.


Ståhl has been in and out of fnatic a few times over the years, but will
surely be remembered for his 2009 year with the team when they became the
best team in the world following a victory at IEM 3 Global Finals.

With Ståhl retired, the following players remain in fnatic:

Andreas "MODDII" Fridh
Richard "Xizt" Landström
Finn "karrigan" Andersen
Michael "Friis" Jørgensen

The announcement from fnatic stated that news about the replacement for Stå
hl will come next week. They are expected to attend GameGune 2012 which is
the next big tournament in just over a month so their lineup will surely be
set before then.


讓我們回顧一下他的精采表現 2011 DH Winter 超快的反應 scout:P 個人movie
Heaton眼中2009年最好的CS選手 WCG 2009 Gux vs Firegamers

孔明受六尺之孤 攝一國之政 事凡庸之君
專權而不失禮 行君事而國人不疑

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-06-24T23:36
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-06-26T21:08
不要啊!!!! trace來吧
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-06-28T06:44
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-06-29T08:10
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2012-06-30T14:32
Gux復出應該不是打LOL吧XD 說不定CS:GO火起來後會回來


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-06-24T03:08
最近我打CS1.6 常常被人說我很頓~ 可是我PING很低20~30出頭 而且我也沒感覺頓 都很正常 我頂多邊掛網頁+bbs打cs而已 我是種花光纖12m 請問這是什麼問題atat? -- 圖解書呆子擊掌 The Christian Nerd High Five --- Jeremy Lin an ...

NS2 This Summer!!

William avatar
By William
at 2012-06-22T02:10;feature=player_embedded#! 這影片有約一個禮拜了 但是看板上沒有人貼就貼來分享分享 期待NS2很久了,這部影片片尾點出是今年夏天,代表即將正式版了!? 這遊戲技術和合作要求挺高 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-06-21T19:17 WCG確定拋棄CS1.6而採用CSO 並且僅當作推廣項目 CSO在台灣算是數一數二 熱門的FPS線上遊戲 就期待那些CSO裡的MIX神人 看可不可以組一隊夢幻隊來為國爭光囉 揪米 ^.andlt;*~ Good luck -- 希望我 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-06-19T10:47
請問大家有沒有碰過這樣的問題 玩TF2玩到一半會畫面定格後 跳回桌面 然後只剩下聲音 在跳回去遊戲都沒辦法 強制關掉後就會跳出WINDOWS的錯誤事件 原因是hl2.exe BEX事件錯誤 其他任何遊戲(Portal LOL D3)都沒有這樣的問題 只有TF2會出現 不知道有沒有解決方法謝謝 - ...

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