GroovyMame v0143.013b - 模擬器

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-08-01T23:07

Table of Contents

GroovyMame v0143.013b is released. GroovyMame is below and how in both
Windows and Linux with an ATI card you can use it to do what Advance mame
did, plus cabmame and possibly other features too...

GroovyMame v0143 Changelog:

GroovyMame for Arcade Monitors, with custom modeline generation and

Check the Changelog to see up to date changes

- Groovy Mame features:

* Generate custom modelines and use them as game calls for them
* In Windows with ATI cards we can alter the refresh rate of existing
modelines for game requirements
* Resolution change capability with modeline switching in Windows and Linux,
PSX games and others
* Multithreaded mode and waitvsync work together in Windows without throttle
* MKChamp hi score patch compatible/ Works with Linux too (hiscore.dat goes
in the hi directory)
* Froger/Galaxian resolution fixes for Windows and Linux (so they look normal
for arcade resolutions)
* Sound sync for Windows (not in Linux) triplebuffer, capable of being turned
off (default)
* Clean stretch both Windows and Linux
* Redraw frames so 30Hz games run at 60Hz like Tron in Windows and Linux
* Most settings and features are automatically set as needed depending on the
resolution used, like if throttling is necessary, or can use vsync instead,
or fall back to triplebuffer.

Always start with a fresh mame.ini file generated from groovymame, the
defaults are
the best for modeline generation and different from normal mame or cabmame or
any other

ATI cards, mostly 9200/9250 and HD2xxx and above cards should be used. In
anything besides the X8xx series should work and in Windows your limited only
ATI cards that work with Soft15khz (Since we use the same registry custom

In Linux possibly other cards work, it just depends on if xrandr can setup
modelines and the card can handle vsync interrupts properly. Any testing
results of
stray cards are welcome, reports are helpful in getting more cards working in
the future.

Calamity has custom ATI drivers, 32 and 64 bit, which contain preset custom
modelines to
work best with groovymame. That way you don't need Soft15khz unless you want
to add more
custom modelines, his drivers have the ability to store close to 120
modelines and that
is the limit (normally only 60 on regular catalyst drivers).

Windows ATI Drivers

-modeline generate modelines for arcade monitors (only ATI Radeon support in
-monitor monitor type (cga|generic|h9110|vga|d9200|d9800|m2929|ntsc|pal)
-monitor_connector Linux video card output (VGA-0|VGA-1|DVI-0|DVI-1)
-monitor_orientation monitor orientation (horizontal|vertical|rotate)
-monitor_aspect monitor aspect (4:3|3:3|3:4|16:9)
-monitor_debug monitor debugging
-monitor_doublescan Use doublescan if necessary, not available in Windows
-monitor_dotclock Lowest dotclock videocard accepts, 0 is the default
-monitor_ymin Minimum height to calculate, default is no minimum
-soundsync soundsync to adjust audio freq when using triplebuffer
-cleanstretch cleanstretch integer only scaling
-changeres change resolutions (work in progress)
-redraw multiply amount to draw game screen, make 30HZ games run at 60HZ when
set to 2
-monitor_specs0 Add custom monitor specs, format:
-monitor_specs1 Add custom monitor specs
-monitor_specs2 Add custom monitor specs
-monitor_specs3 Add custom monitor specs
-monitor_specs4 Add custom monitor specs
-monitor_specs5 Add custom monitor specs
-monitor_specs6 Add custom monitor specs
-monitor_specs7 Add custom monitor specs

Patches: (apply in this order)

1) 0143_hi.diff
- MKChamp hiscore patch

2) 0143_hilinux.diff
- Linux hiscore patch fixes

3) 0143_groovymame.diff
- Groovy Mame additional features/modeline switching and other features from


All Comments


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