GoodNES v3.23a / GoodSNES v3.23 - 模擬器

By Ethan
at 2014-04-26T22:42
at 2014-04-26T22:42
Table of Contents
- SOOOOOO many Mario hacks. I finally gave up and just left some as
ZZZ_UNK_! Several people (who know who they are) have started renaming them
and maybe next release there will be no ZZZ_UNK left. I’ll love it when that
- Fixed ‘fixnes’ command for some combos of CPU/OS
- You might have noticed I’m changing from [T+Chi(Simp)] to [T+ChS] (and
Trad->T). This saves room in the name. People who update help files or wikis
might want to note it.
- For those keeping track, here are the current language abbrevations I’m
Alb Ara Bra Chi ChS ChT Cro Dan Dut Eng Esp Fin Fre Ger Gre
Heb Ita Jap Kor Lat Lit Nor Pol Rum Rus Ser Spa Swe Tai Tur
I am also slowly removing anything but (GAMENAME Hack) from the database. So
things like ‘Super Mario (Nude Hack)’ will become ‘Super Nude Mario (SMB1
Hack). This has been suggested many times to make things like GoodMerge run
better and I agree!
- SOOOOOO many Mario hacks. I finally gave up and just left some as
ZZZ_UNK_! Several people (who know who they are) have started renaming them
and maybe next release there will be no ZZZ_UNK left. I’ll love it when that
- Fixed ‘fixnes’ command for some combos of CPU/OS
- You might have noticed I’m changing from [T+Chi(Simp)] to [T+ChS] (and
Trad->T). This saves room in the name. People who update help files or wikis
might want to note it.
- For those keeping track, here are the current language abbrevations I’m
Alb Ara Bra Chi ChS ChT Cro Dan Dut Eng Esp Fin Fre Ger Gre
Heb Ita Jap Kor Lat Lit Nor Pol Rum Rus Ser Spa Swe Tai Tur
I am also slowly removing anything but (GAMENAME Hack) from the database. So
things like ‘Super Mario (Nude Hack)’ will become ‘Super Nude Mario (SMB1
Hack). This has been suggested many times to make things like GoodMerge run
better and I agree!
All Comments

By Edwina
at 2014-04-29T11:54
at 2014-04-29T11:54
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