GoodTools 2013.12.29 - 模擬器

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-12-30T22:54

Table of Contents

YAY, New GoodGBA and GoodNES


I got rid of that f*cking DropBox POS. I'm using for now. Seems to
work the same for end users and I don't have to install an app like with
DropBox just to get files synced from one PC to the cloud.

If you want to help me with some more storage space, use this to login to : referral

If I get enough space, I'm seriously considering backing up all my scans that
I have not had time to pretty up. People can then help me with them, and I
can look at them while on the road looking for undumped carts. The scans are
much too large for even a 64GB SD card on my tablet :(

Now to the news most people care about!

New GoodGBA and GoodNES. These are the two that most people ask about
(GoodSNES being almost a tie)
GBA and NES also have the largest number of hacks coming out of China right
now, and I want to test the new UTF-8 ability. Let me know if you encounter
anything 'strange' while renaming or scanning.

Oh, and RAR support is gone for now.

Here is the link for the complete set of GoodTools. For now I'm going to
just keep one file with everything in it. It is only 15meg and everyone will
have latest files. If no bugs are found in these two tools, I'll release
loads more right after New Years Day.

Have fun


All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2014-01-03T19:43


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-12-30T01:57
小弟最近想重溫太九的感動, 本身又有收集癖, 想要收全所有物品跟招式, 我想只要有好攻略跟毅力應該辦的到, 但就是石中劍二的條件太過嚴苛, 所以想開金手指把遊戲時間鎖住。 但不管試哪一款模擬器都開不出來。 Emu Cheat開不出、CEP也失敗(是因為只支援到ePSXe1.6我卻用1.8的關係嗎 ...

PCSX2 partners with AVG

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2013-12-29T21:11
.................... -- As you all know, PCSX2 is a free open source project that has been in development since early 2001. For all thes ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-12-29T10:40
蠢企鵝與穴熊們的愛恨情仇(?)史後半。 話說我發現上一篇根本沒寫到兩個集團的衝突啊啊啊啊啊~~XDDD ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【劇情概要】 ˙主角陪著企鵝們在海上航行, 當船行駛到メキブ洞窟附近時,バーンズ緊急召喚主角來說明狀況。 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-12-29T08:55
剛剛下載了NAME模擬器, 差上搖稈直接可操作, 但發現個問題, 速度似乎很慢, 動作都像慢動作, 不知道要怎麼調設定, 請大家教一下, 謝謝 -- - ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2013-12-29T01:15
標題寫15年,不過本人覺得可能還要更早 遊戲蠻特別,這街機遊戲下有三款遊戲 怎麼說呢? 首先,投幣後出現這畫面 ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ...